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Survey Monday January 7Th

The Gipper

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?



2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?



3. What's for lunch?



4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?



5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


My own answers:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?


In my heart I want Notre Dame. However, if a Bama victory would make Saban consider moving on to the NFL, then I would be glad Bama won.

(I have said it many times...for Saban to stay in college he may as well just retire...if he is not going to challenge himself.

Look for him to think hard about leaving if they win.



2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?

What I want would be: 1. Seattle 2. Falcons 3. Texans

But I think the Broncos are probably the best team.



3. What's for lunch?


Probably McDoubles which I will get as soon as I am done here. Too bad, it is my birthday and no one offered to buy me a birthday lunch.



4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?

Hmm...the main one that I NEED to keep to is to avoid sugar. It is going decidedly below average.



5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?

I probably will. With the NHL season being truncated it will cause far more intensity for the regular season than usual.

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1. I want notre dame.


2. I'm hoping for the ravens of all people. I know they get a lot of hate in cleveland but it is what it is. I'm an NFL fan, the only team I really hate is the steelers. However I think it will be the patriots vs niners.


3. Fruit and Greek yogurt.


4. Didn't make any


5. I don't care about hockey its easily my least favorite sport, even under soccer, and it seems like they're always having labor disputes.

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1. I want notre dame.


2. I'm hoping for the ravens of all people. I know they get a lot of hate in cleveland but it is what it is. I'm an NFL fan, the only team I really hate is the steelers. However I think it will be the patriots vs niners.


3. Fruit and Greek yogurt.


4. Didn't make any


5. I don't care about hockey its easily my least favorite sport, even under soccer, and it seems like they're always having labor disputes.


Why on earth do you WANT the Ravens?

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Cinci is out. Lewis is retiring. Would be nice to see him go out on a high note. I really don't care what happened here in 95 . That's all in the past. I don't hold ill will. That's petty. What's done is done.


For the same reason id like to see the pats win and solidify Brady as top five all time. I'll never see Otto graham play and I barely remember Montana and those guys, so I enjoy watching a future legend like Tom Brady play.

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?


'Bama all the way- hate the 'Domers with a passion, and I've always liked the 'Tide since Bear Bryant was the coach and Oziie played there.


2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?


I think it will be the Donkeys, though the Niners and Pack have a shot.


3. What's for lunch?


Ham sandwich, iced tea.


4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?


Mine "proceeds" as of today- lose the wight I piled on during football season, and get back into decent cycling shape. Been sort of rough with the icy roads down here to get out much the last couple of weeks.


5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?


They settled? Really? Pay attention?

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?

Can't stand Notre Dame or Saban but I will still watch it


2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?



3. What's for lunch?

Clam Chowder


4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?

didn't make any


5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?

Other than the Winter Classic(which is about as cool as it can get) I don't watch a whole lot until the playoffs start

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Cinci is out. Lewis is retiring. Would be nice to see him go out on a high note. I really don't care what happened here in 95 . That's all in the past. I don't hold ill will. That's petty. What's done is done.


For the same reason id like to see the pats win and solidify Brady as top five all time. I'll never see Otto graham play and I barely remember Montana and those guys, so I enjoy watching a future legend like Tom Brady play.


:) You're in the minority there, most Browns fans want to see Lewis go out on a stretcher.

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?


I cannot reveal who I actually "like" to win for Bowl Mania strategy reasons. But, I'm Irish Catholic and grew up a huge Notre Dame fan, so ... I guess I just revealed it.


Or did I?



2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?


Broncos. Peyton Manning will then have so many endorsements that he will purchase Oprah.



3. What's for lunch?


Ham,cheese and bacon sandwich with pretzels and an orange.



4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?


Good. Last year the goal was to lose weight and that was accomplished. This year the goal is to increase business, and so far, so good.



5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?


Not til playoffs.

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?


Bama- Just think they are the Class of the NCAA



2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?


Denver- there Offense is great, and the defense is Nasty most complete team left

3. What's for lunch?


Red Baren Pizza



4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?


Its Not



5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention


Who Cares?

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:) You're in the minority there, most Browns fans want to see Lewis go out on a stretcher.


I want ray to go out on a high note as well, and I think he did that last week with there win over the Colts. The Ravens will not get past the Broncos or the Pats...Great career for Ray Ray

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?


I don't like either one. Who I picked will be revealed with the conclusion of Bowl Mania tonight.



2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?


Seahawks vs. Broncos



3. What's for lunch?


Some sort of microwave Jimmy Dean breakfast thing with egg, potatos, bacon and cheese. Livin' large over here.



4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?

I didn't make any...so I'm batting 1000 or 0 depending how you look at it.



