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Marley Lion

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It's not a contest between dead white kids and black kids. The media can fuck off for giving the Zimmerman trial as much coverage as it did and turning the case into a race issue.

Exactly. But we expect that from them. when the Justice Department gets involved to lean on state authorities for the purpose of race baiting then I think there's a bigger problem.


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I hope Dershowitz actually goes after that bitch Angela Corey on defamation charges for her comment


..... its like a love affair that the media has with this pitiful SHitty prosecution team


to ask. " what do you think of George Zimmerman?"




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Why we need stand your ground laws and for everyone who is capable or allowed to conceal carry should always carry a firearm!



Zimmerman verdict: Protesters storm Wal-Mart in Crenshaw area



above link.... Just another excuse so these people can go grab some more free shit from Walmart and won't have to hide it in their pants.

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I like how you guys have been talking and arguing about this trial for months, sometimes daily, sometimes hourly, and then you pretend to be upset that the media talked about the trial as well.


Some incidents capture the nation's attention. Some don't. There are reasons for this. You're all some of those reasons.

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I really don't think that's it. For the most part the nation gave a big yawn to the NSA/PRISM story. It's not some sort of planned distraction. Most Americans simply don't care about the things Snowden revealed.


I'll give you one example: I've got a good friend/former coworker who works on one of the MSNBC shows. The host of this show really, really didn't want to cover the Zimmerman trial, especially every day. However, she was instructed to by MSNBC execs. Because while you guys wonder about why the media covers these things, and pretend you'd have no interest in them if the media didn't blanket the airwaves with trial coverage, that's what America was interested in watching. This is what America is talking about. You guys are talking about a trial, and have been for months. And then you wonder why the media is covering it.


Well, it's been said before, the world is a stage

A different performance with every age

So open up the history book to any old page

Bring on the lions and open the cage


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I really don't think that's it. For the most part the nation gave a big yawn to the NSA/PRISM story. It's not some sort of planned distraction. Most Americans simply don't care about the things Snowden revealed.



I think a lot of people just assumed they had been doing this for years.

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Thats BS Heck. The press given to this is what caused the interest to begin with. How many killings happen daily that no one ever hears about? The only reason this one did is because a white/hispanic and a black were involved, and the black one was killed. Otherwise it would have never made the news except locally.

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The only reason this one did is because a white/hispanic and a black were involved, and the black one was killed. Otherwise it would have never made the news except locally.


Yes, and you all loved every minute of it! Hence the wall-to-wall coverage.


You guys want to watch a bunch of miners stuck in a well in Chile, we'll give you that too.

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I really don't think that's it. For the most part the nation gave a big yawn to the NSA/PRISM story. It's not some sort of planned distraction. Most Americans simply don't care about the things Snowden revealed.


I'll give you one example: I've got a good friend/former coworker who works on one of the MSNBC shows. The host of this show really, really didn't want to cover the Zimmerman trial, especially every day. However, she was instructed to by MSNBC execs. Because while you guys wonder about why the media covers these things, and pretend you'd have no interest in them if the media didn't blanket the airwaves with trial coverage, that's what America was interested in watching. This is what America is talking about. You guys are talking about a trial, and have been for months. And then you wonder why the media is covering it.


MSNBC is a shit-tier news outlet, along with all of the rest of the US media giants.

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The Snowden story isn't even about what he revealed anymore anyway. It's about where he is, where he's going, who is going to take him, and what's his dancer girlfriend going to wear next.


And I don't watch MSNBC. Very few people do, in fact. But that should give you an idea of the constraints some of them work under. This host is really bright and wants to do better programming, but was told to stick on the Zimmerman trial to try and maximize ratings. In the end, MSNBC got clobbered on this by Fox News and CNN.


MSNBC is in the same position that Air America was. The audience that wants to hear partisan liberal opinion day in and day out just isn't very large. It's dwarfed by the conservative audience for that stuff.

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The truth is, so much of the media has a liberal talking point narrative. They play up to it viciously.


For instance, NBC should lose a big lawsuit - they played/created? the edited tape of Zimmerman's statements


to make him look terribly racist. It was a lie. That's how libs live. Lies.

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The Snowden story isn't even about what he revealed anymore anyway. It's about where he is, where he's going, who is going to take him, and what's his dancer girlfriend going to wear next.


And I don't watch MSNBC. Very few people do, in fact. But that should give you an idea of the constraints some of them work under. This host is really bright and wants to do better programming, but was told to stick on the Zimmerman trial to try and maximize ratings. In the end, MSNBC got clobbered on this by Fox News and CNN.


MSNBC is in the same position that Air America was. The audience that wants to hear partisan liberal opinion day in and day out just isn't very large. It's dwarfed by the conservative audience for that stuff.


Yeah, I get that, I just get irritated that the average American cares more about Honey Boo Boo and this farce of a trial than the fact that the government is eroding our constitutional rights. Looks like Huxley and Orwell were both right.

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It's always instructive when you realize that for all the talk of MSNBC and Fox, you're talking about very small percentages of the population. A really highly-rated cable news show like O'Reilly will pull in something like 2.5 million viewers a night. That's really, really good. One of those MSNBC hosts in hipster glasses will get you about 800,000.


The average American isn't watching either one. If it makes you feel better, there are about 8 million who watch the NewsHour on PBS each week, and that's clearly the best news program on television, and by a wide margin.

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I hope Dershowitz actually goes after that bitch Angela Corey on defamation charges for her comment


..... its like a love affair that the media has with this pitiful SHitty prosecution team


to ask. " what do you think of George Zimmerman?"



A liberal that gets it.



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It's always instructive when you realize that for all the talk of MSNBC and Fox, you're talking about very small percentages of the population. A really highly-rated cable news show like O'Reilly will pull in something like 2.5 million viewers a night. That's really, really good. One of those MSNBC hosts in hipster glasses will get you about 800,000.


The average American isn't watching either one. If it makes you feel better, there are about 8 million who watch the NewsHour on PBS each week, and that's clearly the best news program on television, and by a wide margin.


Do they still pull viewing numbers from Nielsen boxes?

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Do they still pull viewing numbers from Nielsen boxes?


Yes, but it's more complicated now. So many different platforms. If you only go by Neilsen you miss an increasingly large part of the viewing public. It's getting harder and harder to figure out who is watching what, but there is a big industry devoted to quantifying it because that's how the money is made.

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You're right Heck.

The Media wouldn't hammer away at this stuff if it wasn't selling. We have met the enemy and he is us.



Eh.. don't think so, maybe you should speak for yourself. Yes, the black population and the looney left were buying into it, but every one else's involvement was outrage over media sensationalism, race baiting, and lies.


Don't buy what hecks selling!

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