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Demand Answers On The Benghazi Cover-Up !


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Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action





Speaking about the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks, Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren last night that the lack of the Obama administration’s disclosure and lack of access to the survivors…

“…should make every American worry about what this administration is covering up.”


And in regard to the apparent double standard among his Senate colleagues, Graham said…

“And my Democratic colleagues in the Senate have shown no interest in getting to the bottom of Benghazi. If this were Bush they'd be all over it.”


Fed up with the lack of Senate support, Graham is taking his case to the House – where there is a Republican majority and a growing interest in aggressively investigating Benghazi.


That interest is fueled by tremendous grassroots initiatives by groups like Liberty Counsel Action and a resolution introduced by Representative Frank Wolfe which is co-sponsored by more than 60 congressmen.


Here is the intense challenge Graham issues to the House of Representatives:

“To my House colleagues, please, for God's sake, step up your game when it comes to Benghazi. You have tools I don't because I'm in the minority party in the Senate. The Democratic senators have given the president a pass when it comes to Benghazi. The House cannot give him a pass.”


++We are showing our full support of these congressional calls to action!


Next Tuesday, Liberty Counsel Action is hand delivering our petition demanding a full investigation onto the Benghazi attacks and cover-up to the offices of Senators Graham, Reid, and McConnell – as well as to Representatives Wolfe, Boehner, and Cantor.

In the past 24 hours, thousands of citizens from across the nation have taken a stand with us demanding this full congressional investigation in the Obama-Benghazi cover up!


Despite the Obama cover up and the liberal media’s best efforts to bury this story, concerned citizens are taking action! In total, over 80,000 Liberty Counsel friends have signed our petition.


As a result, I have instructed my staff to schedule a formal petition delivery to Senator Lindsey Graham and the other key members of Congress for next Tuesday (March 26).



Please go here to sign the petition demanding a full investigation into the growing Behghazi cover-up:




This is vitally important. I’m thrilled that we are beginning to see a groundswell of grassroots support of a full investigation into the Obama-Benghazi cover-up. But we need every Liberty Counsel Action team member to take part.


Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


P.S. If you would like more information on the Obama-Benghazi cover-up, please see our recent posts on our website:


Benghazi survivors silenced:



Benghazi breaking news:


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