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Alex Smith Shaken Up


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1347826891[/url]' post='303552']

Actually Shurmur coached well today. Our defense failed us. Haden, Taylor, Winn, Brown, and Michael-Johnson were all out and Hagg missed some time out their too. We have no defensive depth and that showed today.

So whete is our depth? We all know there are injuries in football. Shurmur is the worst coach in the NFl hands down. The 2 minute offense is a joke. His timeouts are terrible. He's way to conservative and basically overall clueless to how to coach a football team. Hopefully soon he will be a coordinator for another NFL team and the FO and ownership will make sure of that.



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I, for one, think Pat Shurmur is an inbred ass-hat. I wouldn't say he did well today, but he didn't hand the game over either. I still hate being conservative with a team that is expected to lose. I don't buy that philosophy, if one can call it that. Those boys need to feel a win, and Shurmur does not scratch nor claw to get one, much like he should be.

Winning gets easier once you know what it feels like, and our players don't know the taste too well.


Back to what this is really about; Alex Smith has a gaping woman region, and it seems to be bothering him a lot. I never see him make contact with the ground without him limping or taking his good old time getting back up. I fall all the time, I may be drunk when it happens, but I say were even, he's in good shape, and I always pop back up. I'm older than him too! What a vag. That, and when he does hit the ground, he never holds onto the damn ball. Off with his head!

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I, for one, think Pat Shurmur is an inbred ass-hat. I wouldn't say he did well today, but he didn't hand the game over either. I still hate being conservative with a team that is expected to lose. I don't buy that philosophy, if one can call it that. Those boys need to feel a win, and Shurmur does not scratch nor claw to get one, much like he should be.

Winning gets easier once you know what it feels like, and our players don't know the taste too well.


Back to what this is really about; Alex Smith has a gaping woman region, and it seems to be bothering him a lot. I never see him make contact with the ground without him limping or taking his good old time getting back up. I fall all the time, I may be drunk when it happens, but I say were even, he's in good shape, and I always pop back up. I'm older than him too! What a vag. That, and when he does hit the ground, he never holds onto the damn ball. Off with his head!


wtf you talking about.

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I, for one, think Pat Shurmur is an inbred ass-hat. I wouldn't say he did well today, but he didn't hand the game over either. I still hate being conservative with a team that is expected to lose. I don't buy that philosophy, if one can call it that. Those boys need to feel a win, and Shurmur does not scratch nor claw to get one, much like he should be.

Winning gets easier once you know what it feels like, and our players don't know the taste too well.


Back to what this is really about; Alex Smith has a gaping woman region, and it seems to be bothering him a lot. I never see him make contact with the ground without him limping or taking his good old time getting back up. I fall all the time, I may be drunk when it happens, but I say were even, he's in good shape, and I always pop back up. I'm older than him too! What a vag. That, and when he does hit the ground, he never holds onto the damn ball. Off with his head!


Are you Zombo in disguise? Zombo is from Naples. Maybe you know him.

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Actually Gipper, I think I know you. You went on that game-bus to Miami, right? I was the dude badgering the bus driver to stop at the gas station on the way back so I could keep throwing beer down the hatch.


Hey Jeff! I'm John and I was on that bus, along with Roach and Atenears. You should come watch the game with us at Joey D's sometime ...



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What's up John, I got the ticket from you that day. Good times. I would definitely meet up with you all there, if I could get a Sunday off work. I have had two since that game, and that was how long ago? I might be able to pull one off though in October, if so, I'll be there. I don't remember if you guys played golf, but before November comes around, if you all want a nice course to try out, let me know.

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