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Foot In The Door, Camel's Nose In Under The Tent...


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Well, hell yes, they want to ban guns. Or find the power to get them out of AMERICAN citizens' hands


in violation of our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS. Even they admit their "common sense" beginnings aren't the end.


Told ya long before, we did. These corrupt somebeeches want the power to disarm the American public.


There are reasons why they want to, and maniacal crimes with a gun is their political/emotional excuse.



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See Missouri. Trying to get a bill passed that would make gun owners guilty of felonies, if they don't get rid of them.


Sure..."assault weapons" where there is no such clearly defined thing.


That way, they can get millions of guns banned....


then later, when some nutjob shoots several people with a single shot .22,


then THAT would be the new "assault weapon".




Though it won't be reported on CNN and MSNBC, you libs love that.

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Not to start a new thread, I'll post this here...


YAY ! Some gun sellers are refusing to sell to police depts in NY and other states, because of their gun control attempts and laws affecting


the rights of gun owning, honest American citizens.


I love the bounce back right back at em....



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Not to start a new thread, I'll post this here...


YAY ! Some gun sellers are refusing to sell to police depts in NY and other states, because of their gun control attempts and laws affecting


the rights of gun owning, honest American citizens.


I love the bounce back right back at em....





Some gun sellers will quickly go out of business.

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Obama Justice Department Reveals Truth About State of the Union Claims

Posted on February 15, 2013


PrintShare on print EmailShare on email ShareMore Sharing ServicesShare on facebookShare on twitter Despite long odds, on Tuesday night, Barack Obama managed to turn in a State of the Union performance that was filled with more theatrical pandering than the event is typically known for. Once again seeking to capitalize off tragedy by opting for emotional, rather than reasoned arguments, the President reiterated his support for increased background checks and bans on common semi-automatic firearms and their magazines, which he referred to as "weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines."


As usual, Obama's remarks were short on evidence that his gun control proposals would work. Of course, that evidence is sorely lacking--and who would know that better than the experts at his own Justice Department?


In a white paper dated January 4 and obtained by NRA-ILA, the deputy director of the National Institute for Justice--DOJ's research and evaluation agency--said that the proposals before Congress are unlikely to have an effect unless they are made even more draconian. For instance, the document makes clear that the effectiveness of "universal" background checks "depends on … requiring gun registration." On the topic of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, NIJ writes, "In order to have an impact, large capacity magazine regulation needs to sharply curtail availability to include restrictions on importation, manufacture, sale, and possession." As for popular semi-automatic firearms, the NIJ notes, "Since assault weapons are not a major contributor to U.S. gun homicide and the existing stock of guns is large, an assault weapons ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence. If coupled with a gun buyback and no exemptions then it could be effective."


The NRA's response was clear and strong. The evening of the speech, NRA-ILA released the memo along with a hard-hitting

. In the ad, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox points out these highlights of the memo and urges viewers to call Congress in opposition to new anti-gun legislation.


And two days after the speech, in a speech to the National Wild Turkey Federation's annual convention,

on what was notably absent in the State of the Union address: "It was only a few weeks ago when they were marketing their anti-gun agenda as a way of protecting school children from harm… That charade ended at the State of the Union, when the president himself exposed their fraudulent intentions. It's not about keeping kids safe at school. That wasn't even mentioned in the president's speech."





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Were it not for the NRA -


this would happen all the time.


Would that make you happy, with parents getting killed by criminals with illegal guns because


the dimwit marxist left wants to take guns away...


from law abiding parents?



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Were it not for the NRA -


this would happen all the time.


Would that make you happy, with parents getting killed by criminals with illegal guns because


the dimwit marxist left wants to take guns away...


from law abiding parents?




You let a slimy snake like Wayne lapierre champion your rights and wonder why I have no respect for you. If the NRA wants to be taken as anything but pieces of shit to be scraped from ones shoe, they need to be rid of lapierre.

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Dang, you spew hate.


Do you really think it's up to me to have him represent the NRA?


That's stupid. I'd rather have someone else at the top of the NRA.


He isn't the NRA at all - all the members of the NRA are the NRA.


What in the hell are you ever talking about?


So, you put me in charge of deciding, bigmouth, and I'll


choose someone else.


Ted Nugent rocks - I could pick him...

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The problem is youre rallying behind him. The NRA is letting a highly unsympathetic piece of garbage speak on behalf of their interests, and represent them as the face of their organization. Nobody thinks Wayne LaPierre is a good decent human being. He's more like a hissing cockroach wearing a human skin, and the longer the people who form the base of the NRA don't demand his immediate resignation the more complicit you become with his slimy money driven agenda, and the more ire you will draw from the moderate peoples of this country, regardless of political affiliation that are tired to the death of the NRA brass' transparently repugnant agenda.


The NRA might have used to been a decent group but now they are nothing but political pawns driven by a piece of trash. If you love the NRA take it back and drive out scum like LaPierre. Despite his son being a great example of how the NRA's supposed safety push has abysmally failed, David Keene would be a far more acceptable spokesman.

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Dang, you spew hate.


Do you really think it's up to me to have him represent the NRA?


That's stupid. I'd rather have someone else at the top of the NRA.


