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What 'type' Of Coach Do You Want?


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would you rather have a defensive coordinator guy who has his roots in coaching a good defense and hand off the offense to a young genius OC




vice versa?


IMO i'd rather have the hard-nosed don't take any shit type of a coach who comes from the D side of the ball. inspirational and possibly on the edge of being tyrannical. BUT smart enough to get the best in the biz to coach underneath him and let them do their jobs.

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Offensive genius hands down. Any spread, hurry up offensive guy would do. I just want to see offense--if we are going to lose anyway, I'd like to see an exciting game like 28-34 instead of these 10-17 type games.

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Offensive genius hands down. Any spread, hurry up offensive guy would do. I just want to see offense--if we are going to lose anyway, I'd like to see an exciting game like 28-34 instead of these 10-17 type games.

i hear ya. for as bad as i had busted kelly's balls i would take a off the wall genius guy, but i don't know as head coach. why not just bring in someone like that as OC whose guaranteed to handle all the calls on the O?


i mean charlie weist was a genius OC but just can't hack it as a HC.

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i hear ya. for as bad as i had busted kelly's balls i would take a off the wall genius guy, but i don't know as head coach. why not just bring in someone like that as OC whose guaranteed to handle all the calls on the O?


i mean charlie weist was a genius OC but just can't hack it as a HC.


It works the other way as well. There have been many defensive masterminds who didn't hack it as a head coach.


Whoever we get has to be ready to take on the role of a HC and not be a glorified coordinator. That is why I would prefer to hire someone who has been a head coach.

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There are so many options but I guess if I owned the team I'd want an offensive minded coach who can get along with his defensive coordinator.

That's why, with my limited knowledge, I'd lean toward Bruce Arians Dick Jauron.

But I think we put so much emphasis on 1 man.

If Jimmy is going to replace the front office every 2 years I don't see much success in the future.

A little consistency is the key, not drafting and cutting first round picks every 2 years.


I'd like to have an emotional players coach, someone these young guys can get behind and will get behind them.

We have a lot of young guys who need to bond together as a core and a coach who works that way.


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Offensive minded, smart, innovative and ultra aggressive with the genuine ability to evaluate and utilize every scrap of talent at his fingertips..

I am sick of the below average dunces that this club has brought in and called coaches over the years but that is what we are now destined to get again..

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The bottom line is I want a head coach that let's the players play and actually works his coaching scheme around the talent. I don't care if that's Kelly, Whisenhunt, or anyone else. It's plain to see if a coach comes in and tries to a run a system not suited for the players, they will fail.


Edit: Furthermore, I also want a coach who has an identity out there. Ideally it would be a more offensive guy but just something where the guys buy into the philosophy of team.

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I want an expert offensive guy, who knows how to use the talent he has to build a winner without some vague 5 year plan.


The talent the Browns have now, you could win right away, have a great draft, and be a playoff caliber team next year after the first.


Yes, INNOVATOR. That takes a bit of guts, to create something.


Shurmur just had a system that didn't fit his players, then turned around and threw his players under the bus,


saying they have to play better.


Seriously? You can't get the plays in on time? You keep calling the predictable run on first down most of the time?


You keep calling a short pass route that is a few yards short of a first down?


I want an aggressive coach, who doesn't play the conservative, hope not to lose football.


That, imho, is the quickest way to UNinspire your players. A bit of a river boat gambler like Sam Rutigliano, an expert COACH


like Sam, Blanton Collier and Paul Brown, and a coach who has rules for EVERY player, the entire team like a Vince Lombardi,


and a coach who knows why offenses have offensive lines, unpredictable and aggressive play calling...


is that too much to ask, just once?


eh... could be. I hear Kelly isn't coming to the Browns. Well, if he has kids....the Cleveland schools have a nationally bad rep, you know.

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An offensive minded coach how changed his system to fit his current players strengths. Not someone who comes in and says they are running this and gutting the roster cause the pieces are not perfect fits.


Either that or a defensive minded coach, aka Lovie Smith, who can put together a fantastic defensive unit and run them to perfection. The hiring of a good offensive mind would be necessary though.

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I lean to the D-guru side here for a couple reasons ...


- Fits with the image of the Browns and the city.


- In addition to devising D game plans tailored to stop the variety of NFL offenses, real D-side geniuses can dissect the D they are facing that week.

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a players coach, a guy who actually played.... Lovie Smith or Ken Whisenhunt . Stay away from promoting coordinators (except if Arians- hes got rep)


Kelly? glad hes out! stay put in Oregon for all I care....


Keep Jauron for continuity on defense, if possible....


O coodinator? dont know...

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i want an in your face guy like harbaugh.


i'm a believer in defense winning championships so i lean towards a D guy.


either way haslam has said who ever he taps will be around for a long time so this decision is HUGE!!

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The problem I have with Defensive coaches is theyre usually conservative as hell on offense. I want a guy who isn't afraid to go for it on 4th downs, rather then punting or kicking a FG. If we are up by 14, don't try to run the clock, go for the kill shot.

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Good posts-I simply want an aggressive offense and defense.


I will add that our new coach needs to put an emphasis on winning our divisional match ups. We've been beat down so many years, it's time to turn it around.

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I lean to the D-guru side here for a couple reasons ...


- Fits with the image of the Browns and the city.


- In addition to devising D game plans tailored to stop the variety of NFL offenses, real D-side geniuses can dissect the D they are facing that week.

The Browns image has always been offense until Marty, Marty balled us into oblivion.

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The problem I have with Defensive coaches is theyre usually conservative as hell on offense. I want a guy who isn't afraid to go for it on 4th downs, rather then punting or kicking a FG. If we are up by 14, don't try to run the clock, go for the kill shot.


you're right BUT it doesn't have to be that way. i see a HC as more a manager of coaches. let the OC do his thing. let the DC do his thing etc. sure he has the right to override and make final decisions but hopefully the person we bring in is flexible in his style.


but yes aggressive all the way.

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Offensive minded.


I hope Jauron stays on as our DC. I think are defense is a pass rusher and CB away from being elite.


Whisenhut is a offensive coach but his inability to develop any of the three different QBs that started for him is cause for concern. Arizona does have a horrible OL which can destroy even the best of QBs (not saying that Arizona's QBs are good).


I do believe that Kyle Shannahan deserves a look. Look at his ability to instantly change his offensive gameplan when he has to replace RG3 with Kirk Cousins. Alfred Morris is of similiar build to T-Rich. Garcon is big like Little and Moss is the speedster like Gordon.

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WHy not get a chick to coach the Browns?


Why not let the "fan of the week" coach the team? Instead of pizzas for section 524 Row 15, let one of the fans call the plays? Wouldn't be any worse than Shur-loss.

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Why not let the "fan of the week" coach the team? Instead of pizzas for section 524 Row 15, let one of the fans call the plays? Wouldn't be any worse than Shur-loss.

you'll probably lose that promotion next year but gain the free slurrpy with a fill-up at one of jimmy haslam's truck stops.




or 50% off the lot lizards roaming the parking lot.

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