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Has This New Regime Even Begun To Work On Rookie Contracts?


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It drives me nuts that every year we seem to wait until the day before camp opens to begin working on signing our rookies. For gods sake Dallas has signed all of their rookies and that was done weeks ago. Thought this practice would change with the new.

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It all slots out.....once the cards start to fall, they all fall quickly. There won't be any holdouts.

#5 signed awhile ago what are we waiting on? The 2, 5, 8 and 11 are signed.

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Is there really any negotiating? Its all just slotted out i thought

Sure, there is some, but just things in the terms and maybe a little in the amounts, but for the most part it is pretty well set.

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Offset language is generally a huge sticking point.

Yes, there was a full discussion of this point on the radio this morning by Toni Grossi. Many teams are now trying to demand that their rookie reimburse some portion of their initial signing bonus if the player is cut by the team within the first 5 years.

I assume this would take the form of this: Player X, high draft choice, signs a 30 million dollar contract, receiving a 10 million dollar signing bonus. If the player doesn't pan out, or gets injured and the team releases him in say year 3, the team wants a contract provision whereby the player refunds like 4-6 million of his signing bonus. Most players balk at that because their agents think it unfair if the guy gets hurt that he has to give money back. Also they believe that some teams may arbitrarily release a guy just to get some of the refund. (though, that would usually only apply if the guy is a bust).

I believe, essentially, that you can call this the Jamarcus Russell rule. The guy gets a massive signing bonus, and gets complacent, doesn't work out, doesn't try hard, yet he is set for life practically just with his signing bonus.

The offset language seems to be both a carrot and a stick...or maybe just the stick...in the team's favor.

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It's about damn time we have all our rookies signed before camp begins. Of course the task should have been an easy one with only five to work on. Still it amazes me how some clubs year in and year out sign all there rookies well before camp begins and we still wait until days before to even consider it.

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It's about damn time we have all our rookies signed before camp begins. Of course the task should have been an easy one with only five to work on. Still it amazes me how some clubs year in and year out sign all there rookies well before camp begins and we still wait until days before to even consider it.

tis the difference between real teams and garbage teams like the browns...

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I don't know what happens the first couple of days when rookies report early for training camp but I imagine it can't be too important. At least everyone is signed now before the real training camp begins.


Once the Offset Language portion of contracts become more and more the norm in rookie contracts it will become easier and easier to sign draft picks. Last year I believe the only player in the top 9 or 10 with Offset Language in their contract was Tannenhill but this year I believe the number is 4 or 5.

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tis the difference between real teams and garbage teams like the browns...


It's all the Offset language game.


I have to agree that there's no reason for a player to get full pay from both Teams if they get cut and signed by another Team - that's absurd.


New FO and Coaching Staff, they may indeed turn out to be another group that will keep the Browns a "garbage Team" as you say, but I'm at least going to give them a chance.

Wasn't crazy about Shurmur, but gave him a chance anyway . . . he showed what he showed and it was time for a change.

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It drives me nuts that every year we seem to wait until the day before camp opens to begin working on signing our rookies. For gods sake Dallas has signed all of their rookies and that was done weeks ago. Thought this practice would change with the new.


You can rest easy this year, my friend.


By the way, Dallas had their picks signed so early this year because every one of them was just happy, and surprised, to be drafted into the NFL



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You can rest easy this year, my friend.


By the way, Dallas had their picks signed so early this year because every one of them was just happy, and surprised, to be drafted into the NFL



Good one, made me laugh. Nobody will admit it but Mingo was not drafted to be a backup. Hence the reason I feel he need to be in on time.

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Not sure what you guys are talking about. All our rookies are in and signed. Are you just bitching because your bra straps are pinching?

topic was started prior to Mingo signing

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