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Good Day To Be A Liberal


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Marijuana legal in two more states, gay marriage legal in two others. Akin and Mourdock were legitimately raped at the polls. Romney isn't president.



Oh yeah, Puerto Rico wants to be a state. This one kinda slipped under the radar.




Great day for the Liberals, a bad day for America. Unless you think socialism is a good idea. And in regards to Gay Marriage and dope legalization- like the Roman Empire, we won't get beaten from the outside, we're rotting from the inside out. If you don't see the parallels, you're blind.


I'd suggest a summer vacation to Greece next year- to get a first hand idea of where this country is headed economically.


FWIW, VT no country in the history of the world has ever gotten out of a debt load the USA is carrying without hyperinflating the currency. The only reason it hasn't happened already is the Feds keeping interest rates artificially low. BTW, China holds most of the IOUs. When our ship sinks, we're taking the rest of the world down with us.

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Great day for the Liberals, a bad day for America. Unless you think socialism is a good idea. And in regards to Gay Marriage and dope legalization- like the Roman Empire, we won't get beaten from the outside, we're rotting from the inside out. If you don't see the parallels, you're blind.


I'd suggest a summer vacation to Greece next year- to get a first hand idea of where this country is headed economically.


FWIW, VT no country in the history of the world has ever gotten out of a debt load the USA is carrying without hyperinflating the currency. The only reason it hasn't happened already is the Feds keeping interest rates artificially low. BTW, China holds most of the IOUs. When our ship sinks, we're taking the rest of the world down with us.



We can tax marijuana sales and gay people will throw extravagantly expensive weddings.



If that doesn't stimulate the economy, nothing will.






And Greece is beautiful this time of year.

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Lol, we let gay people get married now our country will implode... HAHAHAHA



Wow, you guys. Where does that belief even come from? Is it all just from a relgious belief system? I'm happy that it seems like no one in my generation really gives a shit about religion. THAT is a step in the right direction.


Legalizing pot is smart. Makes it safer, you can tax it, and u aren't wasting all that money and prison space to lock up "criminals" that have a little weed on them.



I'm happy a good amount of crazy right wing tea party guys lost as well. It seems like the Reps need to cut off that part of their party and fast. All the economic stuff is reasonable, but you aren't gonna win the next generations vote on "Real America this, gays are bad that, the Earth is 6000 years old, legitimate rape, etc"

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When I was young anything my Father or anyone "old" told me, I would automatically think it was wrong and think the opposite. However, with age does come learning. And one thing I did learn was that almost all of the stuff my father told me, was true. Best way to learn is thru experience, and you will learn, believe me.

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Lol, we let gay people get married now our country will implode... HAHAHAHA



Wow, you guys. Where does that belief even come from? Is it all just from a relgious belief system? I'm happy that it seems like no one in my generation really gives a shit about religion. THAT is a step in the right direction.


Legalizing pot is smart. Makes it safer, you can tax it, and u aren't wasting all that money and prison space to lock up "criminals" that have a little weed on them.



I'm happy a good amount of crazy right wing tea party guys lost as well. It seems like the Reps need to cut off that part of their party and fast. All the economic stuff is reasonable, but you aren't gonna win the next generations vote on "Real America this, gays are bad that, the Earth is 6000 years old, legitimate rape, etc"


Yup, we really should take the "In God we trust" off of everything. That's obviously long out the window. The America I grew up in is as dead as your God. Done traded equality of opportunity for equality of outcome. The last great Democrat- Jack Kennedy's words sure are upside down. "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you." The entitlement Generation has won- I just hope I'm dead before the Big Implosion happens- and it's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.


BTW, what Gay people do is between them and God- and if you don't believe in Him, then anything goes. Just don't expect me to accept your actions as OK.


As far as marijuana, why stop there? Hell, let's legalize crack cocaine and heroin while we're at it. Don't really care.


What I do care about is this country is headed off a financial cliff, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes.

