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Okay, Zombo, let's say you are a stud football player going to Notre Dame who's name is constantly swirling in the media. Without a doubt the football skills of the Great Zombo will guarantee a round draft choice and millions of dollars. Btw, you can pretty much have the pick of any super-duper-extra-hot woman or women you want on campus.


So would you fall in love with a "woman" you met online, then never go to see her? Obviously since you are going to Notre Dame, you have the highest moral character and would never fornicate outside of wedlock. How then could it be possible for you to never meet the woman of dreams, the woman you fell head over heels in love with, for what a year or two? You live in Hawaii and travel to Notre Dame, obviously you have money!!! Further, how is it possible possible you could be duped for so long? The answer is it's impossible, at least as Te'o presents it. For this to happen (as Te'o described) the Great Zombo would have to be stark raving insane and we know that can't be the case can it?



*** The Anti-Great Zombo***


Okay, so the next part will be hard for you to fathom. If you saw Star Trek, Captain Kirk was always running into his evil twin from some other universe (that mirrored Kirk's own universe)...so you have to try to think of this scenario as your evil twin, say the Pathetic OBMOZ or something.


So this Patheic OBMOZ character is completely "Gay," but he doesn't want his parents to find out. He's going to a super-straight Catholic university, just like Notre Dame, and they hate "gays" there. Little boys are okay, but not outward "gays"!!! He's also playing in a sport just like football but where they hate "gays" too. How does he get out of all the offers of free sex with super-duper-extra-hot women and stop his parents nagging him about a girlfriend?


He has to be taken by a woman, brilliant!!! Last I checked real women love meeting the guy's parents, especially since it validates commitment on the part of the guy to her. But if this evil OBMOZ just creates an imaginery girlfriend, he can always invent some kind of convienent excuse to keep her from meeting his parents. If the imaginary girlfriend gets out of hand, well then kill her off and problem solved, cause he wouldn't want to be in another relationship for say years due to heartbreak. Such a sweet pathetic guy!!! Hey, and his imaginary girlfriend can be his "gay" lover too. Bingo, problem solved.


So in the case of Te'o is he more like the Great Zombo or the Pathetic OBMOZ?



Not one word in this rambling incoherent response was even close to be a legitimate comment.


You are an ignorant neanderthal, its no wonder that you're a Steeler fan.




I'm even not a Te'o fan.

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