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This Week's Survey

The Gipper

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Here is this week's opinion survey. Give your answers:


1. OK, early days, but who would you advocate the Browns take at their #6 overall pick?



2. What celebrities have you ever run into or saw inadvertently, like on the street or somewhere. (Do not count say, a performance that they were in that you came to see). Tell where you were.



3. What is the nicest college campus you have ever been on?



4. Which currently running TV show has, in your opinion, "Jumped the Shark"?



5. OK, upon the necessity of the pain of a horrible tortuous death of being digested over a thousand years by the Sarlaac, which of the following European sports would you agree to watch...and why?:

Soccer aka Futbol



Handball (European)


Bandy (Russian game that is a cross between hockey and soccer)



Bocce Ball


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Here is this week's opinion survey. Give your answers:


1. OK, early days, but who would you advocate the Browns take at their #6 overall pick?


I'm not into it yet, But I want BPA outside of RB, T or C.



2. What celebrities have you ever run into or saw inadvertently, like on the street or somewhere. (Do not count say, a performance that they were in that you came to see). Tell where you were.


Here in Naples I run into a lot of retired sports people: Mike Ditka, Marty Schottenheimer, Larry Bird, Dave Wannestadt. Tons more, they are all over down here. I see them at church, on the golf course, even the guy that is my handyman was a Major league pitcher. Lots of big hollywood types come here as well, Tom Cruise's mother lived on Marco Island for years, but I never ran into him. You'll see Rocco mediate around town, Robin Cook, the author, "Papa John" Schnatter and a lot more. In my previous life, when I worked for an airline and lived in the NY area I ran into minor celebrities all the time, off the top of my head, I remember conversations I had with with Nipsey Russell and Karen Black. The biggest celebrity I ever met was Kirk Douglas. A guy I worked with went to college with a kid that lived in Manhattan and was well connected. One night we are out on the town in some sort of high-end sports bar and he spots Kirk Douglas and he walks over and says "Hey, Mr. Douglas" and introduces us. He was just there having dinner with his wife. He looked old, but definitely had a star aura about him. This was around 1988, and a quick look at wikipedia shows he was about 72. Looked older. Fucker is still alive!



3. What is the nicest college campus you have ever been on?


Pepperdine. Looking right out at the pacific ocean.



4. Which currently running TV show has, in your opinion, "Jumped the Shark"?


The obvious on is two and half men, and i can't believe all those reality shows like Survivor are still one, but I never watch any of them so I can't really comment.


5. OK, upon the necessity of the pain of a horrible tortuous death of being digested over a thousand years by the Sarlaac, which of the following European sports would you agree to watch...and why?:

Soccer aka Futbol



Handball (European)


Bandy (Russian game that is a cross between hockey and soccer)



Bocce Ball



How long would have to watch them? I guess I could watch Rugby the longest.

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1. Have to take Jones if available

2. My favorite was Pete Rose on the strip in Vegas

3. The only D1 schools I've been to are UT, TX Tech, and TX A&M..... Take ur pick, not a lot of scenery in TX

4. Only watch ESPN nothing else but history military and the news channels interest me

5. Bullfighting, who wouldn't

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1. Have to take Jones if available

2. My favorite was Pete Rose on the strip in Vegas

3. The only D1 schools I've been to are UT, TX Tech, and TX A&M..... Take ur pick, not a lot of scenery in TX

No one said you had to limit yourself to D-1. Any college campus.

4. Only watch ESPN nothing else but history military and the news channels interest me

5. Bullfighting, who wouldn't. I probably wouldn't.[/quote]

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Here is this week's opinion survey. Give your answers:


1. OK, early days, but who would you advocate the Browns take at their #6 overall pick?


We need a bona fide stud OLB. It seems to me, if Jarvis Jones is healthy that he would be that man.



2. What celebrities have you ever run into or saw inadvertently, like on the street or somewhere. (Do not count say, a performance that they were in that you came to see). Tell where you were.

A. About 25 years ago I was getting on an elevator in Toronto, and who should also be getting on: Martin Sheen

B. About 5 years ago I was on a trip to Oregon with my son's boy scout group. We stopped at a place called the Newberry Volcano Fields. While walking out amongst the hardened lava we passed bye Harry Hamlin and his wife Lisa Rinna. (Her face looked a little like a lave field from all the plastic surgery and botox)

C. This shouldn't surprise anyone that you would run into a celeb here, but my family was in LA and decided to take a walk up Rodeo Drive. There eating his lunch at a sidewalk cafe was Ben Stein.




