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Since Dirtbag Obamao Was First "elected"....


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Exactly as I said earlier. The left wants to pretend to agonize over the existence of guns in the hands of millions of Americans....


for all the wrong reaons, and it creates the opposite result of what their alleged intent is.


Because, their phony outrage is political. They don't care about a legit solution.


They care to use the deaths at Sandy Hook, especially, to further their political agenda.


And yes, Obamao is talking, as most always, out of his stupid marxist rear - he can NOT outlaw gun ownership.


But, economics is the marxist's weapon of choice - to poltical power. Buying votes based on "fees" to be able to


exercise a freedom guaranteed flat out by our Constitution.


Meanwhile, the Brits want their guns back, and Australia is in big trouble. Home invasions went up 21 percent.



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What's your legit solution cal? Id really like to know what you consider a legit solution. A new standard for gun ownership is mandatory for any progress going forward. If your idea of a legit solution is post more armed guards around and hope they are in the right place at the right time there's no hope, because that's not a solution, that's a stop-gap at best.

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Honestly, Cysko - it's tough. I don't believe there's anybody, anti gun or pro gun, who doesn't want to work toward a solution.


Federally funded training for school pschologists to identify these kids at risk of being socially out of it, mentally needing medication...or bullied into withdrawing, or acting out.


I guess you could call it "profiling". Work with these kinds of kids. Work to stop all bullying in schools.


I don't like bringing up video games, but they tie in to the at risk kids/people above, in my humble stupid opinion.


Gun safety. First, second and third. Secure them, respect them, know that they are dangerous in the wrong hands.


Train kids and adults alike - that acting out in violence is answer to anything, just an irrational, devastating horror that lasts forever


and a hundred years.


I think it's time to stop the casualness of abortion attitudes. Maybe teach more about respecting life, all life. Between the extreme violence on


TV, movies, video games, and failing to teach respect for life, severely troubled kids are going off the deep end with, maybe, assistance.


And, with the help of the NRA, our schools, training by outdoor stores etc, train gun safety, including serious efforts to get guns into


safes where they can not be obtained by the wrong people.

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Honestly, Cysko - it's tough. I don't believe there's anybody, anti gun or pro gun, who doesn't want to work toward a solution.


Federally funded training for school pschologists to identify these kids at risk of being socially out of it, mentally needing medication...or bullied into withdrawing, or acting out.


I guess you could call it "profiling". Work with these kinds of kids. Work to stop all bullying in schools.


I don't like bringing up video games, but they tie in to the at risk kids/people above, in my humble stupid opinion.


Gun safety. First, second and third. Secure them, respect them, know that they are dangerous in the wrong hands.


Train kids and adults alike - that acting out in violence is answer to anything, just an irrational, devastating horror that lasts forever


and a hundred years.


I think it's time to stop the casualness of abortion attitudes. Maybe teach more about respecting life, all life. Between the extreme violence on


TV, movies, video games, and failing to teach respect for life, severely troubled kids are going off the deep end with, maybe, assistance.


And, with the help of the NRA, our schools, training by outdoor stores etc, train gun safety, including serious efforts to get guns into


safes where they can not be obtained by the wrong people.


I actually agree with almost all of this. I just think that is a massive undertaking, and to help expediate the process there should be a new, more stringent standard of gun ownership including, yes, insurance. But in most of that post I agree with you completely. Kudos.


But...but! I would be remiss if I didn't point out the federally funded school psychologist program. Do you really want Marxist liberal swine brainwashing kids in school to be homosexuals and sheep before the leftist scum and the brownshirts? Tsk, tsk, comrade.

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#1. If someone commits a crime with a gun stolen from your possession, you get convicted of a crime too. Every gun purchase has to be made with a finger print safe. Done....




So if someone steals your car and kills someone, you are culpable.




You are a idiot.

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