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The Gipper

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Congratulations to the National Champions of College Football:


North Dakota St., Mt. Union, Valdosta St. The teams that won titles through real playoffs.


Congratulations to the large school national champions: THE Ohio State University Buckeyes.

No one says they can't claim the mythical national title. After all, they are the only undefeated FBS team.

And until they get a full 8-16 team playoff...it is still mythical.

(note...if OSU hadn't been on probation Alabama would not even played in the game)


But, in reality. Congatulations to Alabama and the GDR...err SEC.

They are on another HiGH from winning another national title.


They are the best money can buy. Better living through chemistry.


But, I digress.


Actually, this is congratulations to Nick Saban, who is proving that a flim flam man never dies....he just keeps collecting checks.

And, by the way....he continues to say "college is for me" "I won't coach in the NFL".


I will believe that only when ALL the NFL HC positions for next year have been filled.

But, if its true: Happy Retirement Nick.

(because if you stay where you are you will have proven you are just a waste)

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If OSU hadn't been on probation, they would have choked it away in the regular season like they normally do Hahaha.





But one has to admire and respect what Urban Meyer has gotten out of those kids. Anyone That follows OSU knows thats not exactly a great team put together thus far. The fact that the kids have bought into his program speaks volumes. I cant wait to see what this upcomming recruiting class yields.

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Oh, yes, and per records going back to the start of college football, Alabama is now 5th overall in number of national titles won, behind Princeton, Yale, Michigan, and Notre Dame.





Unless you go to claimed national titles...


the you'll see all the mythical titles that Bama claims to get them up to 15 lol

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Unless you go to claimed national titles...


the you'll see all the mythical titles that Bama claims to get them up to 15 lol


If we are talking "claimed" National Champions, then look no further than The Rock.


Slippery Rock, in 1936, finished 6-3 against a small (division II) schedule, but laid claim as champions using the following logic:


they won 14-0 over Westminster, who won 7-6 over West Virginia Wesleyan, who won 2-0 over Duquesne, who won 7-0 over Pittsburgh, who won 26-0 over Notre Dame, who won 26-6 over Northwestern, who won 6-0 over #1 Minnesota.


This year, let' see: Bama lost to A&M who lost to Florida who lost to Louisville who lost to Connecticut who lost to South Florida who lost to Pitt who lost to Youngstown St. ... folks, there is your 2012 College Football National Champions ... The Youngstown State Penguins.



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If OSU hadn't been on probation, they would have choked it away in the regular season like they normally do Hahaha.


They played their regular season and went undefeated. WTF are you smoking?


You could have said maybe they would have lost the Big Ten Title game...or the BCS title game. But they won every regular season game. For what its worth...this year.

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Unless you go to claimed national titles...


the you'll see all the mythical titles that Bama claims to get them up to 15 lol


Well, OK, like I said, Ohio State can "Claim" another national championship this year.

Who knows if they will. If they do, who can blame them. Again, only undefeated team at FBS level.


Obviously I am being a bit facetious...but only a bit.

I will think things will be more legit when we can get rid of this stupid 6 week layoff between the end of the regular season and the title game.

That is absofrakinglutely absurd. And yes, somehow it gives the SEC schools an advantage. Not sure how or why, but I think it does.

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Come on Gipper.....just give it up...7 in a row. I mean 7 in a row man.



At what point will it be the SEC is just better??



Really....7....I say SEVEN....that might never be beaten.


Come on my friend....that's impressive

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Come on Gipper.....just give it up...7 in a row. I mean 7 in a row man.



At what point will it be the SEC is just better??



Really....7....I say SEVEN....that might never be beaten.


Come on my friend....that's impressive


Only 7?


The Ivy League won like 20 National titles in a row. :o


OK, so, call me a skeptic. It is the method by which they are better that I am skeptical of.

I mean, Barry Bonds after he turned 34 was by far the better player in the major leagues as well.

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The ancient Romans had sport dead on. Hire gladiators, give them staus, women, pussy, money and comfort. Then, when they lose a step, feed them to the lions as part of the entertainment



We sorta do that now, to a point, don't we? Not quite as literal, but figuratively.

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Come on Gipper.....just give it up...7 in a row. I mean 7 in a row man.



At what point will it be the SEC is just better??



Really....7....I say SEVEN....that might never be beaten.


Come on my friend....that's impressive


Corrrect to a point Ballpeen- yes, 7 in a row is impressive.


What is not impressive is how the conference gets a free pass on their scheduling. The SEC has always had this arrogance of not traveling outside of their region, because the conference games are so brutal. I agree that the conference schedule is tough, but so are MANY conference schedules. I don't have a schedule on hand to verify this, but I remember reading about how Florida hadn't gone west of Arkansas or north of Kentucky in 25 years.


They have the significant advantage of weather conditions over all the other conferences. Just about all the Bowl games their representatives play in are in their own backyard. I know it's not the conference's fault on those two important facts, but they are big factors in their conference's success.

