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Why Liberal Nutjobs Should Never Make Decisions For Anybody


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Here';s a "for instance"....


Cysko is declaring a solution to gun control - smart guns. We say "smart guns?" He says, "yeah, they will only fire for one person".


We say "big deal, that one person can be a murderer in a school". So, he says "oh yeah, well....uh....er.... we could make those smart guns


not work when they are in a building guarded by those "no guns" signs !"


And then we say "Yeah. So a murderer can steal one of those signs, and he can use his smart gun outside during the recess to murder school children,,,


then he can pick up and use a dumb gun his cousin made for him in a machine shop, put his "no guns" sign around his neck, and murder more kids,


and all the police can't stop him with their smart guns, because THEY WON'T WORK......"


And then, the liberal says:


"Oh yeah, well, you suck because you watch Fox News and read Drudge and you are stupid"




And no legit solution comes forth from those who pretend to be so concerned.

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As I've proven before, libs ain't got no sense of humor. rolleyes.gifLaughing is against their law. Or...something....



I'm glad you find some humor in the gun violence situation cal. It just depresses me and makes me lose faith in humanity, but I'm happy someone gets a laugh out of it.

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As if I give a fuck what some waste-oid pothead thinks. Go smoke up, johnny, and come up with some more hare-brained bullshit.


Looks like I hit a nerve. BTW I'm a computer engineer major in the 4th year of my major and I have a 3.9 GPA. I could run circles around you that would make your mind spin.

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Looks like I hit a nerve. BTW I'm a computer engineer major in the 4th year of my major and I have a 3.9 GPA. I could run circles around you that would make your mind spin.


Whoopty shit. I graduated years ago from the air force academy engineering school and I didn't need to smoke weed all day to do it, waster. You're pathetic, if all you do is sit around all day watching glen beck and smoking weed and eating captain crunch. Reality check, junior, you won't get a job in any engineering field hanging around high all day, smokey. Straighten up your act.

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Whoopty shit. I graduated years ago from the air force academy engineering school and I didn't need to smoke weed all day to do it, waster. You're pathetic, if all you do is sit around all day watching glen beck and smoking weed and eating captain crunch. Reality check, junior, you won't get a job in any engineering field hanging around high all day, smokey. Straighten up your act.


I don't like Glenn Beck although I agree with some of his views, and I don't sit around all day. In fact I work two jobs just to pay for my school and bills. My parents give me nothing so I have had to work for everything I've ever received. I would like to know who you think you are to just assume so much about someone you have never had a conversation with.


Yeah I smoke weed. Do you drink beer? I can do advanced calculus while under the effects of one, but not when I consume the other. Care to guess which is which?

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I don't like Glenn Beck although I agree with some of his views, and I don't sit around all day. In fact I work two jobs just to pay for my school and bills. My parents give me nothing so I have had to work for everything I've ever received. I would like to know who you think you are to just assume so much about someone you have never had a conversation with.


Yeah I smoke weed. Do you drink beer? I can do advanced calculus while under the effects of one, but not when I consume the other. Care to guess which is which?



Yeah, bro. Ive known a lot of potheads over the years and I can tell you two things I know for sure about them.


1. They're not better drivers stoned. They might think so but its entirely incorrect.


2. They're not in the field. They're not being trusted to design, build, or test anything that costs a company money. They're landscaping, or delivering pizza or whatever. I'm not saying they don't work, but they're not engineering anything but a gravity bong. That's just the way it is. If a company is going to bank on you, you had better be clean and sober.


Do I drink beer? Not really. Let's put it in perspective. I have two Christmas ales still sitting In the fridge. Two of the six were used for beer batter a while back so ive drunk a total of two beers in nearly 4 months. Hardcore.

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Yeah, bro. Ive known a lot of potheads over the years and I can tell you two things I know for sure about them.


1. They're not better drivers stoned. They might think so but its entirely incorrect.


2. They're not in the field. They're not being trusted to design, build, or test anything that costs a company money. They're landscaping, or delivering pizza or whatever. I'm not saying they don't work, but they're not engineering anything but a gravity bong. That's just the way it is. If a company is going to bank on you, you had better be clean and sober.


Do I drink beer? Not really. Let's put it in perspective. I have two Christmas ales still sitting In the fridge. Two of the six were used for beer batter a while back so ive drunk a total of two beers in nearly 4 months. Hardcore.


Of course you are missing the point regarding beer. Why did I expect to get any sort of logical response from a lib? That's my fault. As for the potheads you know: There is a difference between a smoker and a pothead. Pothead thinks pot is God's gift to Earth, but that's not me. Just because I like to relax at the end of my day doesn't make me any worse than you. Maybe you relax by watching a movie, but I'll smoke and read a book instead. To each their own and that does not mean that I'm not going to make it in life. I've worked my ass off in my life and I will continue to do so. When I graduate my job will most likely require a drug test. So that's where it stops for me. Your friends/acquaintances failed to do so. That's a problem with the person and not with the pot. You wanna debate marijuana? Then make a thread for it and I'll go for days. However, this is my last response in this thread.

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We talking about beer vs pot here?

As a musician, I don't like working with drunks or weed heads.

I hate it at rehearsal when guys break out the 6 packs.

That means whatever we learn and resolve during this session will be at least 75 percent for gotten by the next time. Even worse with weed.

It does seem to me that dopers are more into it as a life style.

I don't keep a cooler in my car and don't sneak off every couple hours to have a few hits off of my IPA.

Most pot smokers I go will toke regularly during a day, but not beer drinkers.

Only the hardest core drugs I know have a drink at various times during the day.




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Of course you are missing the point regarding beer. Why did I expect to get any sort of logical response from a lib? That's my fault. As for the potheads you know: There is a difference between a smoker and a pothead. Pothead thinks pot is God's gift to Earth, but that's not me. Just because I like to relax at the end of my day doesn't make me any worse than you. Maybe you relax by watching a movie, but I'll smoke and read a book instead. To each their own and that does not mean that I'm not going to make it in life. I've worked my ass off in my life and I will continue to do so. When I graduate my job will most likely require a drug test. So that's where it stops for me. Your friends/acquaintances failed to do so. That's a problem with the person and not with the pot. You wanna debate marijuana? Then make a thread for it and I'll go for days. However, this is my last response in this thread.



I'm just giving you the facts as they are, from a guy in the field to a guy in school. Have fun while you're in college and prepare to give it up.

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We talking about beer vs pot here?

As a musician, I don't like working with drunks or weed heads.

I hate it at rehearsal when guys break out the 6 packs.

That means whatever we learn and resolve during this session will be at least 75 percent for gotten by the next time. Even worse with weed.

It does seem to me that dopers are more into it as a life style.

I don't keep a cooler in my car and don't sneak off every couple hours to have a few hits off of my IPA.

Most pot smokers I go will toke regularly during a day, but not beer drinkers.

Only the hardest core drugs I know have a drink at various times during the day.





I'm thinking everyone is different on this one, WSS. I play bass and when I smoke and jam I tend not to forget anything. I don't drink while practicing because I feel like I can't play as well under the influence of alcohol. That's just not fair to the people who are practicing with me. I have problems focusing.. I always have had issues with focusing and not letting my mind wander. It's been happening ever since I was a kid. I've found that when I'm jamming under the influence of pot that it's just me and the music and I can focus on only what I'm doing at that time. It helps me keep the beat.


Again, to each their own and I'm sure it affects each of us differently.

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