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Great day for the Liberals, a bad day for America. Unless you think socialism is a good idea. And in regards to Gay Marriage and dope legalization- like the Roman Empire, we won't get beaten from the outside, we're rotting from the inside out. If you don't see the parallels, you're blind.


I'd suggest a summer vacation to Greece next year- to get a first hand idea of where this country is headed economically.


FWIW, VT no country in the history of the world has ever gotten out of a debt load the USA is carrying without hyperinflating the currency. The only reason it hasn't happened already is the Feds keeping interest rates artificially low. BTW, China holds most of the IOUs. When our ship sinks, we're taking the rest of the world down with us.


Some aspects of socialism are a good idea. I am 100% an advocate of socialized healthcare. Not seeing how gay marriage and pot legalization apply to the fall of the Roman Empire. Please expand. As for our debt, I agree with you. I think a depression is likely on the way. What I don't see is a viable solution to it from either party. So, may as well eat, drink, and be merry before everything goes to shit. The Constitution survived the Great Depression and two world wars. It'll make it through the next one.


Yup, we really should take the "In God we trust" off of everything. That's obviously long out the window. The America I grew up in is as dead as your God. Done traded equality of opportunity for equality of outcome. The last great Democrat- Jack Kennedy's words sure are upside down. "Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you." The entitlement Generation has won- I just hope I'm dead before the Big Implosion happens- and it's as certain as the sun coming up in the morning.


BTW, what Gay people do is between them and God- and if you don't believe in Him, then anything goes. Just don't expect me to accept your actions as OK.


As far as marijuana, why stop there? Hell, let's legalize crack cocaine and heroin while we're at it. Don't really care.


What I do care about is this country is headed off a financial cliff, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes.


That's really not true at all. I am the American Dream. The opportunity for social mobility is there, it's just much more difficult now than it was 50 years ago. The path with the least risk is through education and lots of it. That's the path I chose. I'm the only one in my family to do that.


And if you can't see the difference between heroin and pot, well, you're blind. You do realize that alcohol is more hazardous to your health than pot? Anyways, want to grab a beer this weekend? (I'm being serious, I have an exam on Wednesday and just need to find a hole in the wall to wind down afterwards)

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Always surprised when a medical professional believes the legalization of marijuana is the worst thing evar! Not sure if said opinion's based more on a survey of the medical evidence or a visceral dislike of the dudes who had a blast while they were studying for their MCATs.

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I know you were referring the Hoorta (obviously), but I personally don't think that legalizing pot would be a big deal. It would add substantial revenue to the government thru taxes, and I doubt that people would smoke it any more then they are now. It would put the illegal dealers out of business. I'm sure that the Tobacco Companies would jump on the Pot growing business with earnest, seeings as how cig smoking is going down, slowly but surely.

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I know you were referring the Hoorta (obviously), but I personally don't think that legalizing pot would be a big deal. It would add substantial revenue to the government thru taxes, and I doubt that people would smoke it any more then they are now. It would put the illegal dealers out of business. I'm sure that the Tobacco Companies would jump on the Pot growing business with earnest, seeings as how cig smoking is going down, slowly but surely.


And just think of the snack companies, how their profit will sore through the roof.

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Hell yeah. After wavering back and forth on the issue, I've decided I have nothing against Gay Marriage. Who am I to tell others how to live their lives? I'm not the one to judge them. Government is secular anyway, so taking religious views out of the equation, there's no reason to be against it.

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When I was young anything my Father or anyone "old" told me, I would automatically think it was wrong and think the opposite. However, with age does come learning. And one thing I did learn was that almost all of the stuff my father told me, was true. Best way to learn is thru experience, and you will learn, believe me.


OK, I'll agree with my dad. A smart, self employed businessman with a masters in engineering.


And... I still think the same.



Gays aren't gonna end America. Lol



I don't think everyone older than me is wrong. I'm not some Retarded rebellious youth like I guess you were.


What about people older than you that agree with me?

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OK, I'll agree with my dad. A smart, self employed businessman with a masters in engineering.


And... I still think the same.



