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Of course, I wouldn't equate something that's real and rather obvious (Republican efforts to tamp down Democratic voter turnout) with something that's a GOP fantasy (widespread voter fraud), so no.


As Steve Schmidt said this morning: "I think that all of this stuff that has transpired over the last two years is in search of a solution to a problem, voting fraud, that doesn't really exist when you look deeply at the question. It's part of the mythology now in the Republican Party that there's widespread voter fraud across the country. In fact, there's not. Both sides are lawyered up to the nth degree and they'll all posture back and forth on it but it probably won't come down to lawyers."


But what does Steve Schmidt know? He's only run Republican campaigns for two decades.


Sorry, bud. It really isn't an issue. It's just cover (that you believe!) used for political gamesmanship. There is no issue with in-person voter fraud. It simply doesn't exist, and we know this. Voter ID laws only combat in-person voter fraud. Yet Republicans all over the country pushed for them.


Now that you've fallen off the turnip truck, dust yourself off and see if you can figure out why. Then we can move on to why they've also pushed for limiting the early voting periods. I don't want to blow your mind or anything, but it's because certain Democratic constituencies tend to vote early.


Get off your high horse. Requiring proof of citizenship to vote is the right thing to do. Period. End of story. People have all the time in the world to get proof before an election.

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Get off your high horse. Requiring proof of citizenship to vote is the right thing to do. Period. End of story. People have all the time in the world to get proof before an election.


Oh, well if you say "period" and the "end of the story" than I guess you're right.


Just like there being no in-person voter fraud problem, we also don't have an Illegal alien voter fraud problem. (Who would face 5 years in prison, $10,000 in fines, and deportation to cast a single vote? Anyone?). And the Supreme Court just agreed when it tossed out Arizona's law requiring proof of citizenship.


That's just another way to disenfranchise votes that are more likely going to go to Democrats than Republicans. It's a strategy to try and put off what every Republican campaign operative knows: Republicans have a really serious demographic problem.


There's room on the turnip truck for you too, Diehard. We'll just tell Steve to move over a bit.

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Certain demographics?

So all the sudden we have to spread boarding out over a month so they can get it together?

Why would that be Heck?

Seems to me if it were the fact that it's on a work day that should favor Democrats?


Public transportation probably has more routes on a week day right?


Also if someone is busy at work from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. they're probably voting Republican too.


Just give me a few reasons you feel Republicans are competent to vote on a particular day but Democrats are not.



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Get off your high horse. Requiring proof of citizenship to vote is the right thing to do. Period. End of story. People have all the time in the world to get proof before an election.


What form of proof do you recommend that wouldn't cost people any money just to vote that also couldn't just as easily be forged?

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The spittle is sure flying now! Democrats are lazy people who can't get their shit together and don't work. Got it.


Try it again Steve: if the United States doesn't have a problem with in-person voter fraud, and voter ID laws are only good for combatting in-person voter fraud, why are Republicans all over the country pushing for voter ID laws?

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What form of proof do you recommend that wouldn't cost people any money just to vote that also couldn't just as easily be forged?


Passport or Certified raised seal Birth Certificate and Drivers License sounds reasonable to me. I'm sure most democratic voters need ID to collect welfare and food stamps, no?

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Passport or Certified raised seal Birth Certificate and Drivers License sounds reasonable to me. I'm sure most democratic voters need ID to collect welfare and food stamps, no?


So if you seriously believe that people are evil and desperate enough to "stuff the ballot box" what makes you think that they couldn't just as easily use a fake drivers license? Also can you imagine the extra time in line having the old ladies who always run the election sites looking over hundreds of Birth Certificates and Drivers Licenses.

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So if you seriously believe that people are evil and desperate enough to "stuff the ballot box" what makes you think that they couldn't just as easily use a fake drivers license? Also can you imagine the extra time in line having the old ladies who always run the election sites looking over hundreds of Birth Certificates and Drivers Licenses.


You asked me what I thought, so I gave you it. I would have a computer ID check and scanner to ensure as well as could be the authenticity of the documents also. Not saying that this will ever happen,

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Passport or Certified raised seal Birth Certificate and Drivers License sounds reasonable to me. I'm sure most democratic voters need ID to collect welfare and food stamps, no?


I'm not sure whether or not they need that, but I can tell you this. I volunteer at a free clinic. Many of our patients have a hard time coming here because they don't have a job, car, and have to find a way to get here by bus or by walking. Since they don't drive, they really haven't had to ever have stepped into a DMV.

