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Powell Endorses Obama

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Powell said he respects Romney, but that he's, well, too much of a flip-flopper to support:



Powell praised the president's handling of the economy and ending of the Iraq War.


"I think we ought to keep on the track we are on," he said.


Powell said he had the "utmost respect" for Mitt Romney but criticized his tax plan.


He said Romney's foreign policy was a "moving target." "One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan, but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal. Same thing in Iraq. On every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Gov. Romney agreed with the president with some nuances. But this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign."

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Gee, didn't see that reaction coming!


He's a Republican who served in multiple Republican administrations. You guys are missing the most obvious conclusion: this is a man from the old Republican Party that doesn't exist anymore. This is a moderate Republican. He hasn't left the party. Like so many others, the Party has left him.


Also, Mitt Romney's foreign policy positions aren't exactly something you can point to as "consistent." And that's Powell beat. Romney only reacts to events to seize political advantage.

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POWELL: Not only am I uncomfortable with what Governor Romney is proposing for his economic plan, I have concerns about his views on foreign policy. The governor who was speaking on Monday night at the debate was saying things that were quite different from what he said earlier so I’m not quite sure which governor Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy.


O’DONNELL: What concerns do you have with governor Romney’s foreign policy?


POWELL: Well it’s hard to fix it, I mean it’s a moving target, one day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal, the same thing in Iraq and almost every issue that was discussed on Monday night, governor Romney agreed with the president with some nuances but this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign and my concern which I’ve expressed previously in a public way is that sometimes I don’t sense he has thought through these issues as thoroughly as he should have and he gets advice from his campaign staff that he then has to adjust or modify as they go along.


ROSE: Are you concerned about the people that are advising governor Romney?


POWELL: I think there are some very very strong neoconservative views that are presented by the governor that I have some trouble with.

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POWELL: Not only am I uncomfortable with what Governor Romney is proposing for his economic plan, I have concerns about his views on foreign policy. The governor who was speaking on Monday night at the debate was saying things that were quite different from what he said earlier so I’m not quite sure which governor Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy.


O’DONNELL: What concerns do you have with governor Romney’s foreign policy?


POWELL: Well it’s hard to fix it, I mean it’s a moving target, one day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal, the same thing in Iraq and almost every issue that was discussed on Monday night, governor Romney agreed with the president with some nuances but this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign and my concern which I’ve expressed previously in a public way is that sometimes I don’t sense he has thought through these issues as thoroughly as he should have and he gets advice from his campaign staff that he then has to adjust or modify as they go along.


ROSE: Are you concerned about the people that are advising governor Romney?


POWELL: I think there are some very very strong neoconservative views that are presented by the governor that I have some trouble with.


Powell has been a politician since his days as JCS. I don't really think his endorsement means anything to anybody, or come as a surprise.

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So the very second he has a now has a black candidate to support he's going to go democrat twice in two elections. Yeah, probably it has nothing to do with race.


The problem with you guys is my saying race has something to do with that doesn't mean Powell is a whitey hating black power activist, but I'm sure, like many black people old enough to remember the 60s, he will vote for a black candidate on the basis of equality and the significance of Barack Obamas election.


Condie is a republican

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Powell's mentioned lots of reasons for his endorsement in 2008 and 2012. Not one has been race.


But you do get stuff like this: Powell said he has some concerns about the direction of the Republican Party, adding that it has "moved more to the right than I would like to see it."


Dismissing it as race-based is just too convenient, Cysko. Sorry, man. Powell's a moderate, pro-choice Republican, and there aren't any of those left in the Republican Party. Not one in the Senate. Not one in the House. And that best explains why people like Powell don't endorse Republicans anymore.

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Powell's mentioned lots of reasons for his endorsement in 2008 and 2012. Not one has been race.


But you do get stuff like this: Powell said he has some concerns about the direction of the Republican Party, adding that it has "moved more to the right than I would like to see it."


Dismissing it as race-based is just too convenient, Cysko. Sorry, man. Powell's a moderate, pro-choice Republican, and there aren't any of those left in the Republican Party. Not one in the Senate. Not one in the House. And that best explains why people like Powell don't endorse Republicans anymore.


Oh, bullshit, heck. Bullshit. He can't be seen saying its a race issue any more than the racist Obama haters can. They are politicians, heck, not honest men. That's called politics. They're not Samuel l. Jackson saying whatever they feel like. But I can assure you a lot more people than are saying it are thinking it.


