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Biden: Obama Might Use Executive Order To Deal With Guns

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Vice President Joe Biden revealed that President Barack Obama might use an executive order to deal with guns.


"The president is going to act," said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. "There are executives orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."


Biden said that this is a moral issue and that "it's critically important that we act."


Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly."


Biden, as he himself noted, helped write the Brady bill.


Eric Holder was scheduled to be at the meeting that's currently take place at the White House.

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Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly








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Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly










Three terrible comparisons. Alcohol being the only one with any grounds for comparison.


Gun people keep dragging cars into this discussion. The fact of the matter is that cars have been deemed necessary by society and thus rules restrictions and laws have been put in place to demand they be safer. Gone are the days of muscle cars with big block engines and suicide doors. These days its five star crash test ratings. What has the gun industry done to make the single product with the most potential for murder safer?

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Vice President Joe Biden revealed that President Barack Obama might use an executive order to deal with guns.


"The president is going to act," said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. "There are executives orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."


Biden said that this is a moral issue and that "it's critically important that we act."


Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly."


Biden, as he himself noted, helped write the Brady bill.


Eric Holder was scheduled to be at the meeting that's currently take place at the White House.




Sounds like they are talking about abortion!

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the president and the administration are embarking on using the friday afternoon auto pen - to sign into law something they cannot gain by law through the congress?


comparisons or not - just as ridiculous are the notions of the vice president to state that it is the "responsible action" to take.....


ok, then the discussion goes towards guns, safety and rights... which I know is a subject argued on here -ad nauseum


we still have an administration playing loose with the constitution, which then begs the question, why not alcohol, cars and matches too?


but really, who cares? the 51% dont

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Obamao can NOT do it. It would be a flagrant violation of the 2nd Amendment.




That means you can not arbitrarily minimize it, violate it, contradict it....


in any way.


I admit banning automatic weapons doesn't bother me.


But the anti gun sentiments is the same as the anti-American Marriage sentiment,


the same as the anti-religious sentiment, the anti-family structure sentiment, the same as


the anti-life of the unborn children sentiment, the anti hunting sentiment, the anti-suv and pickup truck sentiment,


it's all this attack on anything American status quo.


It's odd, to be engaged in a fraud about "caring" about those murdered, then so much of the left


casually ignores the murderous abortion rate, of unborn, and BORN children in the name of abortion.


Because it's politically expedient. That explains their hypocrisy.


Nobody is going to take guns from all of us.

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As Obama and his gun control supplicant Joe Biden move to use the school murders in Newtown, CT’s "gun-free zone" as an excuse to grab the guns of law-abiding Americans, a new poll shows that most Americans actually want MORE of an armed presence in our schools to protect students from madmen. And AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio isn’t waiting for Washington to act. Joe today deployed 500 armed volunteers to patrol outside 59 schools in metropolitan Phoenix. 400 of these volunteers are part of 3,000-strong Joe’s “Posse” who have participated in the many “immigration sweeps” the Sheriff has conducted over the past decade – resulting in the arrests of hundreds of illegal aliens, drug and human smugglers and gang members. When others just talk, Sheriff Joe ACTS. Way to go, Joe!

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Like George Will recently said: The situation is much like global warming, how much money are you willing to spend on programs that will have no effect?


I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the empty suit signs some sort of toothless regulation as an executive order.

I would imagine it would be reinstating the assault weapon ban or limiting clips to 13 rounds or something like that.

Neither of which, by the way, address more than a tiny percent of gun deaths.

And they won't do hardly anything about the rest.



Then he and his idiot cronies can honk about how safe they've made us.

It's all part of an effort to make Joe Biden seem like less of a moron for 2016.


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Obamao can NOT do it. It would be a flagrant violation of the 2nd Amendment.




That means you can not arbitrarily minimize it, violate it, contradict it....


in any way.


I admit banning automatic weapons doesn't bother me.


But the anti gun sentiments is the same as the anti-American Marriage sentiment,


the same as the anti-religious sentiment, the anti-family structure sentiment, the same as


the anti-life of the unborn children sentiment, the anti hunting sentiment, the anti-suv and pickup truck sentiment,


it's all this attack on anything American status quo.


It's odd, to be engaged in a fraud about "caring" about those murdered, then so much of the left


casually ignores the murderous abortion rate, of unborn, and BORN children in the name of abortion.


Because it's politically expedient. That explains their hypocrisy.


Nobody is going to take guns from all of us.


Im with you .....



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Meanwhile, for all the phony cries to get rid of "assault weapons" so nobody will get killed by guns anymore.....


this mentally ill person used a simple shotgun.


And would have used a crossbow. Or arsenic. Or ice pick.


Mental health acted out in violence is the issue.


But all the libs can muster is political rhetoric against those who legally own guns.


They want to legalize MORE drugs. Go figure.....

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It depends on what the actual funding is for. Was it without the usual dumbass, completely unrelated pork bs?


I don't know. But, we've already seen it posted - those murderers were on medicine to treat mental problems.




The solutions, assuming one exists, depend on the nature of the mental illness and what causes it, I suppose.


Biological anomaly? Or, accrued from drug use? Or, caused by psychogical abuse?


But "doing something" as worthless as politically blaming the NRA and all gun owners for the hideous violence


committed by mentally unstable, ill people is no solution at all.


The nutjobs with the main nutjob, charles manson and "family"... used knives.


Bombs, gasoline, knives, airplanes, tire irons, arson.....how many people were murdered by poison in jonestown sp? whatever it was?


The problem is, the left has the ultimate ulterior motive for "gun control" - wanting to combat all gun owners. So, in that regard... the left is actually responsible


for much of the skyrocketing purchase of guns and ammo across this country. And the liberal left leaning softness on criminals' "victim rights"


has simply created part of our judicial system that is tied up in political correctness that is self-defeating. Counter productive....


and bass ackwards. @@


Liberalism/marxism/progressivism always eeks out a result that is the opposite of the alleged intent.

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