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The Growing Of Marxist/globalist Pigs In America


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"we are so special, we are citizens of the world, and there should be no borders and blah blah blah boocrap."


Yes, ObaMao is a marxist pig.



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1) What in that interview actually pisses you off? It looks fine to me. The comment sections on these sites are always good for a laught though.


2) Dude, you guys lost, twice. Get over it. Are these conservative sites really gonna go around trying to did up dirt on Obama still? Its kinda sad...

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Actually, my pendulum analogy says a LOT.


It keeps proving true. But you don;'t even know what it means, - you don't understand what people write, apparently,


and have a very limited short term memory.

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Bush won twice. Reagan did.


What goes around, comes around. The pendulum swings one way, then the other.


Yes, you don't get it.

Don't forget Bubba Clinton

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But the pendulum effect is a little like gasoline prices. Swing from 2 dollars to 4 dollars then swing back to 2:50.

Swing from 250 to 450 then swing back to 3.

And so forth.


when is it going to hit $2.50

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