He isn't the NRA at all - all the members of the NRA are the NRA.


What in the hell are you ever talking about?


So, you put me in charge of deciding, bigmouth, and I'll


choose someone else.


Ted Nugent rocks - I could pick him...



Sweaty Teddy went full Retard a long time ago. Try again.

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Okay, I'm sending a letter to the NRA right now, and I'm demanding that wayne "retire"...


and I'm namiing Sarah Palin as his successor.


Happy now?

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The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.


A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.

The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).

The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 quantities of 40,000 rounds).

An approximation of how many rounds of ammunition the DHS has now secured over the last 10 months stands at around 1.625 billion. In March 2012, ATK announced that they had agreed to provide the DHS with

a maximum of 450 million bullets over four years, a story that prompted questions about why the feds were buying ammunition in such large quantities. In September last year, the federal agency purchased a further 200 million bullets.

To put that in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq,

US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.

Such massive quantities of ammo purchases have stoked fears that the agency is preparing for some kind of domestic unrest. In 2011, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to

prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

The federal agency’s primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative political ideology with domestic extremism.

A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

In August 2012, the DHS censored information relating to the amount of bullets purchased by the federal agency on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, citing an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation that could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.

As we highlighted last month, the DHS’ previous ammunition solicitation was awarded to Evian Group, an organization that was formed just five days before the announcement of the solicitation and appeared to be little more than a front organization since it didn’t have a genuine physical address, a website, or even a phone number.

While Americans are being browbeaten with rhetoric about the necessity to give up semi-automatic firearms in the name of preventing school shootings, the federal government is arming itself to the teeth with both ammunition and guns. Last September,

the DHS purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”


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Aren't some of those numbers just the total amount of ammo bought of the length of a contract?


Also, what are you saying this is? Do you think Obama is arming a special militia to come take your guns, bibles and apple pie? I couldn't imagine living inside your paranoid head for even a day...


Cuz fuck training exercises, those aren't even a thing!

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ah, you are learning how to use the "straw man" tactic from heckbunker. so, you aren't COMPLETELY stupid.


Just a whole hell of a lot.


The concern is, on my part, that the enormous amount of ammo for training, is being purchased for


....decades and decades. Obamao marxit pig uses economic leverage as a weapon.


And, he has voted to dramatically raise ammo price taxes, etc etc etc.


So, they are trying to explode the price of ammo. Brilliant - when Obamao marxist pig is no longer president,


they won't have to buy ammo anymore for a long while. And the price will go down, and then the sales to


regular ole Americans will skyrocket past where it is now.


You still have no meaningful contribute to this thread. Perhaps you'd like to stay out of threads


where you aren't contributing to the THREAD SUBJECT. You keep proving that you are heckbunker's flea.


So much like the little, ignorant squirt down the street who was always saying stupid stuff, then running


back in his house while crying for "help".

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Won't ammo makers just up production on ammo to keep in line with the growing demand? They'll just end up making more money. Its not like its a completely finite resource.


Its hardly a straw man argument when half your posts are about the imposing Obama Nazi army

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Aren't some of those numbers just the total amount of ammo bought of the length of a contract?


Also, what are you saying this is? Do you think Obama is arming a special militia to come take your guns, bibles and apple pie? I couldn't imagine living inside your paranoid head for even a day...


Cuz fuck training exercises, those aren't even a thing!



Right? I think this guy truly lives in fear that a street thug army is going to make war on his farm. Cal...its ridiculous. Give it up. Obama will fade away in 2016 and build a library or something. He's not going to become Hitler. You're fine.

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I'll repeat this but here's where NRA fucked everything up.

Everybody wants, or says they want, background checks.

Aside from the fact that they probably won't have enough teeth to make any difference they really should have put together a severe, tough and stringent set of rules.

Pass that bill ASAP and let the left tear it apart over privacy concerns.

It's all politics anyway.


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No, that you think that it would be the death knell of the NRA is fantasy land. NRA isn't going anywhere. You and Woody need reading comprehension.


Sarah palin being the head of the NRA would immediately make it a national joke and ruin any political power they have. That shit would be lampooned on SNL, the onion, the daily show etc. mercilessly. Sarah Palin is just an awful choice. Just awful. As bad or worse than sweaty teddy nugent. If you want to go the celebrity route you'd have to try and snag Arnold Schwarzenegger. At least he's got some credibility and you'd think he'd have some healthy respect for guns.


Still, at this time David Keene would probably be a much more tolerable spokesperson. Do you really want to rally around LaPierre?

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I don't care about Pierre. Members of the NRA care about their freakin RIGHTS that they will NEVER GIVE UP.


That's it. That's all.


I'm fine with background checks. But kids who get their hands on guns that aren't theirs....


and go violent and shoot and murder people....


can any lib on this board see how background checks don't stop the kid?


So, if it doesn't stop the kid, doesn't stop criminals,


what in the HELL is the point then?


The only reasonable answer is....


anti gun foot in the door, Cass Sunstein "Nudge" disarming of Americans. That's the logical conclusion.


And don't bother disagreeing unless you have a genuine explanation about the hypocrisy of


"wanting a solution" that doesn't solve any alleged problem.

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