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Background Check Strategy

Westside Steve

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Okay I think we'd all agree that a great deal of this debate is political, correct?

From Joe Biden's laundry list there's just about only 1 we agree might be helpful and that is the background check.

( If in fact they would be enforced in the future)

Just from a political strategist point of view:

If I'm the Democratic Party I want to include some kind of language that Republicans can't agree on so I can demagogue the issue.

Here's my plan, if I were a Republican strategist.

I'd write a bill now about background checks include a lot of sensitive criteria.

Beyond the convicted felons no matter what the status of the punishment let's add some more.

How about anyone who's been accused of domestic violence?

How about anyone who's been treated for depression or other mental problem?

Anyone who has ever been prescribed an antidepressant?

Anyone who has had a plea bargain to reduce an accusation of a violent crime to a misdemeanor?

Anyone who has been convicted of a misdemeanor which includes violent action?

Anyone who has a minor in the immediate family who has any type of problem?


I'm sure we could refeine this list and add some more.


All this information would be stored in a central federal database accessible for anyone who sells guns and required for an application by anyone who wishes to purchase in a firearm.

A 1, or 2 or even more week waiting. Would be easily taken care of by allowing an application to go through the screening process and acquire documentation ahead of time.


But the important part is that all this sensitive information would be compiled and accessible.


If it's just a game of politics I would suggest the Republicans pass that bill and let the Democrats squirm about the privacy issues.



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Add to that a random spot check of households who have purchased weapons legally.

It wouldn't have to be that expensive, maybe 5 or so a day in a city of X population.


If you find the loaded gun lying around easily accessible to others?


Wouldn't that type of arrangement make us all safer?


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All a Holder, or Feinstein would have to do with going overboard on background checks is....


to apply what they've already done. Put the suspicion on all veterans, and Tea Party members...


and anybody online visiting a conservative website.


I'm fine with background checks. That isn't a problem.


But the irresponsible open access to guns is the problem.


Recently here, a young kid takes a gun to school. Got alerted, was met as the front door,


gun retrieved.


Then the SAME KID came back with another pistol in his backpack....


he got that one from a relative.


Seriously? All angry/malajusted/menatally ill kids need to do is


be somewhere, and just look around a steal gun out of someones house?


How the hell does background checks, "assualt weapon" definitions, waiting periods,


blah blah blah, solve anything?


All guns must be secured. Make is a law, make it a CRIME to openly leave weapons where


kids, unauthorized persons can walk off with them. That seems so simple, yet the left refuses to talk about it.


Most of us know why. All sorts of ignorant people need to be educated, in a very serious message, about this.

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Add to that a random spot check of households who have purchased weapons legally.

It wouldn't have to be that expensive, maybe 5 or so a day in a city of X population.


If you find the loaded gun lying around easily accessible to others?


Wouldn't that type of arrangement make us all safer?



There isn't going to be any "random" spot checks. What are they going to do if you don't answer the door, break it down? On what justification? What if you're out of town, working shift work, at the store, sleeping, etc? Won't work.

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Seems like it would be effective at addressing the problem Steve. Except part of me thinks the movers & shakers have a much different idea of what "the problem" with guns is. Which is why they're pursuing other "strategy."

Call me a cynic but I don't think they're really trying to address the problem.

Oh I'm sure there's a kernel of that somewhere but first and foremost these guys are trying to make political hay.


Also to die hard, sure there will be obstacles.

But don't you think we would really be better off to take guns away from people who leave them lying around the house where their disturbed teens can get hold of them?


I mean why even have back ground checks if not to keep some dangerous types from having weapons?


I say be bold with the legislation, make it firm and effective.

Then sit back and let the Democrats block it.

Fight fire with fire.



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Random check? That's eh....over a hundred million of search warrants? LOL


Not an idea that is realistic. No, I honestly think that education, and very serious law enforcement


about guns, especially LOADED GUNS being left openly accessible to unauthorized persons (that is so stupid it hurts my psyche to type it....), is the key.


Background checks are fine. Shoot, I passed background


checks on security clearances in the service, employment access to serious trade secret info as a consultant, etc, and


buying our 9mm at a GUN SHOW....


but if it would do no good to prevent these atrocities from happening if the gun is left, especially loaded, and some


kid visiting, or some nutjob, grabs it and runs.


On the news, this ex con had a loaded pistol, in his girlfriend's home. illegal. well, the girlfriend insisted he get the gun out of the house.


So, he put it in his CAR, loaded. illegal. And, tragically, his girlfriend's little son was in the back seat when...he found the LOADED


gun (illegal), and played with it, and apparently shot himself.


Criminals don't follow the law. They are criminals. Any gun owner who is oblivious to the extreme danger of having guns accessable to unauthorized/disturbed people,


especially all kids, should be guilty of a very serious breach of the law. That's all. It isn't having a gun, it's the extremely negligent lack of security that is allowing


these things to take place. And yet, not one anti gunner is willing to talk about it. Why? Cysko, you and the rest of the anti gunners want to bash the NRA.


That is so stupid I can't believe any of you are serious. I rejoined the NRA. The NRA is the most ardent gun safety emphasis friend you could have on your side.


Instead, it's all this ignorant lashing out against the NRA. Surely nobody doing it is serious. The NRA protects our RIGHTS vis our CONSTITUTION. The NRA would


never protect the "right" of gun owners to leave their guns/loaded guns openly available to these psycho kids committing these murders.


But, any object of the status quo to be attacked is a good object. Even if alienating those whose support you need goes along with the "feel good" fight.


Meanwhile, these tragedies can keep happening. Thanks for nothin.

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Not an idea that is realistic. No, I honestly think that education, and very serious law enforcement


about guns, especially LOADED GUNS being left openly accessible to unauthorized persons (that is so stupid it hurts my psyche to type it....), is the key.



+1 for this part a basic course before you purchase a gun that teaches you the basics(how to handle, clean, and store different firearms) would make them 10x safer. Criminals will find ways around checks, people will to do evil deeds(like in newtown) will find a way to get a gun.


Performing checks on people that have medical or mental issues starts to push the boundary between patient/doctor confidentiality and would encourage people who want to own a gun not to get tested or seek treatment for things such as depression.

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