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Another Republican On Rape

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So if I'm not mistaken we have established that you have some moral boundaries around your opinion of abortion, correct?


Is it your stated opinion that a human being who happens to be a product of forcible rape is owed less respect, privileges and rights than another?


Or to be more clear should I believe that even though you have these moral qualms you believe there should be no restrictions for Abortion at any time or for any reason?


Just trying to get you out of campaign mode.



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“I’ve struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God,” Mourdock said. “And even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”



....The mind reels.


Cool remind me to use this defense if I ever get arrested for raping someone in his state/district. God intended it to happen, and it was God's will.

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Cool remind me to use this defense if I ever get arrested for raping someone in his state/district. God intended it to happen, and it was God's will.

Tell you what sad, how about you just answer the question?

just your honest opinion, there's no right or wrong.

I'm not a pro lifer particularly.


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It wouldn't be you to completely change the subject from a Republican's ridiculous take on rape to something else and then accuse me of being in campaign mode, would it?


This guy, who is now in a line of Republicans who apparently believe the same thing, is expressing that he thinks when a woman is raped and impregnated that is something that God wanted to happen, and therefore any steps she might take to end that pregnancy - that she didn't consent to - are against God's will.


What do you think about that, Steve? About that.


Here's what I think: people who think like this should be nowhere near the Senate. I think anyone who thinks that a woman's role in this scenario is as an incubator with no choices because the instant sperm meets egg something Christian and holy has happened is backward as fuck. I think the idea that this woman should be prevented from getting emergency contraception after she is raped is enraging, and if this were a Democrat I'd be happy to vote against this guy on that basis alone.

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Also, this guy is just expressing what many Christians and Republicans believe. It's not that he's some sort of outlier, or that this is a rare belief. This is what Tupa believes, after all.


And this is why people like me don't vote for them. Because I don't think God has anything to do with it, nor do I think I can divine what God thinks even if I thought he did.

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Heck I don't care if you abort on the date of delivery to use the bodies for appetizers.

And I'm fully aware that the only people you will vote for with shitty religious ideas are Democrats.


I just repeat that there are people out there who think there should be some kind of restrictions against abortion at anytime for any reason no matter how depraved it might be.

As it is there is no federal law prohibiting anything.


If that bothers you, oh well.

Maybe you could possibly understand someone having a different moral view. And if that's their number 1 priority c'est la vie.


You probably could if you work so far up the DNCs ass.


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I really can't follow any of this, or what your point is. In one sentence you're saying you don't care if abortion is done at any point. In the next you're claiming that some people (I don't know who) don't think there should be any restrictions at all, and that abortions can be done at any point, and that this depraved.


And then there's something about someone how I need to respect people who have a different moral view. What?


And then the usual up the DNC's ass stuff. Fresh as the day you typed it 800 other times.


Did something happen to you this morning?

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Here's what I think: people who think like this should be nowhere near the Senate. I think anyone who thinks that a woman's role in this scenario is as an incubator with no choices because the instant sperm meets egg something Christian and holy has happened is backward as fuck. I think the idea that this woman should be prevented from getting emergency contraception after she is raped is enraging, and if this were a Democrat I'd be happy to vote against this guy on that basis alone.


Well said.

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What else is part of God's plan, by the way? Because I don't remember Republicans dismissing their concerns as being "part of God's plan." Women who are raped, or what women who are raped go through, or what they want to do with their own bodies, are simply not their major concerns. Their biggest concern is that we protect what happened when the sperm the rapist ejaculated into the women found her egg, which apparently made God smile.


It's enough to make you puke.

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but if a DEMOCRAT said it,


heckbunker would be all in for defending it.


And surely, nobody thinks that wouldn't happen.....


well, nobody who isn't heckbunker or his little flea....

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See, that's the thing. There aren't any Democrats who think rape pregnancies are part of God's plan. There are no Democrats who are claiming that women's bodies secrete some kind of magic vagina sauce that keeps them from being impregnated by rapists. There aren't any Democrats who are trying to legislate differences between rape and forcible rape. There are no Democrats who want to give full personhood rights to zygotes.


Those kinds of things are the exclusive domain of the Republican Party.

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What else is part of God's plan, by the way? Because I don't remember Republicans dismissing their concerns as being "part of God's plan." Women who are raped, or what women who are raped go through, or what they want to do with their own bodies, are simply not their major concerns. Their biggest concern is that we protect what happened when the sperm the rapist ejaculated into the women found her egg, which apparently made God smile.


It's enough to make you puke.



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Anyone in here think that abortion should be illegal in cases of rape? Anyone think that whenever a conception takes place it's because God is involved? That it's part of his plan?




I do think abortion should be illegal period after the heart beats in approx 6-9 weeks. Rape or not.

Prior to the heartbeat scrape your uterus to your hearts content. Flame away, but you should already know if you're impregnated by a rape baby before it becomes a living person.

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