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Gun Control? Even Media Matters Founder's Bodyguard


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mental health reasons..


and he carried it all over the country? Into major meetings?


How the.....


The left wants guns. They just don't want the right to have them.


Go ....figure....hey.....wait a freakin minute here.....@@



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Are any of the guns you are mad that liberals have actually guns the liberals plan on banning?


Oh wait... I forgot...


"Its a conspiracy brah! They really want to ban all guns! Not mentioning it at all though is just their strategy!"

Let's not be naive woody.

There is already a near complete gun ban in New York City and Chicago.

Are you telling me that you do not believe that there is a significant presents on the left who might like to see that go nationwide?

I'm no fan of Bloomberg but he doesn't seem to be that far outside the mainstream.


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Are any of the guns you are mad that liberals have actually guns the liberals plan on banning?

Oh wait... I forgot...


"Its a conspiracy brah! They really want to ban all guns! Not mentioning it at all though is just their strategy!"



Huh? Are you on medication?



I think I know what you're trying to ask in your question (term used loosely). For starters, the 17 rd mag that the "bodyguard" was carrying would be banned as part of the new bill.


But he was carrying illegally (concealed with no permit) into gun free zones. Oops.

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My guess is, woodpecker is on medication alright. That's the only explanation I can muster.


He can't seem to keep up with any subject, or contribute his own stuff in any way.

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