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*cough* Woody *cough* fucking dumbass *cough*


Hey.... I'm not a Democrat so I can't be part of their base.


Also, I'm a college student. I really just don't care that much right now. Next time around I'll vote, sure. But registering really just wasn't on my mind all semester or summer


But you care and registered, so good for you. I'm obviously not all college students

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You asked me what I thought, so I gave you it. I would have a computer ID check and scanner to ensure as well as could be the authenticity of the documents also. Not saying that this will ever happen,


I agree not very likely. More than likely it would mere be checking a photo ID(drivers license or passport), the problems will still be there, how do you get a photo ID to someone unable to pay for it? do you rely on the local election officials to check ID's? Does it actually resolve the issue(not really imo)? I always have to laugh at the idiots who instead of trying to get these things passed and tested during the years between national elections, try to pass them months before an election to try to score a few political points.

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Hey.... I'm not a Democrat so I can't be part of their base.


Also, I'm a college student. I really just don't care that much right now. Next time around I'll vote, sure. But registering really just wasn't on my mind all semester or summer


Really? It doesn't take that long to register and some states have a way to register online. Hell in the time it took you to write that response you could have probably registered.

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. Right now you're point seems to be that if people can't show a picture ID on the first Tuesday of November between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM that means they're some sort of asshole.


That's ridiculous.


Actually that's your point sir.

And asshole is your term, kind of harsh isn't it?


So as we understand more Democrats are unable to drive.


So why is it only Republicans can get those other things together?

Come on just spit it out.




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Also, whatever success the Republicans have had trying - and nakedly, often admitting it in public - to make it harder for Democratic constituencies to vote is probably going to be a wash or even an advantage for democrats because it's so angered and motivated the people they were targeting to make sure they get out in vote, and against the Party that's trying to make it harder for them to vote.


Take a look at this picture from Columbus today.




And then consider this headline: "The Supreme Court on Tuesday unanimously rejected an appeal by Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to overturn a lower court decision upholding early voting in Ohio three days before the election."


Hmm. Why would Husted want to do that? It wouldn't be because many black voters traditionally vote before Election Day, often on the Sunday before the election, would it? Nah. I'm sure he just wants a fair election.

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And no, Steve, that's not my point. Obviously.


I love it when you imagine you have me cornered somehow, faced with some uncomfortable truth I can't admit. It's one of my favorite poses.


And the idea that all Republicans get their shit together and Democrats don't ...honky, please. We're talking about how a greater percentage of these votes are Democratic, not that all of them are. And it's because the people without those forms of ID are more often elderly, live in cities, and poor.


And I normally don't have to say this, but with you I feel I might: in America, those people are allowed to vote too.

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Again if that's the case then you are just admitting the Democrats or less competent than Republicans.

Less able to deal with the normal functions of everyday life.

Shouldn't that embarrass you?

I realize it doesn't but it really should.




No, it doesn't. It makes me want to make sure they're allowed to have their voices heard just like everyone else.


I suppose Democrats could move to have military votes only count if they're cast stateside, or have people with PhDs' votes count twice, but that would be sort of nakedly partisan as well.

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Your question?

Let me see if I recall you want to know if there's widespread voter fraud?

Probably not to a huge extent.

so what?

There probably isn't widespread fraud in public schools, teachers without certification.

So if they are asked to show credentials you think that's evil?

And checking identification is 1 reason it's not.


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Your question?

Let me see if I recall you want to know if there's widespread voter fraud?

Probably not to a huge extent.

so what?

There probably isn't widespread fraud in public schools, teachers without certification.

So if they are asked to show credentials you think that's evil?

And checking identification is 1 reason it's not.



Yeah, you've clearly thought this through! That was very convincing.



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So let me get this straight: you think that even though there's scant evidence of in-person voter fraud - and I mean none at all - you think Republican-led efforts that would disenfranchise thousands of currently eligible voters is a good way to remedy this problem that we don't have? And you can't see why they might be doing that? This just baffles you, huh?

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I don't expect you to be convinced.

You're probably a little embarrassed for your party and you are mad.

Remember it's Republicans that are supposed to be stupid.



Nope, not at all. Not embarrassed about the existence of poor people at all.


And if you think I believe all Democrats are brilliant and all Republicans are stupid ...that's the kind of monochromatic, nonsensical framing you use, not me. So just assume my mind works in a different way than yours does, because clearly it does.

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