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Save The Innocents! Arm All Teachers!


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1 - Arming teachers isn't the answer. Education in the US is mandatory, so you get all sorts of punkass goofballs in the mix. It wouldn't be surprising to have a student reach for a teacher's holstered weapon, thus creating a completely new and unfortunate situation. Plus, if my 12th grade physics teacher had a weapon, I'd probably not be here because I was a huge smartass and pissed her off all the time. This is a terrible idea, no thanks.


2 - @Kosar, careful with those stats. Those states with the lax gun laws don't have huge metropolitan expanses with millions of poor people living on top of each other.

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1 - Arming teachers isn't the answer. Education in the US is mandatory, so you get all sorts of punkass goofballs in the mix. It wouldn't be surprising to have a student reach for a teacher's holstered weapon, thus creating a completely new and unfortunate situation. Plus, if my 12th grade physics teacher had a weapon, I'd probably not be here because I was a huge smartass and pissed her off all the time. This is a terrible idea, no thanks.


2 - @Kosar, careful with those stats. Those states with the lax gun laws don't have huge metropolitan expanses with millions of poor people living on top of each other.


Why doesn't the bolded area above surprise me.

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Why does a ban on civilians having assault weapons = loss of all guns to you? What do you really feel you need an ar-15 for besides killing people? Cysko



Here's what I think. I think "assault weapons" means every single gun, pistol, single shot .22, and everything else...to the left. I don't care if they outlaw 30 shot clips.


But I can just own three tens, and that's nearly the same.


So, they will outlaw ten shot clips. Why is that so hard to consider?


It's kinda like the anti war protestors back at kent State. "kill your parents" Jerry Rubin said. "down with America" they said. etc etc etc.


"Anti war" ???


"against the Vietnam War" ? What they did, with all their antagonistic, smelly sitins and garbage... was to alienate the middle class, among a whole lot of other folks.


Meaning, what the left allegedly wanted, "stop the war"...ended up being ...they aliented the very people who were needed to be influenced to vote for a pres who would stop the war.


The Vietnam War ended up going on for years ... because of the "anti war protesters" fraud.


With gun control, it's a political football for the left. An emotion (since the left never reasons, they just emote on issues) lever against the status quo.


So, the left's mouthing off about guns, included the evil specter of Obamao Marxist Pig's historical anti gun stances.....


means a hell of a lot MORE guns are sold. And the left's antagonism toward religion AND guns, means that they alienate the 150 to 300 MILLION guns owners that


they need to have a consensus on common sense gun control. How the hell does registering guns solve any kind of problem? It doesn't. But the left wants that,


so they can know where they are, intimidate those, and eventually tax them out of existence, or be able to know where they are, when the guns, in their dreams,


are completely outlawed. Meanwhile, these mentally ill people get their hands on weapons, and not much gets done.


LBJ desired a great society thing going. Funds to help single parents to raise their kids healthily. Right. So, an entire subculture of young, poor single women made a living


out of having kids to QUALIFY for that gov money, and marriage was out of the question, which was a free ride for the fathers to split, and that led to more children for more money.


What a hellish, destructive way to try to solve a problem for an entire subculture of poorer people.


The anti everything left creates anti status quo alienation. That means they get no cooperation, because of legitmate mistrust as to the left's true agenda,


regardless of their more legit verbage every so often.


Gun ownership if great protection, in terms of being able to defend against being killed or critically injured. And, the fact that so many own guns,


and so many states have ccw laws... and Castle Laws - has a way of stopping rampages of home break ins and violent assaults before they get considered.


Deterrent. The left always does this corrupt emotional crap. They use terms to try to garner support, when they have no desire to let anyone know that


they have very, very different, and changing definitions of those terms. Which means, that "sure, let's get rid of assault weapons"... until they get to redefine the term


to mean "any kind of gun at all and outlaw all of them".


Then, it's too late. The left gets the ball rolling with the big lie, then the truth comes back to haunt them, and everybody else.


I see the left's outrageous, emotional knee jerk reaction to OUR 2nd Amendment, as a major player in gun violence today.


Were it not for the left, gun owners would be at ease coming to the table to help figure out how to stop school violence.


