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Ways Guns Could Be Made Safer

The Cysko Kid

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Maybe now I'm talking crazy but the engineer in me has been pondering this question. How to do such a thing?


What about if on all new guns the safety mechanism was a fingerprint verification? Sure it would cost a little more, at first, but wouldn't that ensure the firearms COULD NOT be used by anyone but their legit owner? I bet it would be relatively simple to build.


Anyone else have any off the wall ideas?

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Maybe now I'm talking crazy but the engineer in me has been pondering this question. How to do such a thing?


What about if on all new guns the safety mechanism was a fingerprint verification? Sure it would cost a little more, at first, but wouldn't that ensure the firearms COULD NOT be used by anyone but their legit owner? I bet it would be relatively simple to build.


Anyone else have any off the wall ideas?

You realize that wouldn't change the millions of guns already in circulaton, right?

Assuming that the target, if you will, of reducing gun violence is that and not just massacres...

The very best way to change behavior and reduce recidivism is to make a federal 10 year mandatory settings for any crime committed with a gun.

Unless we are not serious about changing behavior.


Knowing that 10 in the pan was a certainty A crook might think twice about sticking the pistol in his belt.

Add if he's too reckless to care great, at least he'll be out of the population for a decade.


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Steve, I'm only attempting to devise a way to actually make a gun safer, like cars have been made safer. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well it's not that much different, we jail, or should, drunk drivers, right?

We take away licenses.

We have random checkpoints.


If you're not interested in punishing gun crime how about this:

Register every gun and have ballistic information on file?



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What about if on all new guns the safety mechanism was a fingerprint verification? Sure it would cost a little more, at first, but wouldn't that ensure the firearms COULD NOT be used by anyone but their legit owner? I bet it would be relatively simple to build.


Anyone else have any off the wall ideas?


I don't think the tech is there yet. Lots of safes with fingerprint recognition that don't open on the 1st try. Wouldn't want to rely on that if a PD/HD situation arose.



Guns are extremely safe. To make them safer, the doof holding the thing needs to be educated and trained on how to use one. A driving test perhaps? Most ranges make you complete a quick safety course before shooting on their ranges. Might be worth looking into when purchasing one as well. Background checks can currently take 5 minutes-1hr depending on the state and time of day/volume of requests. Something constructive can be done with that time, no?

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Yes those things are well and good, thank you for responding seriously. I do believe the technology exists. It would be akin to building a small tablet like device into a firearm, which I don't believe would be incredibly difficult to achieve. With such a device there's a myriad of ways it would actually be possible to customize a safety mechanism to suit your needs. A drawn pattern like Android uses to lock cell phones is one. A numerical combination, another.


Another possible benefit, though I'm loathe to mention it here, is the possibility that a firearm so equipped could be remotely prevented from firing thus making it impossible to use for criminal purposes.

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A swipe to unlock? Now we're getting somewhere. I was saying the fingerprint thing is real shaky tech at best (at least in the consumer market - Hollywood would have you believe the retina scanning, finger print ID'ing federal government is capable of all things).


I think a Pin code like unlocking your iPhone would be achievable. But again, this is complicating a machine that you dont want complications with if you need to defend yourself in a hurry. My iPhone doesn't always unlock the 1st time. I mean Glock is praised for it's simplicity of design. As is the Kalashnikov rifle. Less parts to break = more reliability.


Again, this is tough to do with everything in circulation already. The GPS tracker is cool but easily overcome when the battery pack dies, etc.

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A swipe to unlock? Now we're getting somewhere. I was saying the fingerprint thing is real shaky tech at best (at least in the consumer market - Hollywood would have you believe the retina scanning, finger print ID'ing federal government is capable of all things).


I think a Pin code like unlocking your iPhone would be achievable. But again, this is complicating a machine that you dont want complications with if you need to defend yourself in a hurry. My iPhone doesn't always unlock the 1st time. I mean Glock is praised for it's simplicity of design. As is the Kalashnikov rifle. Less parts to break = more reliability.


Again, this is tough to do with everything in circulation already. The GPS tracker is cool but easily overcome when the battery pack dies, etc.


Yes gps would be dependent on power supply. Then, too, so would the safety. No power= no shots fired. 1st generation hardware always has issues, but with some refinement this could be very useful.


For what its worth I have a relatively complex pattern to unlock my phone but I can achieve it in less than one second.

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Maybe now I'm talking crazy but the engineer in me has been pondering this question. How to do such a thing?


