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New Ice Age Coming - What Can We Do?


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Well, I for one, think that we can burn more firewood to keep warm, and hope our global warming counter acts our planet from freezing us out.


So confusing.



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Medvezhiy Glacier Advancing 10 feet per day

30 Jul 11 - Last month, the glacier slid more than 2,600 feet to block a local river and is forming a lake behind a huge ice dam.

See Medvezhiy Glacier Advancing 10 feet per day


Rather than spiraling into a meltdown, we may be heading into next ice age

By Shannon Goessling

6 Oct 11 - During a Little Ice Age, "food-producing land becomes scarcer, food-growing seasons become shorter, and the world becomes a much more arid and less hospitable place."

Rather than spiraling into a meltdown, we may be heading into next ice age

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