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Maxine Waters Let The Cat Out Of The Bag Months Ago.


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NSA originally in place to fight terrorism is now using counter terrorism as a smokescreen???

Is it used to gain votes?

A caller from Arizona on the Rush show today explained that in Arizona, a company named Strategic Telemerty compiled a huge data base of the connections and calls that Arizonans make. They use this data to evaluate which way you lean politically..this way they are able to canvass people who would vote Democrat...the caller goes on to say...


CALLER: The data is still kept in the coffers of this company, which is used by a lot of Democrats running. What they've been doing is targeting key states. I'll give you an example of what they were able to pull off in Arizona. A few years back we used to be seven to one Republican in Congress. But with this scam they pulled in redistricting last year, even though all 13 statewide races were won by Republicans, not a single Democrat, in Congress they managed to shift us to blue. We're 5-4 Democrats in Congress due to this targeting they pulled off. And they did it a few years ago in Colorado. And I'm convinced that this is what they're using this data for, 'cause this administration doesn't seem to give a dang about national security. We know that from lots of different --


Perhaps that is what Maxine Waters was leaning towards when she says this data base would be used by future DEMOCRATIC presidents.



How do you interpret what Maxine says?


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You have a shoppers card from a super market they track your buying habbits (alcohol, etc), computerized medical information, credit card information, phone information. They know what you buy, how much money you have, where you have visited, what clothes you buy, what kind of music, etc.

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Yup. But they don't have your personal communications. That's what this is about.


Target just wants to send you a flier selling you what they can tell you're already buying. Amazon wants to give you recommendations of more things to buy that are like the things you've already bought. They're not sifting through your emails, or reading them. They're not recording your phone calls, or listening to them.


And if Maxine Waters knows anything it's by mistake.

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And the FISA report that says Obamao's gov violated the Constitution...


is being desperately hidden by... Holder and Obamao.



Justice Department Fights Release of Secret Court Opinion Finding Unconstitutional Surveillance




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