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Peter King Says Shurmur Could Be Next Gary Kubiak


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Jimmy Haslam’s purchase of the Browns will be approved Tuesday in Chicago. Then Haslam will get on with the business of deciding who will run his franchise in 2013 and beyond. I hope he looks long and hard at Pat Vagina, who I think is a good man and coach. Not saying Haslam should keep him — just saying he should think very seriously about it, because Vagina’s the kind of smart young coach, like Gary Kubiak was in Houston’s rocky times, who is growing into a tough job.




Say what you want but


1. We have to stop firing coaches every 2 yrs

2. The team has improved every week

3. I really think if Browns win 7+ games he keeps his job

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Jimmy Haslam’s purchase of the Browns will be approved Tuesday in Chicago. Then Haslam will get on with the business of deciding who will run his franchise in 2013 and beyond. I hope he looks long and hard at Pat Vagina, who I think is a good man and coach. Not saying Haslam should keep him — just saying he should think very seriously about it, because Vagina’s the kind of smart young coach, like Gary Kubiak was in Houston’s rocky times, who is growing into a tough job.




Say what you want but


1. We have to stop firing coaches every 2 yrs

2. The team has improved every week

3. I really think if Browns win 7+ games he keeps his job


If Vagina is smart- there's been plenty of occasions he hasn't shown it. IMHO, he's got too much on his plate- it was STUPID to bring in Childress as OC, and still have Pat calling the plays on the sidelines.


Yeah- he's on a one year trial basis. If you heard Haslam's preser, he had a talk with Patsy last Saturday, and doubtless he told him exactly what he expects out of him in order to have another year of coaching. Shurm's been told if there is anything he needs to be more successful this year- just ask.


OK, having some fun Z? Got auto change on? change S_H_R_M_U_r to Vagina?

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I don't know if Vagina survives, but I know we have to stop firing coaches after a couple of yrs and fans need to stop calling for them to be fired are 4 games or so into their first yr. If this team shows steady progress, I think he should get another yr.

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We need to stop hiring coaches who deserved to be fired after a couple of years.


On the radio the guy said he talked to a bunch of players at a bar, he said he was surprised to hear all the players love their coach.


That's exactly the problem, at 1-5 and 5-17 during his tenure, they should fucking hate the coach right about now- until they start to win.

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and now that labia lips (hows that z?) is gone maybe the big weight of the big walrus (autochange to monkee) on his back will be off. i truly believe that Pussy had his hands in game planning all along. now that the holms (autochange to anal beads) is gone maybe childress can become a true OC.

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All this talk about Vagina has me hungry.....


Seriously though, good thread. HEre are my thoughts.......



<<1. We have to stop firing coaches every 2 yrs>>


Absolute self-depricating thinking. I suppose a woman who finds out her second husband is a wife beater should stay with him, for continuity? Bet on the wrong horse until he starts winning? Bet on the wrong fighter until he starts winning?


You have a warped and immature understand of continuity. Continuity DOES NOT BUILD SUCCESS. Continuity is a value one seeks out ONLY WHEN SOMETHING PROVES TO WORK. Only a moron stick with a loser, believing that somehow, one day, just by keeping the guy in the saddle, he will be successful.




I have never been a fan of Shurmer, but this team for the first time in years and i mean years have shown that they can win, now they just need to do every week. Facts are if Shurmer takes this team from 0-5 and goes 7-4 or 8-3 he will remain the coach. Think about it the NFL takes time to put what you want in with all rookies. It crazy how young we are and they need how to win. our next 4 games are very winnable. Colts, Chargers, ravens, Cowboys....If the Browns go 3-1 that puts us at 4-6 and NOBODY is talking about firing the coach


If we go 1-3 and are 2-8 he will be fired..pretty simple, but the fact remains we cannot keep firing coaches every 2 yrs


Hey Goolie I hae a signed Cribbs Jersey for you, I know how much you love Cribbs


For people in business, like me, people like you are frightening.


When you try something and it works? THEN YOU JUMP ALL OVER IT and EMPLOY CONTINUITY.