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Nick Saban, I believe, makes like $5.45M/yr, that's among the highest paid coaches of the NFL. College coaches don't have to put in the same hours that an NFL coach does and with Saban's national championships he is basically a god amongst the Alabama campus. Were he to come to the NFL, his shelf-life may not be too long as past history has shown. So why leave college? Saban can get the players he wants to keep the college championships rolling in and further cement his god-like status as long as he wants... There is no longer anymore effort required on Saban's part to continue to earn a top coaching salary and be revered as the greatest college football coach who ever lived.


Why anyone would think Saban would ever want to coach in the NFL again is beyond me. The only reason he'll interview with an NFL team is to why Chip Kelly interviewed...that's to get the university to increase his salary...nothing more, nothing less.

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Nick Saban, I believe, makes like $5.45M/yr, that's among the highest paid coaches of the NFL. College coaches don't have to put in the same hours that an NFL coach does and with Saban's national championships he is basically a god amongst the Alabama campus. Were he to come to the NFL, his shelf-life may not be too long as past history has shown. So why leave college? Saban can get the players he wants to keep the college championships rolling in and further cement his god-like status as long as he wants... There is no longer anymore effort required on Saban's part to continue to earn a top coaching salary and be revered as the greatest college football coach who ever lived.


Why anyone would think Saban would ever want to coach in the NFL again is beyond me. The only reason he'll interview with an NFL team is to why Chip Kelly interviewed...that's to get the university to increase his salary...nothing more, nothing less.



Everything you say is correct....but you miss a key point: EGO.


Saban is a failed NFL Head Coach. The question I have always said is can his ego handle that. I say his Type A personality dissallows that.

I think it would be simply his inner drive that would compel him to come to the NFL.

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Corrrect to a point Ballpeen- yes, 7 in a row is impressive.


What is not impressive is how the conference gets a free pass on their scheduling. The SEC has always had this arrogance of not traveling outside of their region, because the conference games are so brutal. I agree that the conference schedule is tough, but so are MANY conference schedules. I don't have a schedule on hand to verify this, but I remember reading about how Florida hadn't gone west of Arkansas or north of Kentucky in 25 years.


They have the significant advantage of weather conditions over all the other conferences. Just about all the Bowl games their representatives play in are in their own backyard. I know it's not the conference's fault on those two important facts, but they are big factors in their conference's success.



Other conference schedules aren't that tough. The SEC pits top 10-15 team against top 10-15 teams for weeks until some lose and finally drop in the rankings. In other conferences, guess what?? They wouldn't be dropping because they would keep winning most of the games.



As for the weather....who cares....both teams are playing in the same conditions. One wins, one loses, 80 degree temps or a ice field.


You can't tell me that OSU as an example is at some disadvantage playing in 75 degree temps in Dec/Jan.


It sounds like you are wanting teams to play in crappy weather to possibly gain your team some possible advantage.



Good weather doesn't handicap any team.....sorry, it doesn't.



You weather guys kill me.



The Big 10 is a storied conference with a ton of power 100 years ago. Bowl games would have been played in Cleveland had the Big 10 insisted. They didn't because they wanted good weather and didn't want weather to fuck up their plans....yes, I cussed. I do every now and again.


Face it, nobody wants to play in crap weather unless they know they are at a disadvantage and seek some sort of advantage. In good weather, it's all equal.

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Other conference schedules aren't that tough. The SEC pits top 10-15 team against top 10-15 teams for weeks until some lose and finally drop in the rankings. In other conferences, guess what?? They wouldn't be dropping because they would keep winning most of the games.



As for the weather....who cares....both teams are playing in the same conditions. One wins, one loses, 80 degree temps or a ice field.


You can't tell me that OSU as an example is at some disadvantage playing in 75 degree temps in Dec/Jan.


It sounds like you are wanting teams to play in crappy weather to possibly gain your team some possible advantage.



Good weather doesn't handicap any team.....sorry, it doesn't.



You weather guys kill me.



The Big 10 is a storied conference with a ton of power 100 years ago. Bowl games would have been played in Cleveland had the Big 10 insisted. They didn't because they wanted good weather and didn't want weather to fuck up their plans....yes, I cussed. I do every now and again.


Face it, nobody wants to play in crap weather unless they know they are at a disadvantage and seek some sort of advantage. In good weather, it's all equal.



I don't know if weather is that much of a factor....perhaps the home team concept is a bit.


The Big Ten does have a problem traveling. For many years they would go out to the Rose Bowl and get beat by the Pac-10 (almost always a home game for the USC and UCLAs). But when those teams would meet up in a regular season game in the home of the Big Ten schools...or even on the road, the Big Ten won more than their share.

Maybe the long layoff has something to do with it. Not sure why it would.

Same with regular season games with SEC schools...though for a long time, as someone said, no SEC school will venture north or west. Even when they are scheduled to they renege. I know that OSU scheduled a home game with Vanderbilt. Vandy backed out. Not sure why...some lame excuse. Though I think OSU does have some future games scheduled with SEC teams. Maybe a home and home with Tennessee? Not sure.

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A few points of interest to me.