Gays aren't gonna end America. Lol



I don't think everyone older than me is wrong. I'm not some Retarded rebellious youth like I guess you were.


What about people older than you that agree with me?


Forget it Woody.

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Agreed, DH. Not a panacea but also not a big deal, except for the people who wouldn't needlessly be locked up. I bet the decline in prison costs would be more significant than any added tax revenue.


And we're fortunate that corruption is low enough that more than a few folks would shift to the legal market -- I don't think the same would be true in all countries.

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Correct, what you said was dumb. That "I'm older than you so I automatically know better about everything" is bull




Of course it is, just as denying that experience is worthless.




It's a new America. One I personally think is going out with the trash, but it is what it is, and admittedly, just this posters opinion.


If younger people want the government to run the show for the most part, that is how it is going to be...as long as this country remains as is...which I doubt.


In short order....and by short I mean possibly 5-10-15-20-25-30 years....no answer to that, some areas of the country are going to pull out, and there won't be a fight this time....we'll be some sort of Republic with a strong alliance, but separate forms of government.


I for one as an example an tired of a city such as NYC negating the state of Tennessee. States are more important than cities any way you cut it. Shoot...take NYC out of NY and it might be a red state.



It's happening. This divide we now experience isn't going to be repaired as it crosses political, economic, and religious lines. If the divide only crossed two as it has in the past, it could usually be worked out, with religious lines holding things together as the common thread.


Now that that is broken, it's over. There is no binding element.



Here is my prediction...where it all starts...you are going to see a state, or states start to offer up their own currency...a chit system, which we had 100-150 years ago....once you see that, it won't be long.



It's over folks, and that isn't commentary on President Obama winning the election. I just think the divide between the various sections of the country are too wide to ever be repaired.

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Great day for the Liberals, a bad day for America. Unless you think socialism is a good idea. And in regards to Gay Marriage and dope legalization- like the Roman Empire, we won't get beaten from the outside, we're rotting from the inside out. If you don't see the parallels, you're blind.


I'd suggest a summer vacation to Greece next year- to get a first hand idea of where this country is headed economically.


FWIW, VT no country in the history of the world has ever gotten out of a debt load the USA is carrying without hyperinflating the currency. The only reason it hasn't happened already is the Feds keeping interest rates artificially low. BTW, China holds most of the IOUs. When our ship sinks, we're taking the rest of the world down with us.

Yeah and when we made alcohol illegal the country went into the toilet. All it did was make the American mafia rich and powerful

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Of course it is, just as denying that experience is worthless.




It's a new America. One I personally think is going out with the trash, but it is what it is, and admittedly, just this posters opinion.


If younger people want the government to run the show for the most part, that is how it is going to be...as long as this country remains as is...which I doubt.


In short order....and by short I mean possibly 5-10-15-20-25-30 years....no answer to that, some areas of the country are going to pull out, and there won't be a fight this time....we'll be some sort of Republic with a strong alliance, but separate forms of government.


I for one as an example an tired of a city such as NYC negating the state of Tennessee. States are more important than cities any way you cut it. Shoot...take NYC out of NY and it might be a red state.



It's happening. This divide we now experience isn't going to be repaired as it crosses political, economic, and religious lines. If the divide only crossed two as it has in the past, it could usually be worked out, with religious lines holding things together as the common thread.


Now that that is broken, it's over. There is no binding element.



Here is my prediction...where it all starts...you are going to see a state, or states start to offer up their own currency...a chit system, which we had 100-150 years ago....once you see that, it won't be long.



It's over folks, and that isn't commentary on President Obama winning the election. I just think the divide between the various sections of the country are too wide to ever be repaired.


I don't think I ever said experience was worthless, that's stupid. If "real America" wants to secede be my guest. They better do it while all the older Tea Party members are still alive though...

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OK, I'll agree with my dad. A smart, self employed businessman with a masters in engineering.


And... I still think the same.



Gays aren't gonna end America. Lol



I don't think everyone older than me is wrong. I'm not some Retarded rebellious youth like I guess you were.


