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Romney's Jeep Ad For Ohio

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Okay, you said this was an Obama ad. It's not an Obama ad. It's an ad put out by a group I've never heard of.


It's pretty dumb, but I also don't know who ever saw it beyond Limbaugh fans. Honestly, I've seen lots of these ads and I'd never seen or heard of this one.


Anything else?

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Oh well what a bastard.

I don't know my garbage mans name either.

I hope he isn't crying himself to sleep over that.

Like the idiot in the video.



I think you missed the point of the Ad, its not that Mitt doesn't come out and shake his hand its that when he is 55-60 and his body has broken down and is on some form of medical social security Mitt wouldn't care.. cue the "47%" video.....it would have been better had the made it shorter by removing the "people give me water and shake my hand section" and kept it simple.

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Pardon me if I don't break down into sobs.

The guys a trash collector not a prize fighter not a gladiator.

And he probably makes better money than many of us.


But if anyone's missing the 47 percent hook it's you.

oh I know it's a big Obama talking point but it is true.

if you are on the dole to any extent, I mean even a little bit, you're probably not going to vote for the guy who says we can't afford it.

This guy, unless he's a government paid waste management specialist, isn't 1 of those or shouldn't be.



Can you or heck imagine your reaction if I made 1 of those?

I could cry about my hearing loss, my bad knees from an on the job accident and wail that Mister Obama don't care about me nonsense.

You guys would be laughing up your sleeves.


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I really don't want to spend too much time debating the merits of political ads. This one seems pretty sensible. Romney's comments in that room are not "true." They're not a hard truth. They're not an ugly truth. They're ridiculous and offensive and clueless and certainly not the type of thing you want to hear a president say.


If he's uttering them to pander, that's bad and doesn't speak well of him. If he's uttering them because this what he really believes, that's even worse. And I don't know which one is true. I suspect it's the latter.

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You think 47% of Americans won't take responsibility for their own lives? They're all dependent on government and believe they're victims? That was true? Wha?


"There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."


"Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax," Romney said, and that his role "is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."


What part of that is true?

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You think 47% of Americans won't take responsibility for their own lives? They're all dependent on government and believe they're victims? That was true? Wha?


"There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."


"Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax," Romney said, and that his role "is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."


What part of that is true?

The part that says 47 percent pay no federal income tax.

Tax rates probably arent a big deal to them.

and yes a fraction of that 47 percent pays no federal income tax for reasons other than being, uh let's say poor.


But to use the garbage man as an example?

Please just quit whining.


And please don't bore me with withholding tax sales tax gasoline tax.....


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Pardon me if I don't break down into sobs.

The guys a trash collector not a prize fighter not a gladiator.

And he probably makes better money than many of us.


But if anyone's missing the 47 percent hook it's you.

oh I know it's a big Obama talking point but it is true.

if you are on the dole to any extent, I mean even a little bit, you're probably not going to vote for the guy who says we can't afford it.

This guy, unless he's a government paid waste management specialist, isn't 1 of those or shouldn't be.



Can you or heck imagine your reaction if I made 1 of those?

I could cry about my hearing loss, my bad knees from an on the job accident and wail that Mister Obama don't care about me nonsense.

You guys would be laughing up your sleeves.



I had to laugh a little. Romney has done a bad job at giving dems sound bites to use, I know Romney honestly wouldn't just write off the 47% that he was indicating, considering this includes people who live off spouses income, retired people, and even military vets.


I wouldn't care as long as it was a little amusing. I know you said you lived in Ohio, so you have to be just as tired with all the political ads that I am(tv, phone, and fliers).

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The part that says 47 percent pay no federal income tax.

Tax rates probably arent a big deal to them.

and yes a fraction of that 47 percent pays no federal income tax for reasons other than being, uh let's say poor.


But to use the garbage man as an example?

Please just quit whining.


And please don't bore me with withholding tax sales tax gasoline tax.....



Hey, guess what, Steve? That's not the part that pissed people off.


Yes, 47% of Americans don't pay income tax. There are lots of reasons for that. You're sort of missing the point here, no? Like if I said, "Steve Simmons is a musician who also can't hold a job and likes to molest boys..." and then when you took offense I said, "Well, you are a musician..."


I mean, come on. What about the rest of it? Because that's what people are offended by.


You think all of those people think they're victims? That they're all dependent on government? That they won't take responsibility for themselves, even if Mitt Romney shows them the way?

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Vapor, here are some of the numbers explaining Romney's gambit:


"Mitt Romney is not having a good week in the Midwest. A new poll released on Wednesday showed that President Obama is leading Michigan by six points—with over half of voters saying the auto bailout was a “deciding factor.” Obama leads the state 48 percent to 42 percent, according to a Detroit News/WXYZ poll, with a four-point margin of error. Also, a recent ad campaign by Romney asserting that Obama wanted to ship Chrysler jobs overseas was debunked by Chrysler. A Marquette University poll released Wednesday showed that Obama was leading the battleground state of Wisconsin—Paul Ryan’s home state—by eight points."

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Let's just say this.

I'd say the greater portion of the bottom 50 percent of Americans probably take some sort assistance.

And yes I think they will be more prone to food for the cat is it who promises more.

I think they've probably reconciled themselves to the fact that they are on the dole.


Actually you have said yourself that Obama will get a huge portion of the bottom half.

So, my friend, it is what it is.

And I admit it really is hard to try to convince people shouldn't take free stuff if it's there.

And it does make them better to tell him that their unhappiness is caused by Mitt Romney and his friends having so much.



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Well, some of them are druggie socialists who want to throw American into the fire,


and have a new, wonderful utopia take it's place, with Obamao at the helm


like a Persian king.


That.....gives out free money to those who will be his slaves.


This is fun.


But, I'll be here after the election - if heck isn't,,, it's because


he can't handle the truth. In fact, he never has been able to - that's why


he leaves the board on occasion, to go to a gay socialist retreat to get his strength back.


What a wuss.

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I wish Obama had a vote for every time you wrote this post. "Lots of people on the dole wanna vote for more free stuff, not the guy telling them how it is!"


Can I buy another for the repetitive drunk at the end of the bar?



When you spew the same old crap you get the same old response.


If you throw a bag of food into the cellar every day you will not have less rats.


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