People like to project good, wholesom values onto the things they love. I have never been that way, when something is a lie, or bullshit, even when my own interests are at hand, I call a spade a spade.


That said, it has always amazed when people tell me of their preferences to college ball over teh NFL. They base this on a variety of uphamisms, platitudes and fantasy observations that they are convinced adorn college sports.


The truth of the matter is that sport in general are polluted with cheats, wrongdoers and crooks. Even pee-pee football, where we first come to understand that the least talented athletes on teh field, are the offensive linemen. Now, I digress.

There is no more fucking honor in the NCAA than their is in the NFL. Winning is important above all, and whether it is the unanimous use of steroids, purposeful injuring of star players through bounties, paying officials, faking test scores and intimidatingthe law makers, sports is as rotted to the core as is American society.


Alabama won the National Championship and they ass fucked Notre Dumb. ANy other story is a lie.


The ancient Romans had sport dead on. Hire gladiators, give them staus, women, pussy, money and comfort. Then, when they lose a step, feed them to the lions as part of the entertainment.


Any team whose owner thinks otherwise, is a loser.



I thought this was really funny - the peepee football part, and the ghoolie sarcasm that manages to get another SHOT on O linemen !



(but ghool-aid aside, they really are the smartest guys on the field)

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Other conference schedules aren't that tough. The SEC pits top 10-15 team against top 10-15 teams for weeks until some lose and finally drop in the rankings. In other conferences, guess what?? They wouldn't be dropping because they would keep winning most of the games.



As for the weather....who cares....both teams are playing in the same conditions. One wins, one loses, 80 degree temps or a ice field.


You can't tell me that OSU as an example is at some disadvantage playing in 75 degree temps in Dec/Jan.


It sounds like you are wanting teams to play in crappy weather to possibly gain your team some possible advantage.



Good weather doesn't handicap any team.....sorry, it doesn't.


You weather guys kill me.



Look at it this way- I'm a 22 year old college kid under overcast skies for months, and now I'm in Pasadena with sunshine, beautiful girls on the beach. Do I really have to look at my playbook? Of course weather is a factor!


LSU & OSU had a home & home in the late 80s, that's about the extent of a Big 10 vs. SEC matchup outside of bowl games that I can ever recall.

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I know that I'd never want Michigan to win a bowl game or championship. By the way, LSU lost to Clemson. Florida lost to Louisville.


Rooting for a conference = gay



The Nat'l Championship had nothing to do with the SEC, and I hate when people start hooting and hollering about it.


Alabama would have made the Nat'l Championship regardless of what conference they played in. Had they played in the ACC, Big East, etc. they would have won every game by 30 points. The only other team I see beating Alabama would have been Ohio State, and that's only because Urban Meyer knows how to beat the SEC.


At Florida, Meyer went something like 35-9 against SEC opponents. Unfortunately most of those losses were to the (then) "Big 3" (Alabama, LSU, Auburn). It will be interesting to see how Meyer does in the National Championship next year, and I can only assume it will be against Saban.


The SEC isn't infallible. All these people screaming "SEC" seem to forget Florida losing to Louisville, Vandy dropping one against Northwestern, Missouri losing against Syracuse, UK losing to WKU, and Arkansas losing to UL- Monroe. It may be the best conference in the NCAA at the moment, but it has it's fair share of garbage teams like the rest of the country.

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I know that I'd never want Michigan to win a bowl game or championship. By the way, LSU lost to Clemson. Florida lost to Louisville.


Rooting for a conference = gay


I definitely agree with that. Really gay.

Conferences are there for two reasons: ease of scheduling and to pool money resources.

I mean, why would someone from Florida all of a sudden jump on the Missouri or Texas A&M band wagon when they joined the SEC...for money.


I mean, Maryland and Rutgers are now going to be members of the Big Ten? Whoopdefuckingdoo.

Those moves were made so that the Big Ten and its network could move into the prime markets of Washington/Baltimore and New York City...and reap more money.

Even the conferences that my high school belonged to was simply for the ease of scheduling.

If every school were an independent....which they ought to be, then an athletic director would actually have to work for a living to schedule games. As is, 80-90% of their schedule is already made...in all sports, by belonging to a conference.

It allows the AD to then sit back and drink coffee all afternoon. That is what conferences are for.

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I know that I'd never want Michigan to win a bowl game or championship. By the way, LSU lost to Clemson. Florida lost to Louisville.


Rooting for a conference = gay



No it isn't.



Just like I root for Pittsburgh, Cincy, and Baltimore when they make the playoffs.



To me it's homo to root against a team in your conference/division.

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No it isn't.



Just like I root for Pittsburgh, Cincy, and Baltimore when they make the playoffs.



To me it's homo to root against a team in your conference/division.



I can't do it. I don't root for a team (or teams) to lose every week all season and then when the playoffs or bowl games come around suddenly change over and start rooting for them to win. I'd root for a combination of North Korea, Iraq, and the cold war Russians before I'd root for Cincy, Pittsburgh, Baltimore or that team up north or any other big 10 school.

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