What about people older than you that agree with me?


No, I didn't say forget it because I gave in, I said forget it because you are still a stupid ass kid. And no matter what I say to your dumb ass, you won't agree, so, I give up. Fuck off and learn the hard way dumb ass.

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I for one as an example an tired of a city such as NYC negating the state of Tennessee. States are more important than cities any way you cut it. Shoot...take NYC out of NY and it might be a red state.



It's happening. This divide we now experience isn't going to be repaired as it crosses political, economic, and religious lines. If the divide only crossed two as it has in the past, it could usually be worked out, with religious lines holding things together as the common thread.


Now that that is broken, it's over. There is no binding element.



Interesting take.


There is so much "instant news" now, with social media & many news channels, it definitely takes it's toll on our opinions. This forum is a great example.


As far as NYC negating TN, the founding fathers were smart when they created the concept of the House & Senate, so states got represented in the Senate, and the House would be a bit "more local" in it's form...unfortunately they never realized the legal system would create so many laws/regulations that need to be sorted through.


I am truly hoping the Republican & Democrat party get challenged, so America can move forward- there is so much money there, I doubt it will ever happen.

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little johnny woodypeckerhead - you don't know life. zilch, nada.


just another elitist little punk, who is anti-everthing status quo, with a gay sassy quip about everything you don't have a clue about.


Seriously woodypeckerhead flea - your Father started his engineering business? In Real America.


You try the same in the America that is happening now? Good luck, but that won't help you..


Well, this country is the greatest country on earth - but it's going to fall apart


under the weight of overwhelming entitlement giveaway freebie spending,


and anti-everything sentiments against real marriage, honor, integrity, our military,


and our freedom via our Constitution.


I honestly won't be surprised if something? happens to two of the conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices


if they don't retire well before ObaMAO leaves ? office.


Thank God for the strong Republican control of the House.


And I think they picked up a few in the Senate - some of the radical marixst fascist garbage by


ObaMAO will be stopped.


But, America is now on the skids - it started decades ago with illegals stampeding here,


and entitlement spending creating an environment where single POOR women, especially blacks,


took to happily having out of wedlock kids for the immediate gov dole they would get.


And now, it's a second and third generation of leeches on the finances that are intended to help those


who fall into the safety net. It started with little mentally warped hatefilled marxist professors flocking


to universities across the country - to spout their hateful garbage. And little hateful lemmings like


Bill and Higgardly Clinton, Obamao, Holder, Angela Davis, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Pelosi, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, and the rest -


found a niche for losers to become winners - in the radical hate everthing club.


America is being destroyed by a corrupt president, corrupt dems throughout the gov, some corrupt reps,


but mostly, a sickness - even our "justice dept" is right out of a horror movie.


We are going from Reagan's "Shining City on a Hill"......


to political/emotional/legal extortion to extract money and freedom from Real Americans.


The ones who pay the bills, WITH THEIR OWN HARDWORKED FOR MONEY.


I hear our cell phone bills have a charge on it - that pays for the cell phone give away.


I think it was over a million folks got free cell phones. - a LOT of them in Ohio.


Bribery and egg sucking losers mugging America ...are an entire gigantic subculture now.


The suffering is going to be terrible when our economy crashes completely - it's only a matter of time now


with this debt - that Obamao said Bush was "UNPATRIOTIC" for.... when it was 6 trillion bucks smaller than his own, now.


It's all lies and manipulation, character assasination and approved by Obamao INjustice dept threats.


When it all starts falling apart - it will be too late for any kind of quick fix for America.


Seriously - start researching on stocking up on food, storing your own food and supplies. Invest in


some protection for your family - gun(s), ammo, community security watch type of things...eventually,


and start to change the way you live - freedom isn't free - and the left is now paying any price for


everyone else to lose theirs. It's becoming an upside down world.


I was talking to some stupid pizza place kid, I mentioned the Weimar Republic. He frowned and said he never heard ot it.