Will you just man up and admit race is still a deciding issue in this country? When it was trayvon Martin it was ALL about race, but now when its a prominant black republican switching sides to twice endorse a black candidate on the only two occasions its ever been possible? Pshht. Ridiculous. It isn't even a factor. Colin Powell doesn't see color.

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I don't think it is, no. I think if Obama were white you'd see the same thing. It's not determinant. Obviously race matters in America. But I don't see Colin Powell as the kind of guy who's swayed by someone's color.


Try talking to former Republicans, or moderate Republicans. They can't get on board with this shit. They just can't. And that's his main focus - he prefers Obama's policies.

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Quite possibly. Did he support Kerry when he was obviously becoming disenfranchised by the party?


You may recall that Colin Powell was working for the Bush administration as Secretary of State up through the election in 2004, so no, I don't think it's likely that he would have supported the challenger while working for the incumbent. So the comparison doesn't work.


We can disagree on this. It's fine. i think it's pretty clear that Powell's reasons for backing Obama are either largely unrelated to race, or not related at all. You seem to think there could be no other real explanation but that he wants to forward black causes.


I just don't agree at all.

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So let's disagree then. But I think you're disingenuous and just plain wrong. Barack Obamas election was the payoff for the civil rights movement and I think that carries a lot of weight with black americans.


Just like I believe the tea party is trying to preserve the starts quo in the fear that the sun is setting on the time of the white person in this country.


Your opinion is strictly partisan so you'll be a lock to disagree with anything that doesn't fit into your ideology. Your opinion of it matters little to me. I trust my own eyes more than a politician's pretty words.


Wrong or right, I just calls them like I sees them.

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Whenever race comes up like this on this board its always something thats "Pro Black and Anti White", or something like that. Race always comes up when its the reason something you want isn't happening, but it never comes up when something you want is happening. That's mostly not you Cysko, I'm just saying.

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Whenever race comes up like this on this board its always something thats "Pro Black and Anti White", or something like that. Race always comes up when its the reason something you want isn't happening, but it never comes up when something you want is happening. That's mostly not you Cysko, I'm just saying.


I feel what you're saying woody. But I don't think black people have to be anti white to vote for Obama based on race. Like I said its the culmination of the civil rights movement and a confirmation that "yes they can" achieve success at the highest level. I totally understand that and that's why I expect 99% or more of black people to vote for him. NOT because he's a democrat. If he were a republican and mitt were a democrat you'd see an awful lot of the black vote going right.

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Powell said in his own book, that people would be surprised about what his politics really were.


He's a great American,


just not conservative,


and I guess he thinks that ObaMao, Higgardly Clinton letting the white people get killed in Benghazi intentionally by terrorists ...was a cool thing to do.



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And yes I think if Obama was not black, Powell, an old military man would have supported another in Mccain over a smooth talking young (white) senator from that other party.


Nah, I think McCain sealed his fate with Powell when he chose Sarah Pailn. It was a reckless move that many Americans couldn't stomach. Because you can't have someone like that a heartbeat away. You just can't.

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Nah, I think McCain sealed his fate with Powell when he chose Sarah Pailn. It was a reckless move that many Americans couldn't stomach. Because you can't have someone like that a heartbeat away. You just can't.


Ok, maybe you're right there. Palin was a big risk and like many big risks backfired big time. I thought her first speech was sound but it all went bad after that.

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Ok, maybe you're right there. Palin was a big risk and like many big risks backfired big time. I thought her first speech was sound but it all went bad after that.


You know what the best part is? That speech was about 4/5ths written before she was even picked. They had it ready for whoever the nominee was going to be. They added her personal sprinkles in those final days.


She did deliver it well, though, especially if you like your vice president to be kinda mean and snarky.

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<br />Gee, didn't see that reaction coming!<br /><br />He's a Republican who served in multiple Republican administrations. You guys are missing the most obvious conclusion: this is a man from the old Republican Party that doesn't exist anymore. This is a moderate Republican. He hasn't left the party. Like so many others, the Party has left him. <br /><br />Also, Mitt Romney's foreign policy positions aren't exactly something you can point to as "consistent." And that's Powell beat. Romney only reacts to events to seize political advantage.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Don't say things like that; it just makes you sound stupid.


In fact, don't talk at all. It just makes you sound stupid.

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