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Hitchcock Review

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Fox Searchlight

PG 13 98 min

First of all a shout out to the gang at the Cinemark Theater in Valley View. There are an awful lot of screens in North East Ohio yet few that go to the trouble to show some of the films in limited release.

It’s nice to see some of the more left of center movies on a great screen in a comfortable seat and at a reasonable cost. Plus the popcorn is pretty good.


So I’m guessing that the aforementioned limited release of Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock is do you too generational considerations as it has been literally decades since Alfred Hitchcock held court as the king of suspense. Films including VERTIGO, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, and REAR WINDOW not to mention the mystery magazine and television show he lent his name to are all ingrained in the memories off us Baby Boomers.

This is a somewhat run of the mill bio pic but it should have something to offer to both aficionados and the younger generation who may not be familiar with the legendary director. The focus here concerns the obstacles involved with bringing his most famous film psycho to the screen. You see there was a feeling amongst studio people and perhaps the public at large that Hitchcock's better days were behind him. Sure he'd had success in the recent past but you know the old saying, “what have you done for me lately?”

Hitch became intrigued by the novel PSYCHO, which dealt with serial murder Ed Gein and his house of horrors which would become the basis of the film. In this day of graphic and him this brutality in horror films we forget that the sensors in the late fifties and even early sixties we're much more stringent and infinitely more powerful. Remember what a big deal it was when we heard the toilet flush on an episode of all in the family? And it wasn't only be censors but Paramount Pictures didn't want any part of this film preferring instead that Hitch deliver up another NORTH BY NORTHWEST. It is even hinted that he turned down and offer to direct a James Bond film. Still in the face of adversity he decided to finance the project himself. The gamble paid off and PSYCHO turned out to be one of the most important films in Hollywood history.

Rumors of Hitchcock's personal life, in particular that the direct door often exhibited more than a passing interest in his female stars is but a hint yet provides little evidence ome way or the other. Another unsubstantiated hint is that his wife (Helen Mirren), and former superior, may have had a balance with author Whitfield Cook (Danny Huston).

Older viewers, movie buffs and Hitchcock fans already have a vague idea of all these things.

For them, well actually us, the film works brilliantly due to the inspired performances of Hopkins and Mirren.

Younger audiences should enjoy it as well.

Those who don't care about Alfred Hitchcock and his films probably aren't going to buy tickets anyway, hence the limited release.

Those thatat do should really enjoy it.





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Fox Searchlight

PG 13 98 min

First of all a shout out to the gang at the Cinemark Theater in Valley View. There are an awful lot of screens in North East Ohio yet few that go to the trouble to show some of the films in limited release.

It’s nice to see some of the more left of center movies on a great screen in a comfortable seat and at a reasonable cost. Plus the popcorn is pretty good.


So I’m guessing that the aforementioned limited release of Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock is do you too generational considerations as it has been literally decades since Alfred Hitchcock held court as the king of suspense. Films including VERTIGO, NORTH BY NORTHWEST, and REAR WINDOW not to mention the mystery magazine and television show he lent his name to are all ingrained in the memories off us Baby Boomers.

This is a somewhat run of the mill bio pic but it should have something to offer to both aficionados and the younger generation who may not be familiar with the legendary director. The focus here concerns the obstacles involved with bringing his most famous film psycho to the screen. You see there was a feeling amongst studio people and perhaps the public at large that Hitchcock's better days were behind him. Sure he'd had success in the recent past but you know the old saying, “what have you done for me lately?”

Hitch became intrigued by the novel PSYCHO, which dealt with serial murder Ed Gein and his house of horrors which would become the basis of the film. In this day of graphic and him this brutality in horror films we forget that the sensors in the late fifties and even early sixties we're much more stringent and infinitely more powerful. Remember what a big deal it was when we heard the toilet flush on an episode of all in the family? And it wasn't only be censors but Paramount Pictures didn't want any part of this film preferring instead that Hitch deliver up another NORTH BY NORTHWEST. It is even hinted that he turned down and offer to direct a James Bond film. Still in the face of adversity he decided to finance the project himself. The gamble paid off and PSYCHO turned out to be one of the most important films in Hollywood history.

Rumors of Hitchcock's personal life, in particular that the direct door often exhibited more than a passing interest in his female stars is but a hint yet provides little evidence ome way or the other. Another unsubstantiated hint is that his wife (Helen Mirren), and former superior, may have had a balance with author Whitfield Cook (Danny Huston).

Older viewers, movie buffs and Hitchcock fans already have a vague idea of all these things.

For them, well actually us, the film works brilliantly due to the inspired performances of Hopkins and Mirren.

Younger audiences should enjoy it as well.

Those who don't care about Alfred Hitchcock and his films probably aren't going to buy tickets anyway, hence the limited release.

Those thatat do should really enjoy it.






On NPR, I heard a Hitchcock expert say that his marriage was one of a few in Hollywood that was happy and legit.

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I guess you have to ask yourself why a movie with megastars like Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansen, Jessica Beal would be relegated to "artsy status".


You would think that the hot chicks alone would get people into the seats.

I don't think Helen Mirren is all that hot...


At any rate Hopkins, even though he is a hell of an actor, hasn't really been on the A List since near the end of the Hannibal Lecter era.

Plus the subject matter is something that not everyone knows about.

We're old guys Gipper....


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I think in a lot of ways English actors/actresses are less hung up about appearing nude than American actors/actresses.

Look at the Game of Thrones. Except for the children and the elderly women in that movie they all get naked.


And I remember Helen Mirren from Caligula....nearly pornographic.

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I liked this movie though in a way, it painted Hitch in a negative light. Mirren deserved an Oscar as the long suffering wife. As Biehl, Johannasen, etc were regulated to at least two or three scenes about. As it was all about Hitch and Alma.


Movie should had been called Alma, as it shows the movie from her own point of view it seems. And how Hitch faced lots of stress during Pyscho!

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  • 4 months later...

I liked this movie though in a way, it painted Hitch in a negative light. Mirren deserved an Oscar as the long suffering wife. As Biehl, Johannasen, etc were regulated to at least two or three scenes about. As it was all about Hitch and Alma.


Movie should had been called Alma, as it shows the movie from her own point of view it seems. And how Hitch faced lots of stress during Pyscho!


if you think this movie painted hitchcock in a negative light then don't watch the movie 'the girl' about his fascination with tippi hedren.


comes off as a complete leach.

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