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Grossi On Lombardi


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Some of the article by Grossi on Lombardi. The best is when Haslam says EVERYONE told him if you

have a chance to hire Lombardi hire him BUT Lombardi had been out of the NFL for 5 years and

had only 1 interview this year for a GM position (you guessed it---Cleveland.)






“Without exception every one said, ‘If you can get Mike Lombardi to be your GM, you should hire him immediately,’” Haslam reported.


And yet, Lombardi was not interviewed for any of the six open GM jobs in the NFL this year except this one. In the past five years, the only interview he received was with the San Francisco 49ers two years ago. The job went to Trent Baalke, who had been with the 49ers for seven years prior.


Burying the past: My criticism of this hire was rooted not only in Lombardi’s nine previous years in Cleveland in the 1980s-90s but also in his prior time in San Francisco in a lesser capacity and then in Oakland afterwards.


A key person with one of his former teams said, “He was one of those phone guys. He didn’t have the talent. He was good at talking to people and working off what they tell him.”


Lombardi’s record with Bill Belichick in the 1990s as a draft evaluator was unquestionably bad. But Banner praised Lombardi for their two years together in Philadelphia in 1997-98, saying, “There’s no question he’s near or at the top of quality talent evaluators.” In Oakland, where the late Al Davis ruled, Lombardi was mostly associated with one pick – offensive lineman Robert Gallery – who proved an incredible bust at No. 2 overall and wound up playing guard.


With NFL Network, Lombardi bashed Tom Heckert's latest draft and categorized it as "panicked disaster." On Friday, Lombadi brushed off that criticism as "media commentary" and said, "Now it's a different set of circumstances."


Lombardi’s time in Cleveland and elsewhere also was marked by incidents of undermining, backstabbing and leaking to media -- mostly the result of Lombardi’s unbridled ambition. Former Raiders coach Art Shell once accused Lombardi of speaking badly of him to others and dividing that dysfunctional organization.


All of this history makes Lombardi a questionable hire at least and a tremendous gamble on the part of Banner.


“I understand that I’m going out on the limb myself by hiring Mike,” Banner conceded in sidebar interviews after the introduction. “So I didn’t do this casually.”


Can a leopard change its spots?: Banner and Haslam have been prepared for some time for the negative reaction of Lombardi’s hire, and much of the talk was about how Lombardi has changed over the years.


“To be honest, I think he learned from some hard experiences he had with people he worked with,” Banner said. “That there are different ways to go about things that contribute to your self-awareness. I think he has grown a lot from that.”


In his introduction, Lombardi volunteered that he has changed “professionally and personally” since his time here 25 years ago.


“If I was the same guy that was here 20 years ago, I would say that Jimmy and Joe shouldn’t have hired me,” he said.


Later, in a sit-down with a group of media, Lombardi singled out me in addressing the criticism his imminent hiring received.


“I’ve done your job. Been in the media. I understand criticism. I have no problem with it,” he said. “I understand the sense of where you’re coming from. But I just ask we start clear. If I make mistakes, or you think I’m making mistakes, I have no problem with it. I’d like it not to be as personal as perhaps sometimes it is. I’m just asking for a fair and honest chance to move forward.”

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Lombardi can go to hell. The last Browns' drafts were disasters?


Big mouth, little brain, stodgy hanger on, buttkisser to anybody for NFL $$$$, that's how I've seen Lombardi for years.


If he has grown out of being the above, which I suppose he has - since they hired him.... okay.


They know what they are doing.


But, until he proves otherwise, I sneeze in his direction, and I am glad he wasn't drafting for the Browns


the last three years.


Wait - I just realized something. Lombardi is a smart move after all - they can get his input on


who to draft where, and then make sure they don't draft his guys. ....@@

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Why Haslam would think at this stage this team can take a chance on a guy with such screwed credentials and background, is beyond me.

This team is not in a position to see what can develop, they need solid direction, leadership and choices to get their feet firmly on the ground, then maybe play with some chancy decisions.

Lombardi sounds completely wrong for where this team currently is (or any other team for that matter). Why would Cleveland look at a guy no one else cares to ? Are we in such a place that we can develop management ? We haven't even proven we can develop the talent that is capable of being developed yet - or - proven we have the right management to even go there yet.

Bad move, I was very excited and had allot of confidence in Haslam's moves - like the Norv Turner call, so so on Chud, but they do have their positives - what at all is positive about Lombardi ???


Once again, getting just a bit squirrly about the next Browns season.