The left's "divided we fall, and that's a great thing" has left us with rampant abortions, unsustainable welfare and crack babies expenses,


a national debt so critical that we soon face serious consquences as an entire country, gangs in big cities, battles over the FREEDOM


of individuals to be religious, in the guise of "separation of church and state", the perversion of marriage and the family structure,


some ...unions who have become the American worker's worst nightmare, and greater taxes in a never ending chase to pay for more


and more spending that we already can't afford.


It's enough to make a lot of folks buy another gun and more ammo, and to start staying home with their garden and their money out of the bank..

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What facts? I gave you plenty of facts which you ignored. You don't live in reality.



False. You skewed them (The guns in SHES were obtained legally); I corrected you (the guns were stolen, and were in use by someone under the age to legally own them in the state).



You're a trip.

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False. You skewed them (The guns in SHES were obtained legally); I corrected you (the guns were stolen, and were in use by someone under the age to legally own them in the state).



You're a trip.


That's her adult special needs child. The guns were the responsibility of the owner who obviously had none. You're actually making my point for me, thank you. These guns were not purchased through the black market from a Mexican gun runner. Nor would socially Retarded Adam Lanza have had the balls to obtain them that way. They were sold legally to an affluent "responsible" gun owner. I'm done arguing with you you're a selfish fool that will trade the lives of innocent children so that you might have toys to play with. We will never agree with each other.


Frankly saint of all people probably has the right idea. Not teachers but armed guards. Not fat old security guards either but combat vets, or swat guys trained and employed and monitored by the state or federal government to patrol the school all day every day. It's a scary dystopian thought but with society producing more and more remorseless mad dog killers (average of 1.3 mass shootings a month in America this year, anyone?) And a certain sector of people hell bent on doing everything possible to ensure these killers are armed with the very best killing machines available there doesn't seem to be any other choice.


Here's a question: why are we so concerned with Iran getting a nuclear bomb? It's just a tool, right?

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That's her adult special needs child. The guns were the responsibility of the owner who obviously had none. You're actually making my point for me, thank you. These guns were not purchased through the black market from a Mexican gun runner. Nor would socially Retarded Adam Lanza have had the balls to obtain them that way. They were sold legally to an affluent "responsible" gun owner. I'm done arguing with you you're a selfish fool that will trade the lives of innocent children so that you might have toys to play with. We will never agree with each other.

Clearly the owner was not responsible. But the guns were stolen. No way around it, just a fact that you want to avoid. And who says I'm trading lives? Again, you're an emotional shipwreck that has been unable to have a clear thought since this tragedy. You're making the same arguments that the hack Congressman Nadler from NY is making. "We must exploit this incident to pass stricter gun control" - and I'm the one trading on the lives of children? #ClownArgumentBro.


Frankly saint of all people probably has the right idea. Not teachers but armed guards. Not fat old security guards either but combat vets, or swat guys trained and employed and monitored by the state or federal government to patrol the school all day every day. It's a scary dystopian thought but with society producing more and more remorseless mad dog killers (average of 1.3 mass shootings a month in America this year, anyone?) And a certain sector of people hell bent on doing everything possible to ensure these killers are armed with the very best killing machines available there doesn't seem to be any other choice.


Here's a question: why are we so concerned with Iran getting a nuclear bomb? It's just a tool, right?

And here is where you make my argument for me: We aren't as concerned with the tool as we are with who is using it. Isn't there a ban or policy or law or some NATO shit on "unstable" countries trying to acquire nukes? (Answer: yes) We're more fine with Russia having them now because they've become a little more responsible than they used to be (excuse the generalizing of 40 years of coldwar history here).


And seriously, forget all of the chickenshitting between us over the past couple of days and read this:

Disarming Gun-Control Myths

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Were arguing the same point from different angles I think. No one is blaming the gun itself. The gun is inanimate. However there is some blame to go around most of it lying on his mother in my opinion. But where we differ is I think that if his mother can't buy this shit he can't get it. The stock arguement is "oh but he'll get it somewhere else." Where? Hardcore Mexican gun runners? Gangs? No way. No fucking way. He was a social Retard no way would he have been able to approach an illegal arms dealer. Give me a break. All these mass school shootings, theater shootings, all if them have been committed with legally purchased, registered firearms. The only qualification they needed to be purchased is that the buyer has no criminal background. But its not criminals that are committing these atrocities, that is to say its not paroled felons or gang members. It's middle class kids with no priors at all.