5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?

I toss minimal attention towards the Blue Jackets. I'll continue to do that.

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On question #2, here is some data to consider:


Last time each of the remaining 8 teams won a title:


Packers: 2010

Patriots: 2004

2002: Texans, no title, but first year of origin

2000: Ravens

1998: Broncos

1994: 49ers

1976: Seahawks, no titles, first year of origin

1966: Falcons, no titles, first year of origin


Last time each of the participating cities won a major sports title:


2012: San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose: SF Giants won the World Series

2011: Boston/NE area: Bruins won the Stanley Cup

2010: Green Bay: Packers won the Super Bowl

2001: Denver: Avalanche won the Stanley Cup

2000: Baltimore: Ravens won the Super Bowl

1995: Houston: Rockets won NBA Finals

1995: Atlanta: Braves won the World Series

1979: Seattle: Supersonics won the NBA title

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Though I have said that I think perhaps Denver is the top contender for the Super Bowl, Nevertheless I would like to see them get their comeuppance.


Think about it: has there ever been a shitass luckier team?

They were the beneficiaries of the 'luck' that involved The Drive, The Fumble, The Helicopter, even The Tebow?


Shouldn't there be one time one of these named games where the Broncos are the ones getting screwed?


Yea, I know they have gotten their asses blown out in several Super Bowls. But those weren't close games.

They need to lose a down to wire heartbreaker so that their fans can cry in their beer.

Fair to say?

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?





2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?





3. What's for lunch?


Home made breakfast sandwich



4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?


Didn't make any. Try to do my best all year



5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?


N H L?????? Never heard of it

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Been a bit, but here is this week's survey:


1. I know it is late....but who do you like: Notre Dame or Alabama?



2. Eight teams are left. Who will win the Super Bowl: Broncos, Patriots, Ravens, Texans, Falcons, Seahawks, Packers, 49ers?



3. What's for lunch?

Salami sandwich


4. How are your New Year's Resolution proceeding?



5. The NHL has settle their labor differences. Will you be paying any attention?

Yes, but it's a tainted season

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Think about it: has there ever been a shitass luckier team?

They were the beneficiaries of the 'luck' that involved The Drive, The Fumble, The Helicopter, even The Tebow?


Don't forget about the 1977 AFC Title game, when Rob Lytle fumbled on the 2 yard line, and they gave him a TD, they went on to beat the Raiders & play Dallas in the Superbowl (lost 27-10).

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3. What's for lunch?


Probably McDoubles which I will get as soon as I am done here. Too bad, it is my birthday and no one offered to buy me a birthday lunch.


Happy Birthday, Gipper!


I'm not sure what McDoubles are, but it sounds like it will take a couple days off your life.


Which is totally acceptable on your birthday.



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Happy Birthday, Gipper!


I'm not sure what McDoubles are, but it sounds like it will take a couple days off your life.


Which is totally acceptable on your birthday.




Dollar cheeseburgers at McDonald's. From my door to the front door of the McDonald's it is exactly 100 paces. In other words it is right across the street.

It is so cheap and convenient its stupid (if you order off the dollar menu)

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Don't forget about the 1977 AFC Title game, when Rob Lytle fumbled on the 2 yard line, and they gave him a TD, they went on to beat the Raiders & play Dallas in the Superbowl (lost 27-10).


Can you dig up a replay of that play on youtube or something?


I remember the AFC title game the Oilers lost on a bad call against the Steelers.


Edit note: I tried to find that play on youtube but only got highlights from that game...none of which mentioned the controversy.

I did find some accounts of the game in which it talked about that play taking place early in the 3rd quarter. So, it wasn't a close to game end play.


Oh, and by the way: yes, Karlis missed.

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Can you dig up a replay of that play on youtube or something?


I remember the AFC title game the Oilers lost on a bad call against the Steelers.


Edit note: I tried to find that play on youtube but only got highlights from that game...none of which mentioned the controversy.

I did find some accounts of the game in which it talked about that play taking place early in the 3rd quarter. So, it wasn't a close to game end play.


Oh, and by the way: yes, Karlis missed.



one hour seven minute mark

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Can you dig up a replay of that play on youtube or something?


I remember the AFC title game the Oilers lost on a bad call against the Steelers.


Edit note: I tried to find that play on youtube but only got highlights from that game...none of which mentioned the controversy.

I did find some accounts of the game in which it talked about that play taking place early in the 3rd quarter. So, it wasn't a close to game end play.


Oh, and by the way: yes, Karlis missed.




I had it wrong, they didn't award him a TD...but nonetheless, Dever was lucky & scored the next play. And yes, KARLIS MISSED, I was at the game, wide left ("Drive" game)

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