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Cbo - Obamaodoesn'tcare Will Cause 7 Million To Lose


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Well, we all know how heckbunker loves the CBO, when is polically suits him. Let's see if he


"discredits" the CBO now. The estimate is higher - a lot higher than before.


Now, why would a "hc bill" for the uninsured....cause seven million Americans to lose their hc,


Why. Hmm. Real Americans were led to believe it was a way for everybody to have their insurance.


Say, what WAS that that Obamaotheliar claimed ? "If you want to keep your current insurance, you can keep it !"





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And the folks who WORK, and HAVE WORKED for years....will lose that insurance that the company paid for.


Now, they can simply let people sign up for Obamaodoesn'tcare and let them pay it.


Things are going to go downhill from here, it looks like.


Our excellent insurance? Mine costs about 7,500.


A long, long way from 20.000 and death panels, and rationed care....


good luck with that.

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Hey everyone - your increased insurance premiums are covering those uninsured that formerly used the ER as their Primary Care Physician. Its' more affordable now!





People do not value their health. At all. Especially their mouth. Education plays a large role in that they don't know enough to value it, but even if they did, they probably still wouldn't. "If it don't hurt, don't fix it" in the socioeconomically disadvantaged demographic shifts to "If it still looks nice & doesnt hurt, don't fix it" in the more affluent demographic.


It's sad, to be honest - particularly the media's misrepresentation of physicians & dentists. (Look no further than that little girl in AZ with her stainless steel smile) Link (check what an actual pediatric dentist had to say on the matter)

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Legacy, you are 100 percent correct.

I can't think of any profession that's harder to get into.

Or harder to complete the training

Or 1 that carries more responsibility.

Or that is more of a target for legal vultures.

Unfortunately here in America it's become just another gift in Santa Claus's bag.


For my 10 grand I can walk into a retinal clinic that's considered 1 of the best in the world.

Same for cardiac or any other type of care.


My deadbeat brother in law gets the same top notch medical care as me, but for free.

He actually laughed out loud when I asked him if there was a co pay for his medicine.

He pays nothing.

And something you get for nothing is very rarely valued.


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Having just participated in the Give Kids a Smile event last week (free screenings, cleanings, fillings, extractions for children) where we treated 105 "underserved" kids in 1 day, it only added to the sample size in which I made my previous claim.


Not to go all Dr. Starner Jones on everyone, because I don't really care if these welfare folks have tattoos, Nike's, and iPhones. I mean I do care a little, but not enough to forward an email about it. The problem I have, is that while I'm trying to EDUCATE these parents as to why their 5 year old needs all of his teeth pulled/capped etc., they're busy staring at their iPhone and giving me the head nod "uh huh" Then they proceed to yell at the kid "I told you to brush your teeth! I told you to quit eating all of that junk food!"


"umm, ma'am your child is 4, I'm guessing you still wipe his ass, YOU'RE the one who needs to be brushing his teeth." It's the saddest thing in the world. These kids are 1) being borderline neglected and 2) will fall into this trap of zero accountability for themselves because that's what they see at "home" (term used loosely).



So for that little girl in AZ (who was 4) why is mom now all of a sudden concerned about her daughter's teeth? She obviously didnt give a shit when the kid had to have the front teeth extracted. (Her front baby teeth are the first to fall out at age 6, but are obviously replaced by the adult teeth soon after). The kid is going to need extensive orthodontics to repair the lack of space (from the missing teeth) for her adult teeth to come in properly and will probably require some extensive surgery to assist. And she "qualifies" to have it performed free of charge. It's not the childs fault, so I personally have no problem performing the work on the child, but her mother certainly does not deserve the hospitality. So when the dentist "caps" her remaining teeth to preserve her arch length space to reduce her oral surgery bill in the future, and she complains about that? Regardless of what the child had put on the remaining teeth the fact is she was missing her front 8 teeth (4 upper, 4 lower) due to SEVERE decay (read: neglect)


The other issue here is the style of cap the Doc placed. Could he have placed the more esthetic porcelain veneered Stainless steel crowns for free? Sure. But where do you draw the line? Why even have a business? All of these events I participate in where we donate free dental care to anywhere from 100 kids in a day, to 2000 adults in a weekend, most of the supplies are donated from the companies that sell them. The goal of these events is to treat as many people as possible, addressing their most severe need first (they usually have several), and completing their care as efficiently and professionally as possible. Sorry we dont have the porcelain veneered crowns today, ma'am.

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I raised 6 children and at one time, while unemployed - took advantage of the "Give kids a smile" once to get 3 of my remaining at home kids a check up.


if it werent for my wifes insistance to keep my kids (all) with updated dental check ups, I would fail them by reasons of my own lazy stupidity.


so firstly, Thankyou for providing a much needed service, you along with your colleagues- a great group of dental professionals,


as well as shedding some light on probably themost important first step in preventative care- ones mouth and teeth! Teeth-Smiley.jpg

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Hey everyone - your increased insurance premiums are covering those uninsured that formerly used the ER as their Primary Care Physician. Its' more affordable now!





People do not value their health. At all. Especially their mouth. Education plays a large role in that they don't know enough to value it, but even if they did, they probably still wouldn't. "If it don't hurt, don't fix it" in the socioeconomically disadvantaged demographic shifts to "If it still looks nice & doesnt hurt, don't fix it" in the more affluent demographic.


It's sad, to be honest - particularly the media's misrepresentation of physicians & dentists. (Look no further than that little girl in AZ with her stainless steel smile) Link (check what an actual pediatric dentist had to say on the matter)



yes, and remember back in the day, we had what was called "major medical"


you only used it when your arm was falling off, or worse....


preventative measures are a bygone idea lost in the promises of obamacare....

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I raised 6 children and at one time, while unemployed - took advantage of the "Give kids a smile" once to get 3 of my remaining at home kids a check up.


if it werent for my wifes insistance to keep my kids (all) with updated dental check ups, I would fail them by reasons of my own lazy stupidity.


so firstly, Thankyou for providing a much needed service, you along with your colleagues- a great group of dental professionals,


as well as shedding some light on probably themost important first step in preventative care- ones mouth and teeth! Teeth-Smiley.jpg

Absolutely man. Don't let my cynicism on this board fool you - I love what I do.

Education is most important. Have to learn what to do first before you can be expected to do it.

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