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Iron Man 3 3-D

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Went to the draft party at the Browns stadium with Canton Mike. I spun this wheel at a table, and won

two tickets to go see this movie. So, I talked him into standing in line and getting me two more.

So, three friends and I went to to see it, exclusive showing, a week ago last Thursday.


We even got to keep our special 3-D Iron Man 3 glasses as collector items.


There are a few times, toward the beginning, when the development of the plot seems to drag out a bit.

Like him makiing his wife the CEO of their co.... why? I think it was because he started having panic attacks.

Superhero, panic attacks...now there's a twist. Then, stuff happens, and the action starts. And the bad guys

had superpowers too, although ...did I miss it? How did they get those, except that they were invented.


Then it gets crazy. Then you notice that the bad guys were just casual characters earlier on. Then

it gets crazier, and the action hits the roof. And the end one-fourth of the movie, is like the finale of

a great 4th of July fireworks show.


All this in 3-D? it was a LOT of fun. There were some very solid laughs from us in the audience, kids

and adults alike, and the action, in 3-D, is spectacular. We got their just in time to sit 6 rows away from the front,

at the end of the row. I think the 3-D stuff would have worked better half way up, but my fiends' daughter

had to go to her gymnastics practice, so we couldn't get there early.


Sneak previews are cool. His two kids had their friends asking how they could see it, when it wasn't released to

the public yet. Hah !


A -lot- of surprises in this movie, all sorts of times, I took my 3-D glasses down, so I could see how

it really was in 2-D. Sure, some simple things were the same, but most of the action was not dramatic anymore

without the 3-D affect.


It really has to be tough to do sequels. You develop a great story line, and all you can do in a sequel

is to build on the dramatic story line already told.


This movie does a great job. The "oohs" and "awes" were expected - the laughter was not. At the "end of the day",

it was a terrific movie to see, but the two teen kids both said the first Iron Man movie, was the best.


It's that hard to beat the original great story line. But this movie is very, very much worth the tickets, even

if you have to buy them. All the action that does happen, will make you wish you hadn't been drinking

all that iced tea before you came, btw. You won't want to miss any of the spectacular action.


So, a few times, here and there, earlier on, you could find out from a friend who's seen it already - there a

a few banter - just setting the situation up parts where you could make a pit stop real quick, and not

miss any action, or not much. But the conclusion action is fast, and spectacular, and is a full, all out battle

set incredibly on an expertly run computer generated maze of tall building structures.


Uncharacteristic though it may be, it would be worth the price of the tickets to go see just the last third

of it. It's really fun.


I grade this movie a B for plot, an A for action, and a D for no naked woman walking around.


Okay, the D was just a joke. The 3-D action is all over the movie, and the special effects rate an A+.



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You didn't take your wife, doucher?


But really I'm not surprised. Iron man series has been pretty good so far and even though the Ultimates writer, Mark Millar, pegged johnny depp to play stark, no one could do it better than Downey. What a career revival he's had, eh?

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My Wife and my friends' Wife don't care for the science fiction stuff.


I tried to convince her to go, but no way.That's all.

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to be completely honest guys I actually like Downey just as well if not better, probably better, then anything Depp has ever done. I don't particularly dislike Depp but I think he's overrated. He's been fortunate to have some roles that call for going over the top or relying on quirkiness and some of them I didn't particularly care for.


I'm glad that Downey seems to have gotten his shit together in recent years, you always hate to see a guy piss away a great deal of talent because he can't handle substances. or he could be bipolar.

probably hard to walk the straight and narrow when you are a rich movie star. Even for sane people.



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The Avengers is based on Mark Millar's 'The Ultimates' from Marvels' non-canonical "ultimate" universe which is an attempt to rejuvinate old characters and make them young and hip again. All three Iron man movies are based on ultimate Iron Man.


From 'The Ultimates' the Avengers discuss who will play them in a movie





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the role downey played in the movie 'less than zero' was pretty close to what happened after that in his personal life.

put the pipe down son.

i guess iron man might appeal to the diehard comics and super hero fans but the movies have seriously sucked. i just watched the avengers again the other day and was blown away at how bad it was, yet i sat through it again. thor sucked, the newer hulk sucked(ed norton hasn't done shit right since 'fight club'), fantastic five etc. let's hope the new superman can hold up to expectations. the batman movies have been pretty good since bale took over. thank god burton got his hands off those.

these producers/directors really water these things down for the kids. really, super freaking heros and no limbs getting torn off or people exploding?

i hope the new 'the wolverine' puts and end to that shit and changes the genre forever like 'the south park movie' did for animated movies when all the little kiddies and their parents got up and ran to the exits expecting to see a funny elongated version of the censored tv show instead got 'the uncle fucker' song.

ha ha you little f##kers!!

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