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This Is The Left Wing Nut Job Of All Time


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Emotional ammunition is all he wants. He wants sweeping changes in law to be made through the fog of emotion and not through rational thought because he knows it is the only way to get it done. Someone ought to show this fat turd video of a couple bypasses maybe that will change his position on the baconator and getting it banned in this country.

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Yes, really. The man is not a leader and will go down as the worst president in US history.



I believe it was Nixon who once said "when you're in office you're the single worst president in history. It's only when you're gone thell wonder why they didn't appreciate you when they had you" (paraphrase) so I do not believe you to be correct.


He also said "what are you fellas going to do when you don't have ol Dick Nixon to kick around anymore?"

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Nixon's neurosis and Obamao's reality are quite opposites.


Never has any man been in the WH and behaved like a Putin,


Chavez, etc, as much as possible.


ObaMao is a disgrace to our country.


Shep said Obamao would make us respected in the world again. bs


He said Obamao was so brilliant and wonderful, he's bring all of us together ...BS


It was a very serious mistake.

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If Obama manages to get through his term without incident, - ( being exposed for his (un)involvement with the debt, unable to govern, Benghazi, endless campaign to tear down the repub party majority in the House , expensive vacations...)


then he should enjoy the perks and notoriety of heralded past president's with his own library too... all with the blessings of the (majority?) liberal left.

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