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Anyone For A Bet?

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Obama's 18-27 support in a nutshell.


If I went to school in state it'd be one thing. Or if my day and night wasn't consumed by engineering. Whichever.


Plus I think my district is pretty conservative, we had a McCain Palin rally. Someone went around asking the supporters questions about Obama and Palin and stuff and recorded the responses. Its on youtube somewhere, its so funny.

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If I went to school in state it'd be one thing. Or if my day and night wasn't consumed by engineering. Whichever.


Plus I think my district is pretty conservative, we had a McCain Palin rally. Someone went around asking the supporters questions about Obama and Palin and stuff and recorded the responses. Its on youtube somewhere, its so funny.


Where are you registered? Or where would you register? I guess that's the question.

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If I didn't think it was a coin toss I'd make a real bet.

We both fly to a micro brew in Colorado and the loser pays for the beer.



I think it's just about a toss up too. Romney has the momentum, but Obama has the (small) leads in crucial swing states. Maybe last night was enough to halt Romney's gains, but who knows? Probably not. We'll see. It's going to be close. Before last night I thought Romney was going to win.


And I love you, man, but I'm not ponying up for a plane ticket to meet anyone unless I'm potentially sleeping with them. And despite your luscious locks, you're not exactly my type.

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I think it's just about a toss up too. Romney has the momentum, but Obama has the (small) leads in crucial swing states. Maybe last night was enough to halt Romney's gains, but who knows? Probably not. We'll see. It's going to be close. Before last night I thought Romney was going to win.


And I love you, man, but I'm not ponying up for a plane ticket to meet anyone unless I'm potentially sleeping with them. And despite your luscious locks, you're not exactly my type.

And the Colored Girls sing:

do do do do do do do do do...

I said hey Heck.....


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In the event that happens they recount with Democratic and Republican monitors/lawyers present. And while it may not be as gratifying as your conspiracy theories, that's what would happen.


Also, last time I checked Ohio's Governor was a Republican. And his Secretary of State, also a Republican, would run the recall.

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In the event that happens they recount with Democratic and Republican monitors/lawyers present. And while it may not be as gratifying as your conspiracy theories, that's what would happen.


Also, last time I checked Ohio's Governor was a Republican. And his Secretary of State, also a Republican, would run the recall.

Florida had a Republican governor didn't they?

But 2-1 Democrats on the Board of Election team.


And you guys are still bitching.


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Florida had a Republican governor didn't they?

But 2-1 Democrats on the Board of Election team.


And you guys are still bitching.



And a Republican Secretary of State who had to certify everything. You might remember her. She wore lots of makeup.


Point being, you probably shouldn't freak out about how democratic election boards are going to steal the election right out from under the nose of Republican officials and Republican lawyers, especially when you're then trying to poke fun at Democrats who claimed the 2000 election was stolen in much the same way.


Those two things so close to each other make you sound ridiculous.


So let's get back to the bet, because it's not going to have to be close for Cal (and many others) to imagine it was the result of fraud. It really isn't.


I'll just wait for someone to throw out a figure, even if it's small.

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If voter fraud safeguards were allowed to be put into place... I would.


But no ID? Early voting...then voting again maybe with another name?


Registering from a non-existent address? Hospital address?


come on.


I'll bet you, that ..when Romney wins, the marxist weinies will be all in for


voter registration, since THEIR voter fraud didn't get the job done.


More and more, the left is resorting to botching up our electoral process, like they are trying to do with our capitalim and Constitution.


Cloward-Piven style on our economic system and freedom, and circumventing any part of our Constitution they don't like.

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You don't understand much.


"Upset" doesn't have anything to do with "ammo".


And I don't like beer.


More like, "very worried" that in a few years, even those who vote for Obamao


AGAIN will know they made a terrible mistake.


Except for all the child molesters, serial killers and human leeches who


will be happy with their Obamao phones and cars and pardons....




I'll say it again - when the Great Ship America goes off course, the real AMERICAN Americans will


put the ship back on course again. It's been badly off course the last four years.


Romney is going to be the ships' new commander and pilot.

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Where are you registered? Or where would you register? I guess that's the question.


I filled out a bunch of stuff my freshman year that I thought registered me, but when I went to show up to vote I was voting on Michigan issues. I thought it was pretty stupid that as someone that doesn't really pay taxes in Michigan (outside of like a sales tax) and someone that doesn't permanently live there or plan on living there that I could vote on Michigan issues. So I just left.


I meant to do it when I was home but I just never got around to it. I really didn't want to deal with whatever I'd have to fill out and go about doing while I was out of state and dealing with school and finding a co-op/internship.

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I filled out a bunch of stuff my freshman year that I thought registered me, but when I went to show up to vote I was voting on Michigan issues. I thought it was pretty stupid that as someone that doesn't really pay taxes in Michigan (outside of like a sales tax) and someone that doesn't permanently live there or plan on living there that I could vote on Michigan issues. So I just left.


I meant to do it when I was home but I just never got around to it. I really didn't want to deal with whatever I'd have to fill out and go about doing while I was out of state and dealing with school and finding a co-op/internship.


It says "Voter Registration" on it, you fill it out, sign it, and mail it in. :rolleyes:

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Okay, I'm accepting Cal's ridiculous bet of 100 tomatoes, or whatever. I don't know how this is going to work, but if Obama wins he'll donate $100 worth of tomatoes to his food bank and we'll have no way to know if he ever did. If Romney wins I'll give $300 to Fisher House and post the email receipt in here.


Anyone else?

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You know, this would be a lot easier if Cal would agree to use paper currency.


Feeling better about the election today. I think the last few polls indicate that Obama is in much better shape than Romney. Still anyone's game, but I'm sure Romney's camp would much rather be where Obama is than where they are. Jobs report tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same - good, but nothing special. Not going to change anything big, but will show that we're still slowly improving.


Still, if Romney's only a 20% chance to win, that's not that bad. Like the chances that someone batting .200 will get a hit.


Ps - Thanks, Chris Christie!

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Your dirtbag president is making our currency worhtless in the future.


I say it's a deal - Steve has a great idea - I'll pay the shipping, and Heckbunker can turn them over to the

nearest food bank or shelter....

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Problem is, they don't want tomatoes shipped across the country. They want money so they can do whatever they want with it.


Just keep your tomatoes man. Make a nice sauce. I don't want to take anything from you. If Romney wins, I'll donate. If Obama wins, do something nice for your local food bank. Tomatoes or whatever.

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