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The Leftist, Anti Gun Lobby, The Anti Everything Lobby


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I never knew this, until I saw a documentary of it on tv. University of Akron. The gov paid for a scientific study in psychology of


the prison environment. The students chosen as guards became dangerously abusive in their elistist power role.


And the prisoners were intimidated, and suffered emtional crises and the study had to be stopped after six? days


on an emergency basis.


Watching that documentary...it's like all leftists/liberals/progressives/democrats ... are wannabe prison guards,


for the power over others.


Like those who became nazis and nazi collaborators.The total power to control others corrupts the power wielder's minds.


They go psychologically off the deep end.



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Actually, it's more like ObaMao and his Islamic terrorist friends in


his administration. The Muslim Brotherhood.


See the connection now? Historically, the radical islamists were friends with... the Nazis in Germany.


Now? They are friends with Obamao. He supported their takeover in Egypt, did he not?


I don't have to make this stuff....... that means we are heading toward very serious trouble in our country.



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Meanwhile, in the real world, Obamao is going to have a nice visit at our WH...


with the dirtbag Muslim Brotherhood head of Egypt.... Morsi. Morsi is demanding


that Obamao release the convincted WTC bomber from prison.


And Obamao and co have not said they won't release him.


We'll see. Stay tuned.


But it's a horror show we're watching by this UNAmerican bunch of traitors in our WH.

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My comment is no matter how hard you rail against gun control you're 100% in the wrong. The only reasons people are fighting it are selfish reasons. Mainly to stick it to the liberals. Yes all those dead kids in Connecticut and all the victims of mass shootings to come are certainly sticking it to the liberals. Good for you. You have rights and no amount of dead kids will ever convince you to compromise with liberals. REAL Americans don't solve problems. We create them motherfucka.

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My comment is no matter how hard you rail against gun control you're 100% in the wrong. The only reasons people are fighting it are selfish reasons. Mainly to stick it to the liberals. Yes all those dead kids in Connecticut and all the victims of mass shootings to come are certainly sticking it to the liberals. Good for you. You have rights and no amount of dead kids will ever convince you to compromise with liberals. REAL Americans don't solve problems. We create them motherfucka.


This comment makes no rational sense whatsoever.

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Oh, quit your whining about a pretend solution to a real problem.


The kid that took a shotgun to a school and killed some bully.


Banning all AR-15 's would have stopped that?


Stop your nonsense. Some violent person can use an ice pick.


Or an airplane.


The left never cared a damn about the Americans, including those children, on 9/11.


They just screamed a violation of their rights over the Patriot Act.


NOw, they just want the Patriot Act to ban guns because they don't like guns.


It's all asinine hypocrisy. And, btw, it's sick to constantly try to achieve a major political coup....


on the lost lifes of the children at Sandy Hook. Or, iow's, where was this "we have to save the rest of the children"


when all those folks were poisoned at Jonestown? It's the people who kill. Either answer up on that, or just please


stop your illogical screaming on the issue. Why the hell should millions of Americans go defenseless, and stop hunting,


and give up their freedom and safety, because you on the left demand it when a tragedy happens that you can USE


only to further your political crap? If some mentally warped murderer hs kid poisons a hundred kids at a dance or something,


I doubt you'd care "about the kids" and want to ban all poisonous chemicals from our country.


Face it - the "outrage" now is politically motivated. And, the "we have to do something" is baloney.


How about solving the problem? Nope. They just want to go after millions of Americans they don't relate to.


Historically, "gun control" means "population control" means tyranny. A gov can't frighten an entire populace


with threats to their safety in their own homes - when that population has guns. Hell, even the Pravda knows that.


The Founding Fathers knew that. Millions and millions of Americans know that.


But no, the liberal anti gun fakes refuse to know it. The question is, WHY do they refuse to know it.

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