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Islamic Extremists Behead An Off Duty British Soldier In London


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Your right, intolerance is taught by others, which is why allowing more and more Islamic schools to open is so frightening and a disaster waiting to happen.


These children will never mix with anyone other than Muslims and so be open to moulding into taking on any view their imam has, who themselves has often come here from Third World countries with ancient views. They don't marry outside their religion, largely live in Muslim areas so tell me how this is a recipe for mutual tolerance?


It isn't going to work and I guarantee things are going to get worse if nothing changes.


why doesnt England adopt similar legislation like that of Austrailia, or even the Netherlands in regards to muslim immigration and cultural integration?


adopt a very sensible set of standards in which the muslim community must comply with the nation's laws it chooses to live within.


If I read you correctly, (from an earlier post) you say that Englands trouble are occurring with the 2nd or more generational muslim citizen? one that cannot be deported "back to where they came"?


AND, is England suffering from its "liberal" policies?

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why doesnt England adopt similar legislation like that of Austrailia, or even the Netherlands in regards to muslim immigration and cultural integration?


adopt a very sensible set of standards in which the muslim community must comply with the nation's laws it chooses to live within.


If I read you correctly, (from an earlier post) you say that Englands trouble are occurring with the 2nd or more generational muslim citizen? one that cannot be deported "back to where they came"?


AND, is England suffering from its "liberal" policies?

If I were to go out on a limb on no factual basis but just my feel for the situation, it seems to be 2nd generation (or more) that are doing the damage, but more often than not it's freshies that do the preaching to incite the attacks. That's just my impression.


Also when it comes to legislation we have to comply with EU laws as well, which do tend to be on the liberal side.

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I suppose that's one area in which we are fortunate and the Europeans are not. Our closest poor country which would be sending a great deal of immigrants our way is Mexico. I realize this is a gross generalization but in my experience Mexicans seem to be a fairly agreeable bunch of people. sure the poor conditions could lead to a harder element of Criminal but one never really hears a great deal about jihad.


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Whoa, Steve, whoa. Mexicans cut each others heads off all the time. They make the mujahadeen look like rank amateurs over there. You can't even go to Acapulco anymore. It's a war zone.


The difference is they're not doing it for religion. They're doing it for money and they make no bones about being moral about it. You think Mexicans that have committed absolute atrocities are not in this country? Wrong you are sir. They're here and the sheer inventiveness they have is a testament to the growing Mexican passion for murder.


At least if you stay out of the drug trafficking business you're not as likely to end up beheaded on the side of the road with 48 other people. That kind of shit happens in ciudad Juarez and neuvo Laredo all the time. That's only an imaginary line away from America

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At least if you stay out of the drug trafficking business you're not as likely to end up beheaded on the side of the road with 48 other people.

I think that's the big difference. If you keep yourself to yourself, you should generally be ok with the Mehicans, whereas with the 'kill the infidel' approach of extremist muslims, anyone is a potential target, it's just so indiscriminate.

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I think that's the big difference. If you keep yourself to yourself, you should generally be ok with the Mehicans, whereas with the 'kill the infidel' approach of extremist muslims, anyone is a potential target, it's just so indiscriminate.

Well you're less likely but still not really safe. You can tell some of these cartels have really gotten a taste of murder and found it satisfactory. There's cartels that started as vigilante groups because the other cartels were killing too many innocent people and now they're slaughtering innocent people at a dizzying rate. We in America have really turned a blind eye to it, but Mexico is violent, brutal and gruesome. The videos coming out of there are every bit as bad as Syria. Worse even because Syria is at war. The Mexicans seem to be enjoying it.

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I'm not denying the problem of Radical Islam by any means. I would love to see a stop to it, but how do you stop a religious movement without your attempts to snuff it out fueling the fires of fanaticism? It's up go each country to run them out as they see fit. If you're Nigeria you can declare open warfare on radical Islam. If you're England...well maybe not so much...

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Yeah I think I was pretty clear what I said you can expect it harder edge of Criminal.

But those are criminals.

Criminals of course kill each other to get a bigger share of the criminal booty.

Not because they hate us as a people.

So yes I prefer Mexicans to jihad.

As a matter of fact I prefer anybody from places whose way of life isn't completely fucked.


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Not quite genius.

Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim


Hope that helped.

