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Zero Dark Thirty Review

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Zero Dark Thirty


R 157 min

I'll admit I was a bit hesitant to see ZERO DARK THIRTY. I'm not really a huge fan of war movies and I didn't like the previous offering from the production team of THE HURT LOCKER. Also, in the case considering our more recent desert wars we've been absolutely inundated with news, commentary and spin.

Even so I try to do my best to separate any political agenda from the heart of what might or might not be a good and entertaining film. With the Oscars right around the corner, however, I did want to catch up on Best Picture nominees bad I'd missed. At close to 3 hours runtime, and considering the subject matter, ZERO was surprisingly less boring and less of a sermon than I'd suspected.

Supposedly based on eye witness accounts, and we have no reason to believe otherwise, this recounts the time leading up to and including the United States military operation which ended with the assassination of Osama bin Laden.


I realize the plan is to make sort of a dramatized documentary and for that reason, as well as the nearly 3 hour run time, I was worried that it might not hold the attention.

Well I'll admit it seemed to drag in more than pne spot but it was actually more interesting and, depending on the veracity, more informative than expected.

Another worry of mine was that it was going to take a political turn how to boost one idea or politician or in other but even there I felt it was pretty even handed.

Those on the right won't be comfortable with the torture we actually used and those on the left will be upset with the fact that it did seem to create a breakthrough.

And rumor has it the White House is upset that Obama’s role seems to have been negligible. Oh well.

No matter which way you lean I think you will admit it's a well done and substantial piece of filmmaking.

I'm not sure it's up to the level of Best Picture, but it's very good.



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