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Obamanomics 101


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WASHINGTON – The Senate Finance Committee has cleared the nomination of Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary despite unhappiness over his mistakes in paying his taxes. The committee approved the nomination on an 18-5 vote, sending it to the full Senate. President Barack Obama is hoping for quick approval so that the point man for the administration's economic rescue effort can begin work.


The committee vote came a day after Geithner appeared before the panel to apologize for what he called "careless mistakes" in failing to pay $34,000 in taxes earlier in the decade, when he worked at the International Monetary Fund.


Geithner paid the back taxes plus interest for the years 2003 and 2004 after being audited by the Internal Revenue Service. But he did not pay taxes he owed for 2001 and 2002, even though he had made the same mistakes for those years, until shortly before he was nominated by Obama last November to be treasury secretary


If this was the regular working class stiff they would be inprison for tax evasion.


And Obama said the other day that this shouldn't matter because it is "undisputable and that he is the best man to fix our economy".

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If this was the regular working class stiff they would be inprison for tax evasion.


And Obama said the other day that this shouldn't matter because it is "undisputable and that he is the best man to fix our economy".



So a tax scafflow (sp) is ready to become Secretary of the Treasury???????






If the shoe was on the other foot. Then again, some believe Obama is super-human and can do no wrong.



A very sad state IF this man gets accepted. Obama should revoke his nomination AND he should take himself out of contention.


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A very sad state IF this man gets accepted. Obama should revoke his nomination AND he should take himself out of contention.


Agreed. And I'm all for the notion of hiring "reformed hackers to run IT security," but if Geithner got caught by the IRS he's not the best & brightest to fix anything.


Even Wesley Snipes was able to slide under the radar for 6 or more years..

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He wasnt purposefully evading taxes. The stuff he missed wouldntve been caught by prompts in any of the most widely used tax software. And, no, other people would not have been put in prison for this; they wouldve been charged interest and a fine, just like Geithner was.


If there is a lesson here, it's that our tax code is an absolute mess. Obama's best and brightest cant even figure out their personal tax liability. But dont worry, Obama has a plan to add more credits, raise more obscure rates, and introduce progessivity to more types of income tax.



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He wasnt purposefully evading taxes. The stuff he missed wouldntve been caught by prompts in any of the most widely used tax software. And, no, other people would not have been put in prison for this; they wouldve been charged interest and a fine, just like Geithner was.


If there is a lesson here, it's that our tax code is an absolute mess.


Probably planned that way.

If anybody could figure this shit out they'd be even more pissed.



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Guest Aloysius
He wasnt purposefully evading taxes. The stuff he missed wouldntve been caught by prompts in any of the most widely used tax software. And, no, other people would not have been put in prison for this; they wouldve been charged interest and a fine, just like Geithner was.

Ah, the voice of reason...


If there is a lesson here, it's that our tax code is an absolute mess. Obama's best and brightest cant even figure out their personal tax liability. But dont worry, Obama has a plan to add more credits, raise more obscure rates, and introduce progessivity to more types of income tax.

Damn you, Toop ;)

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He wasnt purposefully evading taxes. The stuff he missed wouldntve been caught by prompts in any of the most widely used tax software. And, no, other people would not have been put in prison for this; they wouldve been charged interest and a fine, just like Geithner was.


If there is a lesson here, it's that our tax code is an absolute mess. Obama's best and brightest cant even figure out their personal tax liability. But dont worry, Obama has a plan to add more credits, raise more obscure rates, and introduce progessivity to more types of income tax.

Great post, Toop. Good to have another voice of reason back to see if we can use this place again.


And I'd like to add that if anyone else on here has ever tried to pay their SE tax on their own before and NOT screwed it up, you deserve kudos. And the right to throw the first stone at this guy.


Otherwise, it is what it is. The guy screwed up and paid the price.

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He wasnt purposefully evading taxes. The stuff he missed wouldntve been caught by prompts in any of the most widely used tax software. And, no, other people would not have been put in prison for this; they wouldve been charged interest and a fine, just like Geithner was.

"Geithner paid the back taxes plus interest for the years 2003 and 2004 after being audited by the Internal Revenue Service. But he did not pay taxes he owed for 2001 and 2002, even though he had made the same mistakes for those years, until shortly before he was nominated by Obama last November to be treasury secretary"

I'd like to know more about that part of the story before I absolve him of any wrongdoing.

And hopefully the Wesley Snipes bit indicated I wasn't completely serious.


Maybe I was too hard on Rev. Lowery. <_<


If there is a lesson here, it's that our tax code is an absolute mess. Obama's best and brightest cant even figure out their personal tax liability. But dont worry, Obama has a plan to add more credits, raise more obscure rates, and introduce progessivity to more types of income tax.

Agree totally.

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President Obama’s pick for secretary of health and human services, Tom Daschle, filed amended tax returns and paid more than $100,000 in back taxes on Jan. 2, administration officials said on Friday...


An administration official said that Mr. Daschle had paid $31,462 in back taxes and interest for 2005, $35,546 for 2006 and $34,935 for 2007.


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