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i like haslam and his swagger, just hope he is not being pulled in different directions under banner's hypnosis. i knew they'd hire a new HC and OC but now it sounds like they are gutting the whole staff.


not a good idea in my book.


and lombardi....................eh?

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I'm iffy on this one but i gotta look at it this way, Haslem as a 1st time owner and hiring his 1st staff in the NFL wants to hit a homerun right off the bat, no f'n around, get it done right the 1st time, right? He's most likely done his homework and due diligence on everyone he had interest in. Sooo after going through all that and getting input from respectable people from throughout the league, he makes his decision to bring in Lombardi. Not the fan favorite and an unfavorable track record for the most part from what i know of, But Haslem still seen him as the guy they wanted to bring in. So personally I'm cool with the hire. At this point i just have to think that JH knows what he's doing and sit back and do what i do. Be a fan and enjoy the ride up....hopefully

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Haslam speak with forked tongue.


I agree, they were intent on hiring this loser all along. I hope Jimmy knows Lombardi will get zero slack from the media and fans. His first draft had better be a home run. Also hope Chud has final say on who they draft, not the GM.

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There is nothing about the Lombardi hire that feels like the right move ... so I have the feeling the Browns finally nailed something






1) If it looks like it stinks, it does stink. Good coffee fetcher for Banner in Philly.


2)His draft record is 90% pure shit.


3) If he had such great GM potential, why was he out of the league for 5 years?


4) Who else was hot on the trail of this turd for a team management job? Answer: NO ONE.


5) Other owners sure scammed newbie owner Haslam. Yup, that Lombardi guy is a great hire- hire him and we'll be able to beat your ass for another couple of years until you figure it out (like the rest of the NFL already did) the guy is a dunce.


6) Joe Haden is "too slow", I'd take Brady Quinn over Joe Thomas, Josh Gordon was a bad move. Need anymore reasons when April rolls around, to lock this guy out of the draft room?

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I do not particularly like the lombardi hire but then again i am far from a joe banner fan as well..

IMHO i believe jimmy haslam has surrendered to joe banner and has allowed himself to be surrounded with some fairly incompetent people in the war room when the draft rolls around in late april i will put the blame or success squarely on joe banners tiny little shoulders for what happens on draft day..


While i do not care much for our top brass selections when it comes to the war room i do very much approve of our new coaching staff..

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I agree, they were intent on hiring this loser all along. I hope Jimmy knows Lombardi will get zero slack from the media and fans. His first draft had better be a home run. Also hope Chud has final say on who they draft, not the GM.


If it isn't a homer, then what? Are you going to give up your season tickets?


I may not be all that big on the hire, but I sure am glad Haslam doesn't let fan reaction or media interference sway his decisions.


That would be a loser proposition.


Me, I'll wait and take it as it comes rather than get all worked up before anything bad happens.

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Me, I'll wait and take it as it comes rather than get all worked up before anything bad happens.


I'm with you, I'm neither convinced it was a horrible hire nor overly optimistic about it, let's wait and see and give it a chance.


It's really interesting to see how much passion the people who are against the hire show. I'm not sure where this is all coming from, is it just because of his past? How much does the negative Cleveland media play into this?


6) Joe Haden is "too slow", I'd take Brady Quinn over Joe Thomas, Josh Gordon was a bad move. Need anymore reasons when April rolls around, to lock this guy out of the draft room?


I'm not going to hold everything he's said on tv against him. It's his job to come out and say stuff like this.

To Lombardi's credit he has said that Haden is a "blue chip" top5 corner.

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1) If it looks like it stinks, it does stink. Good coffee fetcher for Banner in Philly.


2)His draft record is 90% pure shit.


3) If he had such great GM potential, why was he out of the league for 5 years?


4) Who else was hot on the trail of this turd for a team management job? Answer: NO ONE.


5) Other owners sure scammed newbie owner Haslam. Yup, that Lombardi guy is a great hire- hire him and we'll be able to beat your ass for another couple of years until you figure it out (like the rest of the NFL already did) the guy is a dunce.


6) Joe Haden is "too slow", I'd take Brady Quinn over Joe Thomas, Josh Gordon was a bad move. Need anymore reasons when April rolls around, to lock this guy out of the draft room?


I understand all that, Larry.


But, to a degree, I bought in on Butch Davis, and Savage, and Mangini and Holmgren and Heckert etc ... because, as a fan, I attached myself to the positive.


But with Lombardi, I see no positive to latch on to. No hope to inspire me.


Which leads me to believe that he will be a roaring success.



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I understand all that, Larry.