We've had our fair share of terrorists from the IRA over the decades that would beg to differ. Perhaps Islam is just the fashionable cause that everyone is doing things in the name of these days, but it hasn't always been the case.

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We've had our fair share of terrorists from the IRA over the decades that would beg to differ. Perhaps Islam is just the fashionable cause that everyone is doing things in the name of these days, but it hasn't always been the case.

While I'm sure that's true especially for folks in Great Britain I don't see the Irish Republican Army doing much damage worldwide.

Jihad is claiming thousands upon thousands of victims across the globe.


Is it still such a hot button item over there Chris?


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And historically speaking Islamic terrorists have been a big deal for a long time. I mention this before but I just recently read Jack Kerouac on the road which was written in the late forties and early 50's if I recall correctly and one chapter included a discussion of the two fellows pretending to be arabs on their way to blow up New York City.



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Woody is a sheltered college boy with no life experience, when he grows up (debatable) maybe he will learn.

You mean like you? God help me then. If "growing up and learning" means becoming as ignorant and closes minded as you then fuck...

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Little woodypeckerhead is pouting again. He doesn't want to learn and grow like a human being. He thinks

being gay and ignorant and stupidly posting nonsense one line at a time is all there is to being superior

to everybody else on the planet.


Surely there is some kind of mental/emotional anomaly associated with that kind of thing.

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Little woodypeckerhead is pouting again. He doesn't want to learn and grow like a human being. He thinks

being gay and ignorant and stupidly posting nonsense one line at a time is all there is to being superior

to everybody else on the planet.


Surely there is some kind of mental/emotional anomaly associated with that kind of thing.

Superior to you? Yeah probably


You are a grown man throwing around grade school insults behind a keyboard with his tinfoil hat on blame everything on liberals and labeling everyone he disagrees with a liberal.


Am I better then that? Hell yeah

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No, you aren't. You pretend you are by never legitimately backing up your wimpy little one liners.

I bash you because you bash me. I just recently stopped, but you still kept it up. You don't have experiences

nor education, nor research, nor rationale to back up anything.


You just say "not true", and maybe launch a personal attack at the same time.

That isn't getting you very far, woody. Seriously - I can be wrong just like the next bunch of folks on this board.

But you are the lightweight nothing contributor. Here, I'll spell it out - if you don't want me to continue

giving you crap, then STOP GIVING ME CRAP. That's all. I laugh about most stuff on this board, except for

the serious subjects. But most of us are funny, at least once in a while. I think even Heckbunker was funny once, about

two years ago. Woody, you suck. You are whining about people who smartmouth you, when you initiated it again and again



It just suits me to make you realize that your crap deserves crap. Apparently, you aren't smart enough to simply realize it.

Frankly, I would be as happy as anybody else on the board if you would just let goofy people have goofy opinions, and

either argue with them over the content, or leave them alone. That's all. BTW, "goofy" is in the "eye" of the beholder. At one point in time,

that is pretty much everybody on this board, except maybe Mr. Hoorta. He rocks. Tell ya what - I will stop giving you crap....


We'll see if you change. If not, don't complain when it starts bouncing back at you full time for, oh, maybe a couple of years.


Starting NOW ! B)

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And historically speaking Islamic terrorists have been a big deal for a long time. I mention this before but I just recently read Jack Kerouac on the road which was written in the late forties and early 50's if I recall correctly and one chapter included a discussion of the two fellows pretending to be arabs on their way to blow up New York City.



We should remember, also, that a thousand years ago, the pope ordered the holy land to be 'reclaimed' from the 'barbarians' (muslims) inhabiting it. And so, half of Europe packed its bags and strolled off to invade, unprovoked, most of the middle east, killing thousands, probably millions, of people in their way. I'd say that's pretty much the definition of zealous fanaticism.


I'm a little sketchy on the history of it, but I'm fairly sure that muslims and christians had co-existed quite happily for hundreds of years up until that point.


Also, Steve, the IRA is not such a big issue these days, but we get stupid things like honour killings from time to time within south asian families as well. My point wasn't that the IRA are just as bad, more that it's muslims now, but has been other groups in the past and likely will be other groups in the future. Hell, you could probably call the vikings terrorists if the PR was good enough.


(choosing to skip over the name calling that's going on).

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