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Israel Offed A Military Chief Of Hamas


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Israeli Strike in Gaza Kills the Military Leader of Hamas



Palestinians extinguished a fire after an Israeli airstrike on a car carrying Ahmed al-Jabari, who ran Hamas's military wing, on Wednesday in Gaza City.





Published: November 14, 2012

GAZA — The Israeli military carried out multiple airstrikes in Gaza on Wednesday and blew up a car carrying the commander of theHamas military wing, making him the most senior official of the group to be killed by the Israelis since their invasion of Gaza four years ago. Hamas announced that Israel would “pay a high price.”


The death of the commander, Ahmed al-Jabari, 52, who was on Israel’s most-wanted list of Palestinianmilitants, was confirmed by Hamas and Israeli officials. The Israeli military said it had ordered the airstrikes as part of a response to days of rocket fire launched from Gaza into Israeli territory.


Mr. Jabari’s death signaled a further escalation in the renewed hostility between Israel and Hamas, the militant organization regarded by Israel as a terrorist group sworn to Israel’s destruction. The Israeli attacks could also further complicate Israel’s fragile relations with Egypt, where the new government has established closer ties with Hamas and had been acting as a mediator to restore calm between Israel and Gaza-based militant groups.


Hamas reacted furiously, saying in a statement that it considered the Israeli attacks to be the basis for a “declaration of war” against Israel. A spokesman for Hamas, Fawzi Barhoum, said the Israelis had “committed a dangerous crime and broke all redlines,” and that “the Israeli occupation will regret and pay a high price.”


Military officials in Israel, which announced responsibility for the death of Mr. Jabari, later said in a statement that their forces had carried out additional airstrikes in Gaza targeting what they described as “a significant number of long-range rocket sites” owned by Hamas that had stored rockets capable of reaching 25 miles into Israel. The statement said the airstrikes had dealt a “significant blow to the terror organization’s underground rocket-launching capabilities.”


Yisrael Katz, a minister from Israel’s governing Likud Party, issued a statement saying that the operation had sent a message to the Hamas political leaders in Gaza “that the head of the snake must be smashed. Israel will continue to kill and target anyone who is involved in the rocket attacks.”Hamas and medical officials in Gaza said both Mr. Jabari and a companion were killed by the airstrike on his car in Gaza City. Israeli news media said the companion was Mr. Jabari’s son, but there was no immediate confirmation.


The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that Mr. Jabari had been targeted because he “served in the upper echelon of the Hamas command and was directly responsible for executing terror attacks against the state of Israel in the past number of years.”


The statement said the purpose of the attack was to “severely impair the command and control chain of the Hamas leadership as well as its terrorist infrastructure.”


The statement did not specify how the Israelis knew Mr. Jabari was in the car but said the operation had been “implemented on the basis of concrete intelligence and using advanced capabilities.”


Hamas has controlled Gaza since 2007, a year after the Israelis withdrew from the territory captured in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. But Israeli forces went back into Gaza in the winter of 2008-09 in response to what they called a terrorist campaign by Palestinian militants there to launch rockets into Israel. The three-week military campaign killed as many as 1,400 Palestinians, including hundreds of civilians, and was widely condemned internationally.


Israel has long said it would hold Hamas responsible for attacks launched from Gaza on its forces and population, regardless of which group was behind them. Like the United States and Europe, Israel defines Hamas as a terrorist organization. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist.


Mr. Jabari became the acting leader of the Hamas military wing after Israel had severely wounded Muhammad Deif, the top commander, in an assassination attempt in 2003. Mr. Jabari had survived several previous Israeli raids. In 2004, Israeli planes attacked his house killing one of his sons and three other relatives.


Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency, considered Mr. Jabari responsible for what it called “all anti-Israeli terror activity” emanating from Gaza.


He was also known for having played a major role in negotiations that led to the release of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier captured by Gaza militants in a cross-border raid in 2006. Mr. Jabari personally escorted Mr. Shalit to a handover to Egyptian intermediaries last year as part of a prisoner exchange for hundreds of Palestinians held in Israeli jails. Video of the handoff to Egypt showed Mr. Jabari standing near Mr. Shalit.


Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, a spokeswoman for the Israeli military, acknowledged Mr. Jabari’s role in that prisoner exchange during a conference call with journalists on Wednesday announcing the airstrike on Mr. Jabari’s car. She also said Mr. Jabari had “a lot of blood on his hands.”


Fares Akram reported from Gaza, and Isabel Kershner from Jerusalem. Rick Gladstone contributed reporting from New York.


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Tanks at the border




Egypt asserts its support for Palestinians




Rumor spreading that an Israeli F-16 has been shot down. No pictures of it yet, might just be propaganda. If it isn't, then these Hamas kooks are just really fucking crazy. The technology gap between the Israelis and their enemies has narrowed significantly since they last went toe-to-toe. Should multiple Arabic countries mobilize, I wouldn't expect a clean sweep as has been seen in the past.