You can't make people be responsible. You either are or you aren't. You are either the type of person that will keep your firearms locked in an appropriate safe away from disturbed teenagers with serious social problems who spend eight hours a day killing people in call of duty or you're the type of person who will not lock them away, and instead make them freely available to anyone in the house.


There are no home inspections when you purchase a semi automatic assault rifle or machine pistol. There is no mandatory psychological evaluation of either the purchaser or their dependants. These would be good starting places for compromise but I can't see the gun people being willing to compromise in the slightest.


What do you think will keep the assault weapons out of the next Adam Lanza's hands (and there will be another one. Sooner than anyone would like to see) magic? You can't change human nature and make people be responsible, so are we going to hope magic prevents the next Adam Lanza? Or are we as a society going to do SOMETHING about it?


You mentioned NATO had restrictions on irresponsible nations having nuclear bombs, but there's nothing in place to make sure irresponsible people can't get them here. That's a problem. Let's not talk about banning guns anymore. Let's talk about how we can crack down on who gets them.

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The first paragraph of that article blows its credibility. Plummeting? 20 children were just shot to death a week ago. There was a mall shooting a week before. 16 mass shootings this year more than any year ever before. Plummeting? Maybe home invasions or individual murder cases but certainly not mass shootings. Try to find some way to spin that into a factoid that says mass shootings are rarer than ever.

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Cysko, there are over 200 million guns in the US. 200,000,000. The population of the US is around 273 million. There are over 2 guns for every 3 people.


1 - Look at the reaction to this shooting. AR-15 prices are skyrocketing. The NRA has been pulling in 8,000 new memberships a day for the past week. People want their guns and are NOT willing to give them up, even if they get outlawed.


2 - It's not hard to get a gun if you want it. You can call these shooters socially incompetent all you like, they still found guns. Making them illegal is not going to take guns out of circulation.


3 - Think we're doing a good job of policing Afghanistan and Iraq? Well, the US is much, much bigger and the people here are accustomed to more personal liberty than those two countries. You want to take the guns away? How do you propose it be done? Go door to door, search every house? AR-15's are going to be hidden better than Anne Frank in 1939 Poland. Not to mention that even if we do take all the guns away, we share one of the world's largest land borders with a country that is bordering on anarchy, and we can't even stop illegal immigrants from getting in. Not to mention that there are a ton of routes in by sea and air. And what we're left with is a situation that is logistically impossible.

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Cysko, there are over 200 million guns in the US. 200,000,000. The population of the US is around 273 million. There are over 2 guns for every 3 people.


1 - Look at the reaction to this shooting. AR-15 prices are skyrocketing. The NRA has been pulling in 8,000 new memberships a day for the past week. People want their guns and are NOT willing to give them up, even if they get outlawed.


2 - It's not hard to get a gun if you want it. You can call these shooters socially incompetent all you like, they still found guns. Making them illegal is not going to take guns out of circulation.


3 - Think we're doing a good job of policing Afghanistan and Iraq? Well, the US is much, much bigger and the people here are accustomed to more personal liberty than those two countries. You want to take the guns away? How do you propose it be done? Go door to door, search every house? AR-15's are going to be hidden better than Anne Frank in 1939 Poland. Not to mention that even if we do take all the guns away, we share one of the world's largest land borders with a country that is bordering on anarchy, and we can't even stop illegal immigrants from getting in. Not to mention that there are a ton of routes in by sea and air. And what we're left with is a situation that is logistically impossible.



Jesus Christ vapor are you even reading? Stop talking outlawing and start talking about how to enforce responsibility of gun owners.

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Who gives a fuck about Iraq and Afghanistan? How our military is doing policing a hostile soverign nation has no relation to our inability to keep our children at home from being massacred.


If we can't keep people with legal firearms from killing as many of our schoolchildren as they want, our nation fails. Period.

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Cysko, the only one not reading is you. You're clearly blinded by rage right now and incapable of forming a coherent argument.



