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Shurmer Should Be Fired For His Play Calling Alone Yesterday


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The playcalling wasn't as bad as it has been in past regimes. Even the playcalling from last season was completely different than what we saw yesterday.



They were running high percentage plays, but the execution wasn't there. If Weeden had connected on a couple of those passes, things would have been different. The defense would have had to play back, which would have opened up the running game. The lack of offensive production falls squarely on the shoulders of Weeden this game. His inability to complete those wide open passes started a snowball effect.

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We played a pretty well done reverse too.

But beside that I find the playcalling on the running game was really questionable. The passing game playcalling was heavily affected by the rookie under center.

I think Shurmur proved himself an irresponsable idiot by:


1. naming starter a rookie who clearly wasn't ready (are you telling me he hadn't noticed how poorly the guy played in pre-season? And do you think Weeden was brilliant during practice?)


2. not taking the clearly confused Weeden out of the game when he could pull out a W that could have entirely changed the season for the Browns

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Shurmur equals mangini squared by 2..

Im glad he aint gonna be stickin around, when you start a raw and obviously unprepared rookie like weeden and you dont pull him in favor of colt when his confidence is shaken in the 4th quarter you lose games..

Weeden is slower than bernie kosar and lacks bernies poise..


Trent richardson looks like as big a beast/bust as hardesty and that aint sayin much..

Wonder if haslam has his eye on hecktard?

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It is my opinion that when you head coach a hungry franchise like the Browns you have the obligation to win any game you can. No matter how. No matter if you have to bench your starter in whatever role. There's no future plan: it's only HERE and NOW.

It's such a damned no brainer that thinking back to the way that idiot threw a W in the toilet makes me sick, still today.

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