But, to a degree, I bought in on Butch Davis, and Savage, and Mangini and Holmgren and Heckert etc ... because, as a fan, I attached myself to the positive.


But with Lombardi, I see no positive to latch on to. No hope to inspire me.


Which leads me to believe that he will be a roaring success.




I'm excited about the coaching staff, if we succeed this time I could see Lombardi taking more credit than he deserves if everything they say about him is true.

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Kind of like the Lotto.


I could make my fortune by selling my numbers as numbers that won't be picked.


In the last game I had two tickets with 11 different numbers....one number was on both tickets. None were picked, and it's like that nearly every time I buy tickets.


A buck a player for me tp provide 12 numbers that won't be selected....that would improve other players odds a great deal.

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I'm excited about the coaching staff, if we succeed this time I could see Lombardi taking more credit than he deserves if everything they say about him is true.


I am REAL excited about the coaching staff.


Chud was the type of guy I had in the back of my mind all along. Younger NFL assistant with no HC coach experience, but with success running an NFL offense. Vertical passing offense. Panthers players called him the "mad genius" type, without a warm personality ... love it! That doesn't describe the two coaches in the Super bowl this year ... but it sure as hell describes the two that were there last year. Ohio roots is a plus.


Norv Turner: If you give him talent he will produce a top offense. Everyone thinks of him and the passing game, but five different times, with three different teams, he has had the #1 rusher in the NFL in his offense.


Ray Horton: The most sought-after defensive guy out there. We hired him as DC about 5 minutes after he learned he wasn't going to be a HC. Glad we waited, wasn't enamored with the other names being bandied about. He's not married to 3-4 or 4-3, he's a hybrid guy and that means he will work with the talent he is given, we don't have to retool an entire young defense to fit a certain scheme.


We kept Tabor as well, who is getting a reputation as one of the best ST coaches out there.


Yes, I love the coaching staff. Love the new ownership, the changes to the franchise .... I'm lukewarm on Banner and cold on Lombardi though ... but I am 100% ready to for them to convince me they are going to turn this franchise into a winner. Just do it. For the Love of God ... do it!



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Gotta admit, after the on-field shite we've watched masquerading as an NFL team over the past 12 years.

you can color me pretty fookin' jaded. If we get to the halfway point of the '13 season and our record

is better than 2-6, I might start to get excited. Until then...

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Lombardi was a dumb hire, a retread. Go after Trent Gamble from 9ers, that team in 2 years is in the super bowl, he scouted Kaepernick, he was part of a team that found talent. He is young and up and coming.



Better yet keep Heckert, Clev had little talent and little depth when he came, now this team has depth and talent.

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I understand all that, Larry.


But, to a degree, I bought in on Butch Davis, and Savage, and Mangini and Holmgren and Heckert etc ... because, as a fan, I attached myself to the positive.


But with Lombardi, I see no positive to latch on to. No hope to inspire me.


Which leads me to believe that he will be a roaring success.




It's scary how much our fanbase has in common with battered women.

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Let's put it this way:


Bottom line, with these hires, the honeymoon is over. The fans are NOT going to give this organization "time" to do things right. They need to do things right from the giddyup.


Their free agent acquisitions must be substantial and productive. Their draft choice must be 80% hits. Their decisions on who or who not to retain from the current roster must be accurate and defensible.


They have no choice but to succeed, because come about 4 games into next season, if things are not looking good, they will become like Spartacus and his group: they will ALL be crucified.

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My favorite quote from his PC:


"If I was the man I was 20 years ago, I don't think Joe and Jimmy should have hired me."


I guess Mike just had some life changing epiphany on evaluating football talent during his time at NFL network.

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Let's put it this way:


Bottom line, with these hires, the honeymoon is over. The fans are NOT going to give this organization "time" to do things right. They need to do things right from the giddyup.


Their free agent acquisitions must be substantial and productive. Their draft choice must be 80% hits. Their decisions on who or who not to retain from the current roster must be accurate and defensible.


They have no choice but to succeed, because come about 4 games into next season, if things are not looking good, they will become like Spartacus and his group: they will ALL be crucified.


^+1 What's done is done, and I'll back off on the Lombardi hire (for the time being). No need for me to turn into a Ghoolie style Lombardi basher, you guys know how I feel about the hire. But for starters with the #6 pick they had better pick up a stud Pro Bowl caliber player, or trade out of it for a couple Phil Taylors.


PS if you listen to the Nance interview, sounds like he's claiming the Jamarcus Russell pick was all on Al Davis, Lombardi wanted no part of it.

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