3. What is the nicest college campus you have ever been on?


Kenyon College, right here in Ohio where my son attends. It really IS the nicest campus. In fact, Forbes magazine named it the most beautiful campus in the world a couple years back.

Honorable mentions that I have been to include Notre Dame, Stanford, Univ. of Washington, Wittenberg, Miami, Oh., Cornell, and Trinity Univ., where my daughter attends.

I have been to Harvard and Penn and Brown, Ivy League schools...but I was not all that impressed by those campuses.



4. Which currently running TV show has, in your opinion, "Jumped the Shark"?


American Idol is the biggest. I would not be surprised to see it cancelled. I quit watching it a couple of years ago. (But I still think Survivor has staying power. It follows the same formula and it still works imo)



5. OK, upon the necessity of the pain of a horrible tortuous death of being digested over a thousand years by the Sarlaac, which of the following European sports would you agree to watch...and why?:

Soccer aka Futbol



Handball (European)


Bandy (Russian game that is a cross between hockey and soccer)



Bocce Ball



Bandy and Hurling do intrigue me and I might be OK with sitting down and watching a match of those.

On cycling, it is OK, but what I would really like is if they would do a "Tour of America". It would blow away anything the silly French come up with. What would be great would be to start the race by crossing the Golden Gate Bridge and then finishing it up by riding down Broadway to Battery Park and having the end right where you overlook Lady Liberty.

( I might play bocce ball for fun. but watching it wouldn't be that great)

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Here is this week's opinion survey. Give your answers:


1. OK, early days, but who would you advocate the Browns take at their #6 overall pick?


Jarvis Jones



2. What celebrities have you ever run into or saw inadvertently, like on the street or somewhere. (Do not count say, a performance that they were in that you came to see). Tell where you were.


Shared a flight from Va Beach to Louisville with Johnny Unitas. Super nice guy and powerful looking. IMO he is one of those players who truely changed the game without receiving the recognition and respect due him. Partied with Bruce Smith and Pee Wee Whittaker at a Va Beach nightspot.


3. What is the nicest college campus you have ever been on?


The Oval at Ohio State ain't bad. Georgetown in DC is certainly one-of-a-kind. My hometown college, Ohio Weslyan University, is quite picturesque



4. Which currently running TV show has, in your opinion, "Jumped the Shark"?


i feel like "Breaking Bad" has gone on several seasons too long.



5. OK, upon the necessity of the pain of a horrible tortuous death of being digested over a thousand years by the Sarlaac, which of the following European sports would you agree to watch...and why?:

Soccer aka Futbol



Handball (European)


Bandy (Russian game that is a cross between hockey and soccer)



Bocce Ball



Gotta admit I would pick soccer folllowed by cycling and bull fighting. The running of the bulls (Pampalona?) is on my bucket list. Can't think of


anything more exciting than fuckin with a pissed off bull.

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1. The best pass rusher available.

2. Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age

3. Youngstown State University, yeah, I said it.

4. If they never filmed another episode of 16 and pregnant or teen mom, I'd probably celebrate with several super-stanky IPAs

5. I find Rugby to be a pretty entertaining sport. One of my good friends use to be on a hurling team, and I tagged along to a practice once, pretty interesting as well. I'd rather watch MoMass make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for 3 hours or play connect 4 against himself than watch cycling.

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1.Best defensive player

2.I played golf with Bud Shaw, a writer for the Plain Dealer. I met Austin Carr on an elevator in the old Richfieild Coleseum. I met Ronnie Jame Dio backstage at a concert in downtown Cleveland

3. All dancing and singing shows. ENOUGH ALREADY

4.Soccer. I played the game, and I love it. I watch the Barclay's Premier LEague all the time. I root for Liverpool, GO REDS!!!!!!!!

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1.Best defensive player

2.I played golf with Bud Shaw, a writer for the Plain Dealer. I met Austin Carr on an elevator in the old Richfieild Coleseum. I met Ronnie Jame Dio backstage at a concert in downtown Cleveland


It sounds like those were not random encounters...that it was set up for you to see those guys. I was looking more for a random encounter


3. All dancing and singing shows. ENOUGH ALREADY

4.Soccer. I played the game, and I love it. I watch the Barclay's Premier LEague all the time. I root for Liverpool, GO REDS!!!!!!!!

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The golfing was random. I went to Big Met and Bud Shaw was paired with us. I had no idea he was there. We were just there for a 9 hole round after work one day



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