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Republican Race 2016

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Not getting the warm fuzzies at the thought of President Hillary. What exactly has she done

that qualifies her for that office? Of course, you can say that about the last 3 presidents. But really,

who on the Dem side is going to mount any kind of serious challenge to the High Priestess?


OTOH, the Repubs offer much more potential for High Comedy in the race for the WH.

I gotta say though, the 2012 primary debates/campaign is the high water mark for sheer

comedic value. Romney, Rick Perry, Herman Caine, Michelle Bachman, Rick Santorum, etc.

As Bill Maher said, "a virtual who's who of WTF". It's already beginning to look as if they will

be able at least match 2012's effort.


Again, I think the Republican party's best chance to gain the WH lies with Chris Christie or Jeb Bush.

To me, they seem like the two sanest candidates the R's have to offer. I don't agree with

much of what either man espouses, but Christie at least seems to be his own man and not

apt to pander to the extreme wing of the party in order to get votes. And Jeb Bush strikes me as

being intelligent and well-spoken, intellectually honest. I don't believe he needs a committee to

tell him how and what to think and say.


For the R's to nominate anyone else is, I'm afraid, going to lead to an election where the majority

says, "Well, I'm not crazy at all about Hillary, but Jesus Christ, look at the alternative."

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Anyway we shall see what happens. I think its a good chance somebody will emerge from the ozone before the race really fires up. Also I've always liked Hilary better than Obama but I'm not sure that her candidacy is going to be as solid. I don't think she'll get 98 percent of the female vote.

As far as the executive race I think I'd be happier with the House and Senate if it were a choice.



Yep. She's not nearly the candidate that Obama was, or even a great one. People are forgetting that as they prepare to anoint her.


If I had to guess, I'd say it's going to be a Ted Cruz/Susana Martinez ticket. I don't think anyone else has the ins with the base that Cruz will end up having. He'll also show well in debates.


I'll guess a Hillary/O'Malley ticket for the Dems.

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Wow I wouldn't think Ted Cruz has that kind of wheels quite yet. But anything can happen. I still think kristy has the edge just getting wise.



But Christie isn't loved by the base. Too moderate, too close to Obama. And those are the people who vote in the primaries.


Meanwhile, Ted is already wowing them in Iowa.

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