You will, stupid - and Obamao will preside over the disaster. A global crisis is looming - and with all the debt, many


experts see no way out - unless there are huge, huge cuts in spending soon.


Not good. No wonder people are flocking by the hundreds and hundreds, to their local


extensiion ag agents and ag offices - to learn gardening. They are scared of what is surely coming.


Or, ObaMao changes into a genuine American, and does the opposite of what he's done the past four years....


IOW's,,, buy, store food, learn to garden, buy guns, ammo, toilet paper....


I wonder if it's possible to make your own toilet paper. Like, What did they do back in the early settler days?


Maple leaves?

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I think you discount the number of "younger" Americans want what Mamma and Daddy had.




Plus, with estate taxes, you won't get what ever is left of what they had....part of the socialist agenda is no pass down of wealth.



Your Grandmama's china your Mama now holds...don't think your future daughter is getting that.



Just saying

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I want more. I want to be more successful. Not that they aren't, I am just going to try to keep improving.



Cal, you can keep pushing your doomsday end of America shit, idc. Most sane people aren't gonna believe you. Buy guns, buy a bunker, hoard your food, idc. You're crazy, you really are. IDK how you got to the point where you think that stuff, but I guess it is a good testament to the affect media sources can have on people.

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Lol, we let gay people get married now our country will implode... HAHAHAHA



Wow, you guys. Where does that belief even come from? Is it all just from a relgious belief system? I'm happy that it seems like no one in my generation really gives a shit about religion. THAT is a step in the right direction.


Legalizing pot is smart. Makes it safer, you can tax it, and u aren't wasting all that money and prison space to lock up "criminals" that have a little weed on them.



I'm happy a good amount of crazy right wing tea party guys lost as well. It seems like the Reps need to cut off that part of their party and fast. All the economic stuff is reasonable, but you aren't gonna win the next generations vote on "Real America this, gays are bad that, the Earth is 6000 years old, legitimate rape, etc"

I'm not very religious and don't support gay marriage but support civil union. Don't know why gays have to cry about it when civil unions give them the same rights financially wise.


And I'll be completely honest, I'd rather stay in the orphanage than have two gay moms or two dads(as well as rather stay having two alcoholic parents or drug addict, which is even worse). It's just forcing an unnatural situation, you see gay animals too but they don't raise any animals, approximately 10% of them are gay just like humans.

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I don't think I ever said experience was worthless, that's stupid. If "real America" wants to secede be my guest. They better do it while all the older Tea Party members are still alive though...


Woody- it's not a question of age. Well, maybe it is. Way back in 1970 our Woodstock Generation thought we had all the answers. Turns out we didn't. Hate to tell you in about 30-40 years, you're going to find out the same. LOL, when YOUR kids tell you you're full of shit. :)


LOL, I used to have the same argument with my uncle- 45 years ago. Was it Ben Franklin who said "those that would trade freedom for security will have neither." ? This is a lot less free country than it was in 1970. Hell, Homeland Security would have had me locked up for years with the stuff I had in my basement chem lab back then- and no, I wasn't making meth- just had all the ingredients to whip up some rocket fuel.


Ballpeen has a very valid point- the way our Electoral College is set up- you carry NY and CA, you're already 1\2 way home. One look at the electoral map will tell you that. Obama is strictly "the man of the big cities". Heartland America hates his guts, and everything he stands for. I won't repeat the anti-Obama slur I saw in a restroom in South Dakota in August- but trust me, I'll NEVER forget it.

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I want more. I want to be more successful. Not that they aren't, I am just going to try to keep improving.



Cal, you can keep pushing your doomsday end of America shit, idc. Most sane people aren't gonna believe you. Buy guns, buy a bunker, hoard your food, idc. You're crazy, you really are. IDK how you got to the point where you think that stuff, but I guess it is a good testament to the affect media sources can have on people.


Cal isn't crazy- and probably not that far off.


Two questions - and no cheating.


1) What was the Weimar Republic?


2) Why is gold now selling @ $1,700 an ounce?

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