<<2. The team has improved every week>>


Weeden has improved every week. Little has not. The defense has made some plays but still gives up too much. The only way to build a successful team is to focus on winning. NOw, you can through all the horseshit inthere about linear improvement, building thorugh the draft, and yadda yadda yadda, but it doesn't amount to a pile of dog shit as far as WINNING goes.


All these ingredients you believe in? Slow, purposeful development? This is indeed ONE of MANY formulas to become successful. BUT, it has flaws because men are NOT machines. What you build in 2012, when you add to it in 2013 thinking you will be even better, you may find is no longer there, and vanished at the end of the last season.


Players get hurt, have personal problems, become unhappy or lose motivation. This horseshit about improving every week and then slowl, like the Pyramids........... we will build something great.


Men are not blocks at the base of a pyramid.


Winning can only be done in the PRESENT. Prepare all you want, but you cannot win a game tomorrow, you can only win a game on gameday.


I believe the Browns will win because they finally have their first authentic QB and RB since 1999. THEIR VERY FIRST. But that isn't enough. They can't just marginally improve because as I say, there are constant negative forces at work on any team.



3. I really think if Browns win 7+ games he keeps his job

'If you ran a business, you would be bankrupt, like the electric car battery company Obama gave 300 million to and who filed Chapter 13 today.


Before wins can happen, a team, their coaches and everyone involved all have to practice and accept the same culture. THAT is the measure of progress. When people believe in certain values and then stay strictly abided in them, progress happens.


7 wins that just come via haphazard breaks and opportunistic play will offer absolutely no carry over to the next year.


Shurmur's problem is that he has no discernable style; there are no characteristics that describe and define his team. Right now the guys are just out there running plays with no connective tissue between the players.


I would rather have a 3 - 13 team that is known for stretchign the field, blitzing the living shit out of quarterbacks, and smash mouthing, even at the risk of a few unsportsman like calls, as opposed to watch a wandering, mindeless. 7 - 9 team

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1-We have the youngest Team in the league.

2-Shurmur is a young HC & makes mistakes.

3-Players are playing hard for Shurmur.

4-We now have an owner with passion.

5-I can live very well with the above!


Just my take.


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To celebrate the change in ownership, we changed Holmgren to "pussy" Shurmur to "vagina" and Heckert to "penis" for an hour or so.


The goal was for someone to come on and say "I've always hated pussy, I can't stand vagina, but I really like penis."


It was Stan's idea ... poor guy has the maturity of a thirteen year old.



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Great post!


There can be an analogy made that would go like this. "The inmates love the warden because the inmates are running the asylum". It has been said that the Browns lack any sort of leadership or authority. It's pretty obvious that the thugs, thieves, and miscreants who make up the NFL would love a guy who runs a loose ship (especially if they have no taste of winning).


We had that here with Romeo Crennell essentially.

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To celebrate the change in ownership, we changed Holmgren to "pussy" Shurmur to "vagina" and Heckert to "penis" for an hour or so.


The goal was for someone to come on and say "I've always hated pussy, I can't stand vagina, but I really like penis."


It was Stan's idea ... poor guy has the maturity of a thirteen year old.



ROFLMAO.... absolutely priceless...


On "Vagina"...

- There are any number of reasons a coach is popular with his players.. and not all of them are good...

- To say that Kubiak is dumb compared to V is simply ignorant... plus Kubiak shows fire... whereas V is a stiff...

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When it comes to Shurmer, I will have a wait and see till end of year. He has made mistakes. The one thing I dont like is that Weeden has thrown the ball ALOT. the players do play hard, but isnt that what they get paid todo. Rookie which we have a shit ton of will always play hard. His coaching has got better every week. Now we just needs wins to keep his job. thats the bottom line

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Shurmy was put into a bad predicament his rookie year with no training camp or long assessment of his new team and this year he was not put in a much better position with the flood of starting rookies and second year guys..

So overall pat shurmr has done an amiable job under extremely tough circumstances that would challenge even the greatest veteran coaches, his team plays hard for him and we compete, i like the general attitude and direction of the team..


As for pats playcalling i am not yet sure that he is anywhere close to done on his playbook yet and i get the feeling many of us may be calling the play on pat shurmr way to early as i am starting to see a picture of what he is doing and where it is going and i do not dislike what i see..


Nevertheless pat needs to find a way to win a few in order to get a chance to stay around next year..

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