What about if on all new guns the safety mechanism was a fingerprint verification? Sure it would cost a little more, at first, but wouldn't that ensure the firearms COULD NOT be used by anyone but their legit owner? I bet it would be relatively simple to build.


Anyone else have any off the wall ideas?


It's not off the wall, my brother. "Smart guns" have been talked about for a while. You're ahead of your time. Sort of.

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A swipe to unlock? Now we're getting somewhere. I was saying the fingerprint thing is real shaky tech at best (at least in the consumer market - Hollywood would have you believe the retina scanning, finger print ID'ing federal government is capable of all things).


I think a Pin code like unlocking your iPhone would be achievable. But again, this is complicating a machine that you dont want complications with if you need to defend yourself in a hurry. My iPhone doesn't always unlock the 1st time. I mean Glock is praised for it's simplicity of design. As is the Kalashnikov rifle. Less parts to break = more reliability.


Again, this is tough to do with everything in circulation already. The GPS tracker is cool but easily overcome when the battery pack dies, etc.



I disagree about the consumer fingerprint verification. Pnc bank (formerly ntl. City hq) on w 150th uses a nifty card access + fingerprint verification made by, I believe, bioscan to enter any of their secure areas. They take your index finger prints on a screen. You go to the door, present your card, touch the reader with either index finger and bang, you're in.


Fingerprint verification isn't simply Hollywood bullshit. It exists, right here in Cleveland. My job sends me to some interesting places so I would doubt there's any practical security measures I don't see with regularity.


Optical scans, for instance, are largely Hollywood bullshit.

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I disagree about the consumer fingerprint verification. Pnc bank (formerly ntl. City hq) on w 150th uses a nifty card access + fingerprint verification made by, I believe, bioscan to enter any of their secure areas. They take your index finger prints on a screen. You go to the door, present your card, touch the reader with either index finger and bang, you're in.


Fingerprint verification isn't simply Hollywood bullshit. It exists, right here in Cleveland. My job sends me to some interesting places so I would doubt there's any practical security measures I don't see with regularity.


Optical scans, for instance, are largely Hollywood bullshit.


The gym at my school has the same thing. Not 100% accurate, or reliable enough for me if I have the unfortunate task of pointing a gun at someone in a PD/HD situation.

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What about if on all new guns the safety mechanism was a fingerprint verification?


Then you could never fire someone elses gun. When I am at the rage we test fire others guns all the time.


For that matter you couldn't test fire a gun to see if you want that type or not.


How would you teach your children how to properly shoot?

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A gun with a fingerprint or other electronically 'fail-safe) secure safety that could be remotely tracked and locked would actually function as its own gun safe.


It's as I expected to hear nothing but conventional answers



I don't want GPS monitoring....it's nobodys business if I own a weapon or not. Lets put tracking devices in cars so the cops can track all the cars that go to a bar after work.


That is invasion of privacy.


Come up with all the hair brained ideas you want. The problem isn't the gun. It's the idiot who holds it.

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I don't want GPS monitoring....it's nobodys business if I own a weapon or not. Lets put tracking devices in cars so the cops can track all the cars that go to a bar after work.


That is invasion of privacy.


Come up with all the hair brained ideas you want. The problem isn't the gun. It's the idiot who holds it.


Since posting this I've checked into heck's link and I'm not as far ahead of the curb as I'd hoped. Smart guns are up and coming and god help you, ballpeen. You're in for a bad time if you oppose useful technology.


One thing I didn't think of that's just an excellent idea. Wide area control. Meaning, you couldn't carry a smart gun into school and start shooting. It would be automatically disabled walking into the wireless field of the school. I'd imagine you could treat that like basic card access...the server is able to make exception for law enforcement and security.


And your privacy? Forget about it. All your personal information us available right now to anyone who wants it. Your privacy is already out the window. Putting a camera in your house is an invasion of privacy. Tracking guns is not. Get over yourself.

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What about if on all new guns the safety mechanism was a fingerprint verification?


Then you could never fire someone elses gun. When I am at the rage we test fire others guns all the time.


For that matter you couldn't test fire a gun to see if you want that type or not.


How would you teach your children how to properly shoot?


Ever hear of a timer? Your cellphone stays on til you stop using it for X amount of time. It doesn't lock for X amount if time after that, even though the display is off. Your concerns here are without merit.

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A gun in a safe is useless.


Well than suffer the consequences if it is stolen. My friend has 3 hand guns and a finger print opener, says he can get to them in under 10 seconds. Army vet wouldn't have it any other way he says. Has them on the wall next to his bed.


Or you can move out of the shit hole Cleveland and you won't need a gun, lol.

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