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Josh Cribbs And The 'powerhouse' Browns.


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Joshua Cribbs (born June 9, 1983).


Brandon Weeden (born October 14, 1983).


Josh Cribbs is only 4 months and 5 days older than Brandon Weeden and look at all he has accomplished in the NFL. He's been to two Probowls, holds punt and kick return records, is a standup leader on the team and huge supporter of the communnity. He's been the face of the team for years and years and the only threat of making a difference in games sometimes. He's a weapon and will always be the same Josh that he's always been. Commander and Chief- Special Forces of the Cleveland Browns.


...and then you have Weeden.


Cribbs would probably be a better Quarterback if they ever let him play. It's a known fact that Josh Cribbs set records at Kent State and CAN throw a freaking football just fine, he might be a little rusty but you just don't forget how to throw a football. Let him and Colt split time at QB and if you want put in Weeden to throw a deep ball and... damn, if we could just crush these three together we'd have ONE heck of a QB.


I say put Cribbs at FB, Trent at RB, Colt at QB, Little, Gordon and BJFlash at WR. Run Jordan and Watson out of the TE. Joe, Mack, Schwartz and Thing 1 and Thing 2 at the Guards... and we've got ourselves an offense, already here and part of the team. With a capable offensive mind in Coach 'Dinski' we could have a formittable offensive attack. I would rotate Cribbs in to take offensive direct snaps and occasionally audible him in as the direct Quarterback(through the no huddle offense no less) and leave the defense gasping and grasping at ankles. Colt could audible out to the WR spot and bring Little in to the FB spot to take a quick dump in the flats or take a quick handoff... the possibilities are endless and the rewards bountiful.


What the hell, why not?

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I would agree to disagree with anybody that thinks Cribbs' days with the Browns are over. He would and should resign here and get to be a piece of this team when we start to be successful. He has earned that. I don't care what your opinion is on the guy, he's earned his place on this roster. I would challenge you to find 53 more players on this team who deserve a place on the gameday roster over Josh Cribbs. You could say that and plead until you're blue in the face... and it would STILL be a damn lie.

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always thought about cribbs in some type of 'bad dawg' offensive scheme throwing the ball instead of letting him do some read option that the SMARTER QBS do nowadays.


well, it never happened and i doubt now that the guy might be done that the new coaching staff is going to even keep cribbs.


bad decisions by bad coaches.


sound familiar?


oh and BTW i love your fairy tales! maybe we can get a green ogre to play RT next year?

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He's not "Green" but I think he'll do, right?

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I would agree to disagree with anybody that thinks Cribbs' days with the Browns are over. He would and should resign here and get to be a piece of this team when we start to be successful. He has earned that. I don't care what your opinion is on the guy, he's earned his place on this roster. I would challenge you to find 53 more players on this team who deserve a place on the gameday roster over Josh Cribbs. You could say that and plead until you're blue in the face... and it would STILL be a damn lie.


IMO it's all going to depend on what Cribbs has in mind for a salary. If it's big money, he's gone. I have a feeling Banner won't offer him more than $2 million next year, and that's about as high as I'd go too. He's definitely lost a step, and Travis Benjamin has proved he's a very capable KR. Josh does have a place on ST as the gunner, and certainly has utility- assuming Chudd is smart enough to let Josh toss the ball once in awhile out of the direct snap.

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He's not "Green" but I think he'll do, right?


Ah when ya gonna learn PG? 3rd overall was too high to take TR- and 6th overall is way too high to take a guard- even if he's the next Steve Hutchinson, who was drafted 17th.


Now if we can trade down to 17, take Warmack and get our second round pick back, I'm all for it. :)

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Ah when ya gonna learn PG? 3rd overall was too high to take TR- and 6th overall is way too high to take a guard- even if he's the next Steve Hutchinson, who was drafted 17th.


Now if we can trade down to 17, take Warmack and get our second round pick back, I'm all for it. :)

I'd love to see that happen. I've always thought top notch guards are an underrated part of your offense.

Ryan Tucker in or Ryan Tucker out?


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I am a huge supporter of Cribbs, and wish that he would finish his career in cleveland, but the problem with him, and any special teams player, is that the NFL is looking for more ways to make the kick off return obsolete for "safety reasons". If you remove his ability to make plays on kick offs and returns he's just a below average receiver making about a million a year.

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Even if they re-sign Cribbs... he shouldn't be returning punts or kickoffs anymore. He is not a threat to score.


So what is a 4th or 5th WR/ occasional WildDawg / ST gunner guy worth??


For me, not much. I love Cribbs but I don't see him staying unless Chud offers more playing time on O, which is a bad idea...

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no offence to the OP but lay the crack pipe down.

years ago when the browns wanted to make him more that just a ST returner this was a hot topic here. And a few on here including myself thought he would be better suited at the safety position, and not a wr.

but to little to late.

I hope he stays but we are still building and don't need a ton of cash wrapped up on him either.

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  • 2 months later...

This post isn't about Josh Cribbs, but about Cribbs my cat. He died this morning just after 9:00am, I've been up all night with him waiting for the clinic to open. I left a message for them to call me when they got in, as the phone rang, he took his last breath. I just buried him in the back yard and planted 3 little rose bushes on top of his little cardboard kitty coffin...


