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I pledge


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to stop donating all $$$ to national charities. Obama will be picking up the tab.


I pledge to support a certain giant corp, that donates 50 MILLION bucks a year toward charities,

to stop donating by more than the amount of extra taxes that Obama extracts in the near future.


I pledge to restrict all giving to only very local charities and food banks because Obama "can" enrich

the national ones with one little twang of his magic twanger.


I pledge to still be the same awesome guy I've always been, regardless of who is president.


I pledge to go back and read my Calvin and Hobbes cartoon books, and read my Hardy Boys collection of books

that I haven't touched in 10 years.


I pledge to write nasty letters to major newspapers every week, asking about who is the Obamas' childrens' parents and accusing

Obama of being a murderer and a warmonger.


I pledge to laugh at the previous bogus pledge because I'm not a liberal.


I pledge to write some Obama protest songs that will become famous - if I can get

Steve or Toby Keith to record them. OR maybe Taylor Swift, she's a cutie.


I pledge to ignore the previous pledge until I finish my adventure novel, which apparently means

a really long time.


I pledge to sell extra veggies and fruits at the local farmer's markets, or organize a new one,

and take donations instead of a fixed price, so poor families can still afford healthy produce.


I pledge to take an hour sometime in April, to go out to our new greenhouse, with several hundred

plants growing, and nude sunbathe in our own tropical rainforest before Obama bans that too,

in the name of the phoney manmade global warming.


I pledge to take my Dad fishing for big N. Pike this year... maybe in Canada, or N. Minnesota.


I pledge to have my brother-in-law printer print up a thousand Al Gore "GLOBAL WARMING GORING" posters for

floor mats and chicken coop flooring and sell them for a quarter at the farmer's market, or free

with a purchase...


I pledge to give Obama great credit for keeping us safe.


I pledge to curse Obama and every single voter who voted for him if he fails bigtime to keep us safe .


I pledge to wash and wax our tractor every week like the previous owner did.


I pledge to face toward Baltimore if I have to take a leak out in the woods.


I pledge to ridicule the Squeelers after they lose the upcoming superbowl, and make troll squeeler fans cry.


I pledge to stop making pledges. @@

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