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Quit Playing Like Scared Bitches. Play Like We Did In The 2Nd Half. Always.


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Our offense in the second half is what GB and N.E look like from start to finish. We looked fluid, unafraid, passes down field, connecting, scoring, uninhibited. I'm talking about mid-way though the 3rd quarter when the Bengals weren't in the prevent mode.

The Browns have to pass to set up the run. Weeden proved he can make the throws, but it always seems when we start the game our offense morphs into a scared little bitch and cowers to make little gains. WE PLAY SCARED AND SCARED TO SCREW UP.

Where's the slashing-through-the-defense offense like we saw in the 3rd quarter to start games?

We gotta start ramping up the offense and start chucking the ball without hesitation (in other words, more aggressive) because the way we start games it seems we play like scared little bitches. We should start games thinking we're down 14 to open the offense up a little.

Am I the only one noticing this?

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I agree. With 15 rookies and 11 second year players on the roster, I expected this team to start slow.

I think as the year goes by these kids will all gain confidence and this team will be a handful for whomever they play.

I mean, the Browns lost to the Eagles by one point....and so did the Ravens.


The team does have to get/stay healthy however.

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