I've never liked cats that much and didn't really want him when we first got him. My girlfriend chose him from a stray litter and put him on my chest while I was sleeping. I said get him off of me and outta here. She begged me and promised to clean up after him as long as he could stay with me, for she couldn't have animals where she was staying. I told her, I guess he could stay but his name is gonna be Cribbs. At least with a name like that I could tolerate him I suppose. He is, or was 5 years old in January... and I gotta say how wrong I was when I said I didn't want him.


He was the coolest cat I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He was white and black and had the most beautiful yellow eyes. He lived with three dogs and was more of a cat/dog than an actual cat. He was an excellent mouse catcher, even without his front claws. When he was a kitten and my oldest dog was a puppy they used to play together. He was an ecsape artist man, I remember before he got fixed he used to hide by the door, under clothes or behind shoes and then dart out the instant you thought it was safe to open the door. We put him in a kennel to try and keep him from running away when the kids were running in and out, and he would open the latch on the outside of the cage. I couldn't figure out how he was doing it so we recorded him doing his Houdini. He came to his name and loved taking baths, sort of. He would even eat chips, which I thought was weird... He was gentle, loving and tender to the kids... He was an awesome cat... and I miss him already.


Cribbs, January '08 - April '13 R.I.P

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This post isn't about Josh Cribbs, but about Cribbs my cat. He died this morning just after 9:00am, I've been up all night with him waiting for the clinic to open. I left a message for them to call me when they got in, as the phone rang, he took his last breath. I just buried him in the back yard and planted 3 little rose bushes on top of his little cardboard kitty coffin...


I've never liked cats that much and didn't really want him when we first got him. My girlfriend chose him from a stray litter and put him on my chest while I was sleeping. I said get him off of me and outta here. She begged me and promised to clean up after him as long as he could stay with me, for she couldn't have animals where she was staying. I told her, I guess he could stay but his name is gonna be Cribbs. At least with a name like that I could tolerate him I suppose. He is, or was 5 years old in January... and I gotta say how wrong I was when I said I didn't want him.


He was the coolest cat I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He was white and black and had the most beautiful yellow eyes. He lived with three dogs and was more of a cat/dog than an actual cat. He was an excellent mouse catcher, even without his front claws. When he was a kitten and my oldest dog was a puppy they used to play together. He was an ecsape artist man, I remember before he got fixed he used to hide by the door, under clothes or behind shoes and then dart out the instant you thought it was safe to open the door. We put him in a kennel to try and keep him from running away when the kids were running in and out, and he would open the latch on the outside of the cage. I couldn't figure out how he was doing it so we recorded him doing his Houdini. He came to his name and loved taking baths, sort of. He would even eat chips, which I thought was weird... He was gentle, loving and tender to the kids... He was an awesome cat... and I miss him already.


Cribbs, January '08 - April '13 R.I.P



Sorry dude.



--And you get points for having a girlfriend, having dogs and never really liking cats before that one.

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This post isn't about Josh Cribbs, but about Cribbs my cat. He died this morning just after 9:00am, I've been up all night with him waiting for the clinic to open. I left a message for them to call me when they got in, as the phone rang, he took his last breath. I just buried him in the back yard and planted 3 little rose bushes on top of his little cardboard kitty coffin...


I've never liked cats that much and didn't really want him when we first got him. My girlfriend chose him from a stray litter and put him on my chest while I was sleeping. I said get him off of me and outta here. She begged me and promised to clean up after him as long as he could stay with me, for she couldn't have animals where she was staying. I told her, I guess he could stay but his name is gonna be Cribbs. At least with a name like that I could tolerate him I suppose. He is, or was 5 years old in January... and I gotta say how wrong I was when I said I didn't want him.


He was the coolest cat I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He was white and black and had the most beautiful yellow eyes. He lived with three dogs and was more of a cat/dog than an actual cat. He was an excellent mouse catcher, even without his front claws. When he was a kitten and my oldest dog was a puppy they used to play together. He was an ecsape artist man, I remember before he got fixed he used to hide by the door, under clothes or behind shoes and then dart out the instant you thought it was safe to open the door. We put him in a kennel to try and keep him from running away when the kids were running in and out, and he would open the latch on the outside of the cage. I couldn't figure out how he was doing it so we recorded him doing his Houdini. He came to his name and loved taking baths, sort of. He would even eat chips, which I thought was weird... He was gentle, loving and tender to the kids... He was an awesome cat... and I miss him already.


Cribbs, January '08 - April '13 R.I.P


That's not very long to live for a cat. What was wrong with him?





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Thanks Z.


When we took him to the vet last, they said pneumonia and feline meningitis... but I'm not totally sure, after the vet he seemed to get better, then he got worse again. Back and forth for a while. He could have caught a bad mouse as we found just a head by the fridge about a month ago... he went before his time though, that I know.

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Thanks Z.


When we took him to the vet last, they said pneumonia and feline meningitis... but I'm not totally sure, after the vet he seemed to get better, then he got worse again. Back and forth for a while. He could have caught a bad mouse as we found just a head by the fridge about a month ago... he went before his time though, that I know.


Well sorry to hear about your cat PG- you do get attached to them. Yup, most cats make it to around 12 at least, and one of our cats "Old Ray" lived to be 19- he might have been even older than that- we found him in our backyard and he was already an adult cat. 20 is considered 100 in cat years- though there are documented records of a few cats making it past 30.


I digress- our cat "Little" is really special. You would not think a cat could be that affectionate, but this one is. Literally a live Teddy Bear- the cat actually loves to be hugged- I've owned a lot of cats, and I've never seen a cat with that personality before.

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