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Survey Monday, Post Super Bowl

The Gipper

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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June:

The NHL Finals coming in June:

The World Series next October:

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014:




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship?



3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland?



4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?



5. What book, if any, are you reading now?

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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:


Well, they all really count, but here's my predictions:


The NBA Finals coming in June: Spurs

The NHL Finals coming in June: Lightning

The World Series next October: Dodgers

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014: Browns






2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship?


Not if you eat lunch at McDonalds on a regular basis.



3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland?


Yep, I think the Browns will win several. Cavs will win at least one.



4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?


I honestly don't care. It just doesn't matter to me.



5. What book, if any, are you reading now?


I'm not.

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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June: Spurs

The NHL Finals coming in June: Canucks

The World Series next October: Texas

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014: way too soon to predict, but thinking hideous Denver




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship?

The Kings, no. The other 3 have a shot I suppose


3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland?

Cavs at 14-34 might actually be the closest right now


4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?

Black Sabbath...they are reunited...let 'em rock NYC


5. What book, if any, are you reading now?

False Start (again)

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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:


My own answers:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June: Oklahoma City Thunder

The NHL Finals coming in June: Vancouver Canucks

The World Series next October: Washington Nationals

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014: OK, Browns. If not Browns, Seahawks.




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship?

Indians: 2 outs away in 1997

Cardinals: last second miracle drive/catch in 2008

Cubs: never

Kings: never.

Within 5 years all these teams will win titles...and I will live to see it. Yea. :huh:



3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland?




4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?


Queen. Put Freddie Mercury on video like they did at that Superstorm Sandy concert. Probably use Adam Lambert for live performance vocals.


5. What book, if any, are you reading now?


Believe it or not, I just finished The Silmarrilion yesterday morning. I am also "listening" to Threat Vector by Tom Clancy.

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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June: Chicago Bulls

The NHL Finals coming in June: Chicago BlackHawks

The World Series next October: Cincinnati Reds

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014: Denver Broncos




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship? No, sorry.



3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland? Yes, I either see the Browns or the Cavs (if LeBron does come back)



4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game? Luke Bryan



5. What book, if any, are you reading now? Not reading

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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June: thunder

The NHL Finals coming in June: lightning

The World Series next October: dodgers

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014: BROWNS




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a


Well assuming you live the average lifespan. I would imagine one of those teams will win in the next 15 years.



3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland?


Well as long as you are alive this time next year ;)



4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?


Ghoolie should play on his accordion.


5. What book, if any, are you reading now?


Steppenwolf by Herman hesse

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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June: any one but the heat probably OKC

The NHL Finals coming in June: Washington Capitols

The World Series next October: indians

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014: Browns




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship?

Hell yeah!


3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland?


Can you hold on for another year?


4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?



5. What book, if any, are you reading now?

How to make love to a fat girl;

By: Tommy V.

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1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June:

The NHL Finals coming in June:

The World Series next October:

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014:




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship?




3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland?




4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?

Someone with REAL musical talent



5. What book, if any, are you reading now?


Under the dome, by Steven King.

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One thing to remember about next year's Super Bowl: it is being played outside in New Jersey.

I understand that it was like 20 degrees there yesterday.

Wouldn't it be fresh to have the Super Bowl game played in a blizzard?


As for the halftime show...since this game is being played just Off Broadway...perhaps a change of pace should be in order. Instead of music they should do scenes from famous Broadway Shows...and one in particular could be appropriate:


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Here are this weeks survey questions. Please give your opinions:



1. As I have said, only two titles really count, the last one and the next one. So, who do you think will win:

The NBA Finals coming in June: heat

The NHL Finals coming in June: red wings

The World Series next October: tigers

The Next Super Bowl, February 2014: seahawks




2. I was born in January 1952. There have been 4 teams in existance in the 4 major sports that have played continuously that have not won a title during my lifetime:

The Chicago Cubs, last title 1908

The Arizona/St. Louis/Chicago Cardinals, last title 1947

The Cleveland Indians, last title 1948

The Rochester/Cincinatti Royals/Kansas City/Sacramento/Seatle Kings 1951


Do you think I will live long enough to see any of these teams win a championship? maybe



3. The last title won by a Cleveland team was 1964. I wager most of you were not alive then. (I was 12 and remember the Browns victory that year)

Do you think that I, or will you live long enough to see a championship won by a team from Cleveland? Indians statistically have the best shot year in and year out



4. OK, Beyonce did her booty shake thang during halftime of the Super Bowl.

Who should play at halftime in next year's game?

Green day


5. What book, if any, are you reading now?green eggs and ham my daughters fav.....every night

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