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Tanks at the border




Egypt asserts its support for Palestinians




Rumor spreading that an Israeli F-16 has been shot down. No pictures of it yet, might just be propaganda. If it isn't, then these Hamas kooks are just really fucking crazy. The technology gap between the Israelis and their enemies has narrowed significantly since they last went toe-to-toe. Should multiple Arabic countries mobilize, I wouldn't expect a clean sweep as has been seen in the past.


Iran has always supplied Hamas. Fighting spirit I would give to the Israeli's any day. But who knows what Russian weapons Hamas and other countries have now.

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Another massive Israeli-Arab war is highly unlikely, perhaps impossible due to US sway in the region. Unlike in '67 & '73, there aren't separate US & Soviet spheres of influence in the region. And even then, countries were peeling away from the Death to Israel coalition -- Jordan stayed home in '73.


Also, it's important to note that those things weren't always clean sweeps. The Israelis were caught off guard in '73 because the military hierarchy assumed its strategic advantage guaranteed no Arab countries would be willing to go to war. The surprise, less decisively won conflict stunned many Israelis and, at least according to some historians, helped pushed the Israeli right towards a US-brokered deal with Egypt.


The huge amounts of aid and military-to-military relationships that have stemmed from that agreement make it unlikely, whatever the political situation, that Egypt's military would go to war against the United States' bud.

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Yup, pretty much. Both Egypt & Israel get wicked oversized shares of foreign aid, but I don't know if the US gov't can pull the money without creating a Romney-playing-Jenga sitch. Probably something that has to happen little by little over eons.

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Egypt is the aggressor.


BTW, whatever happened to the stupid leftist crap about "Israel will have peace when they give back the Gaza strip....etc etc.


There will never be peace. It's time to stop aid to Egypt - they are the aggressors here - as in the past.


This violence is only happening because Obamao is bigoted against Israel, and bigoted FOR Muslims.


Just like hitler ended up being. His gov learned to use the Jewish people as a focused "enemy" from them.


Mathew Staver, Founder and ChairmanLiberty Counsel 11/16/2012 As Middle East violence escalates, over half of Israel’s population is now under fire from terrorist rockets. The latest reports indicate that more than 50 rockets – some of them Iranian-made Fajr-5 long range missiles – have been fired today alone. Israel’s most populous city, Tel Aviv, is among the targets and today even Jerusalem came under the crosshairs. America’s mainstream media ignored the barrage of rockets launched by Hamas into Israel that came on the heels of Barack Obama’s reelection. But Israel’s responsive attack a week later that took out Hamas military leader Ahmed Jabari is getting major attention, as are the Israeli Air Force’s (IAF) attacks on missile silos and other military targets in and around Gaza City. This is outrageous hypocrisy on the part of America’s leftist media! Israel is suffering war-like conditions! Even in Tel Aviv, which has not come under fire since the first Gulf War in 1990–91, air raid sirens are almost continuously blaring as frightened Israeli men, women, and children are forced to stay under cover. Meanwhile, answering the call to defend its people, Israel is currently amassing more than 16,000 ground troops should a ground invasion into the Gaza Strip be deemed necessary, and as many as 75,000 reservists may be called into action. This latest attack on the sovereignty of Israel underscores the vital need for Americans to declare strong support for the nation of Israel and its leadership. It is vital that President Obama pledge unwavering support for our ally, Israel, and for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Seems to me, that the enemies of Israel strike when a corrupt president is dealing with scandals in America.


'67... LBJ and Vietnam.


'73 ... Nixon, watergate


2012 Obamao....whose scandal rocked regime makes the previous two look


small time.

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By that theory, President Clinton was the only recent non-corrupt commander-in-chief, at least if you count the Lebanon conflicts in '82 and '06.


Also, to clear something up from my posts above -- just because I believe we're pretty much locked into our current aid policy re: Egypt & Israel doesn't mean it's a good one. In fact, I think we've been bad friends to Israel by insulating them from the costs of the occupation -- it's helped entrench a policy that's fundamentally at odds with Israel's identity as a Jewish & democratic state.

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By and large, yes.

Oh I understand that Qatar the United Arab Emirate Jordan and at 1 time Lebanon arent exactly hell holes.

But Syria Saudi Arabia Iraq Iran Egypt Libya on and on.....



Bunching all of those countries together really shows that you don't have the slightest clue what's going on over there.

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Calling whole groups of people uncivilized is a very 19th century thing to do, but it's the older cousin of a sentiment shared by many Israelis who oppose the continued occupation of the West Bank: why should the kid of a tech executive in Tel Aviv be forced to raid homes in the middle of the night in Tulkarem or the keep the whole city of Hebron under lockdown because the Israeli settlers there are batshit insane? Those actions make young Israelis do things a "civilized" person wouldn't normally engage in.


Unfortunately, that's a problem unlikely to be resolved anytime soon because of the mess in Gaza.

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