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New Guy.. Eh Kinda


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Former user with a new account. I haven't been on since last summer but I'm excited to be back!


I am pretty impressed with the new coaching staff. I like Chud's offense revolving on a power run game and deep passing attack. It is very appropriate for the roster we have and one of the most successful in the league NOW (Atlanta, San Fran, Baltimore). I like Norv as a coordinator much better than a head coach and he should help relieve the pressure and help teach Chud especially on game-day with having the play-calling duties. I like Ray Horton as well. I wasn't a fan of the scheme change at first but if you look at the best defenses in the league they are usually 3-4 (Baltimor, Pittsburgh, San Fran). See a trend here? I think the concerns with the scheme in terms of the current roster is blown out of proportion. Yes, they Browns may not have enough room or playing time for Rubin AND Taylor at NT but the team has enough depth to have a solid rotation where moving Rubin, Taylor, Winn, and Hughes around at NT and DE won't be a problem in the long-term. Frankly, Billy Winn's ideal position is DE and he should thrive there now. Also, Sheard will do great at OLB and Jackson and Gocong will hold down the middle of the field quite well. There is also a lot of young talented backers on the roster that can make an impact at times. The secondary worries me some. Haden and Ward are obviously the incumbent starters but SS and CB need addressed regardless of scheme. A very good SS would allow Ward to play up at the line as another linebacker and blitzer where I think he needs to be. I would love to see Anthony Spencer playing OLB opposite Sheard, boy would that be something.


Good to be back. Let me know what you all think!

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Good you are back.


I am normally optimistic, but with all the changes at 76 Lou Groza Blvd., I don't see a worst-to-first scenario (that only happens elsewhere). Also, besides the changes is the simple fact that I think our 2013 schedule is much tougher (I posted that in another thread).


I was hoping the Browns would develop an attack strategy (they still might) on both sides of the ball, and add/upgrade at a few defensive positions- bingo, we'd be pretty decent. A possible dismantling of our only defensive strength (the D-Line) concerns me.


Hey, I hope I'm wrong. I just don't see an over .500 team yet.

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