Am I outraged? Hell yes. You're god damn right I'm emotional, fella. I have two little boys, what do you have to lose? Do you even realize what was lost? Stolen from those families and children you selfish prick? They were six and seven years old. Football games with their dads, thanksgivings, graduations, their first kisses. Love. Life. Their entire lives were stolen and now their parents are putting them in the ground at Christmas. I'm not going to ever say "aw shucks folks, if only that crazy doomsday prepper lady had a little more responsibility and didn't let her nutcase kid play with an assault rifle hyuk yuk yuk"

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I do feel like I want to punch you, yes. Am I outraged? Hell yes. You're god damn right I'm emotional, fella. I have two little boys, what do you have to lose? Do you even realize what was lost? Stolen from those families and children you selfish prick? They were six and seven years old. Football games with their dads, thanksgivings, graduations, their first kisses. Life. Their entire lives were stolen and now their parents are putting them in the ground at Christmas. I'm not going to ever say "aw shucks folks, if only that crazy doomsday prepper lady had a little more responsibility and didn't let her nutcase kid play with an assault rifle hyuk yuk yuk"


Don't you dare talk down to me like I'm unaware of the consequences of the shooting. I'm just numb to it at this point, and I'm not going to let clouded judgment lead to a snap decision. Stricter gun legislation isn't going to touch these issues. Mental health legislation will help a bit, but to stop these things, it's going to come down to being able to talk to and recognize that someone who's depressed needs some help. Our country's perception of mental health needs to change, people who are depressed can't be looked at like they're crazy. There is something not right with their head, and they need treatment. Getting these people that treatment is up to individuals and no one else. The only way that's going to be done is by better educating the public.


I feel like I'm the ONLY one here with outrage and that's fucked up. It's like this is just another day in the life.


"Shit happens"


Yeah when we do nothing shit does happen.


It is just another day in the life. People kill each other. How many children do you think have been killed in the past month on the Gaza Strip. Please. These tragedies happen every fucking day and they occur on much larger scales in shittier parts of the world. The last time the country got all riled up and made clouded decisions we ended up with the Patriot Act and NDAA. That shit needs to not happen again, regardless of how upset we may be.

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I fail to see where I have been irrational. You advocate doing nothing. That's irrational. And...its not working. Mass shootings have happened at an average of 1.3 per month this year. There is absolutely no evidence of this number dropping. It's at an all time high.


It's like youre saying "This building is on fire, quick, pour some gasoline on it. That'll put it out"

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Don't you dare talk down to me like I'm unaware of the consequences of the shooting. I'm just numb to it at this point, and I'm not going to let clouded judgment lead to a snap decision. Stricter gun legislation isn't going to touch these issues. Mental health legislation will help a bit, but to stop these things, it's going to come down to being able to talk to and recognize that someone who's depressed needs some help. Our country's perception of mental health needs to change, people who are depressed can't be looked at like they're crazy. There is something not right with their head, and they need treatment. Getting these people that treatment is up to individuals and no one else. The only way that's going to be done is by better educating the public.




It is just another day in the life. People kill each other. How many children do you think have been killed in the past month on the Gaza Strip. Please. These tragedies happen every fucking day and they occur on much larger scales in shittier parts of the world. The last time the country got all riled up and made clouded decisions we ended up with the Patriot Act and NDAA. That shit needs to not happen again, regardless of how upset we may be.



I'll talk down to you until you get right in the fucking head. I'm tired of hearing people sweep these kids under the rug as just another statistic while they rush to defend guns. Let the fucking outrage remain fresh. This isn't a talking point to me, its a new low in modern America and I won't shut up and let people forget it was little kids. Babies. American children. I won't do it. I'll be god damned if I do.


It makes me sick to my stomach to see people not react for shit to the massacre of children but they'll jump up on a fucking soapbox when you suggest maybe gun purchasers should be forced to undergo a psychological evaluation. Is there other issues? Mental health? Boy howdy, are there. Right now as we speak I'm at the marymount hopital trudell center for mental health. Each wing of this place is filled with potential Adam Lanza's and you know what? They're going to let all of them out in the streets after about six weeks. Are they cured? Hell no, but they're also not criminals. All these people could go buy a gun the day they leave here. That, my friend, is a problem.


I could give a flying fuck about the Gaza strip. What I care about is here, in America, I me mine. We need to put our own house in order before we worry about what's going on on the Gaza strip.

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