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Illegal Aliens Gang-Rape 13-Year Old – Some ‘Cheer’ and Film the Crime on Cell Phones

by John Hill on JULY 23, 2013 in ACTION CENTER, BLOG, NEWS


Illegal alien child rapists continue their unchecked rampage across America, while politicians in both parties refuse to secure the border, and plot to legalize these criminals instead.

Police in the Sanctuary City of Austin, TX arrested two Mexican nationals who reportedly participated in the gang-rape of a 13-year-old girl on June 29.

The girl, a runaway, who lives at the Settlement Home for Children, was picked up by “three Latino men” and driven to the Avalon Arms apartments, where she was raped by a large group of men for several hours, according to police.

As many as 10 men took turns sexually assaulting the girl. Many cheered and filmed the crime on their cell phones.

Juan Lozano Ortega, 25, and Edgar Gerardo Guzman Perez, 26, have been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child. Both men – Mexican nationals (what else?) are currently being held in the Travis County Jail on immigration detainers.

KTBC reported:


The affidavit states the assault lasted until early into the morning of June 30, then the victim was driven to a nearby neighborhood and told to “find somewhere to go.”

Police say they were able to track Ortega and Perez from the phone call the girl made to her foster brother with their cell phone. She was able to make it back on her own to the settlement home.

As we have repeatedly exposed on this page, America is awash with Mexican pedophiles who target our children.

The girl was taken to a nearby hospital, where doctors determined her injuries were consistent with her allegations.

Austin police are currently searching for the other assailants. Anyone with information on this crime is urged to contact the Austin Police Department at (512) 974-5750.

This was just the latest crime involving underage children by illegal aliens. America has been savaged by illegal alien pedophile crimes. Why? Because the sick culture of Mexico, which disgustingly has a minimal age of consent for sex of TWELVE, and rarely prosecutes child rapes of even younger than that. Punishments for rape and sexual assaults are just minor slaps on the wrist. Many times the rapist just has to pay a small fine or sit in jail for a day. And if they marry the victim, they are completely let off the hook.

When we permit hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who reflect this sick culture to invade America we shouldn’t be surprised when there is a trail of victims from coast to coast. But instead of securing the border to stop it, politicians in both parties are working right now to legalize them instead.

None dare call it treason.

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Good job as well for you woody!

We need to expect a little collateral damage if we are going to adhere to politically correct standards.

In your little fucked up world apparently it's worse to take issue with allowing violent third world thugs to roam free than to gang rape a little girl.


But its all good, she's too young to vote anyway right?


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And we see it again and again. It's tragic. Seriously, Woody, do you honestly want us to

start posting the illegal immigrant gangs that have taken hold in most

major cities in the U.S. ? All the crimes? Why not admit these scourges of humanity

don't deserve to become American citizens and be done with it?


Or, you want the dem votes? You chose wrongly. You chose to go bash DieHard for bringing

it up, in doing so, you inherently infer support for letting all the scum become citizens.... .


Want to re-appraise your stance on the *subject* of the thread?

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Well, then count me with Woody. Yet another post from "Stand With Arizona." You guys post these types of crimes to do two things: use anecdotal stories to suggest that Latino immigrants are particularly unlawful and dangerous, and to vent your anger and resentment at people you don't like. Nothing more. I mean, look at the name of this thread. The guy has written 5-6 posts about me in the last couple days. You hate minorities and liberals. It's the point of just about every political thought you have. Any time I try to post something more topical, you guys take all of 12 hours to get it back here. Or you derail those threads to make them about blacks, or me, or Woody, etc.


And in this case, it's extra special because you're highlighting a horrific crime to suggest that this is typical of illegal immigrants, when the well known stat is that they commit crimes at a lower rate than the general population.


This particular crime, if reported correctly, is horrific. But I don't know how an incidence of rape is supposed to inform our opinions about immigration.


And then Steve weighs in with his typical crap about how we want to get animals like this in the country so they can vote.


You guys are just noxious.

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You can over interpret my post all you want.


All I'm saying is it fits DieHard's theme perfectly.


And all WSS was saying was:


"You had a choice. Number one attack the people who committed this atrocity or number 2 attack the guy who reported it in defense of your precious brown people. You chose the latter"


You contribute nothing to this forum as always Woodley. Attacking the messenger doesn't count.

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Yep. To counter the never ending litany of "Racism is worse than the crime itself."

And I do lump you in with Woody, much like I count Renfield in with the Count.



Once again, you've set up a level of anti-minority rage that you think everyone should adhere to. And if we don't react to every single post of black or Latino crime on this board with the spitting rage equal to that of you and Diehard and Cal that means we don't care about victims, and sympathize with the attackers because they're minorities, or something.


Apparently if I'd woken up this morning and typed, "FUCK THESE IMMIGRANT ASSHOLES! CRIMINALS, AMNESTY, BLAH, BLAH!" you'd be saying "Hey, that Heck ain't so bad."


Sorry, Steve, but we're not going to be able to meet your preferred level of outrage at the daily crimes of minorities. Tales of rape or child molestation like this probably bother me more than anything else. But they don't bother me because a Mexican did it. Happy to let that be your hobby.

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We really need to be sensative to the feelings and emotions of the alleged Illegal alien child rapists. We would not want to hurt their feelings nor their compadres after all this is the Democrats new frontier for voters. The Democrats love themselves some freaks fags and pedifiles.






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Really, fellas, if this isn't about hating Mexicans or blacks, and this really is about your righteous hatred of criminality, when is the last time you started a thread about a violent criminal who was white?


We've got reams of threads about Mexican criminals, black criminals. Are those really the only ones? You know, since it's just about how you hate crime.

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I think it's more about a system that seems to look the other way about illegal immigrants and immigration. When you are flooded with the hardest edged criminals from some of the hardest edged third world countries there will be serious problems. I know it offends you. But it's true. That's why most sane human beings want stricter border control but you, and your party, resist that. I think it's as simple as that and it wouldn't make any difference if it were illegals from Russia Chechnya Serbia or any white country.

but it's so much fun to scream racism isn't it?


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Nice spin. You're not answering the question. You've spent the morning lecturing us about the appropriate amount of anger we're supposed to show for each instance of criminality brought to light on this board.


So, when is the last time one of you started a thread about white criminals? When is the last time one of you showed that kind of rage for a vicious white criminal? Really, do tell!


Also, you really can't offend me with your specious arguments and half-truths, and barely truths. Stop flattering yourself.


And let's stop pretending that all of these threads about Mexican criminals is a high-minded discussion about immigration. Otherwise, you'd use actual arguments that involve statistics instead of anecdotes.

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The Boston bombers? Jerry Sandusky?



Hey, you gave it a try.


These are no name people. Common criminals. Rapists, murderers, home invasions. Can you name me one time you guys started a thread about a white criminal like that? We've been on this board together for 8 years. Can you name me one time?

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And that's a perfect response. We could probably have an immigration bill right now if it included security first. But, well you know.



You can't be serious. You should really read the papers.


We just got a compromise bill that goes beyond anything anyone ever dreamed of sending to the border. It was called "overkill" by Republican Senators. And we still don't have an immigration bill. And it's because the House Republicans don't even think overkill is enough. To stop immigrants, many of whom don't come over the border anyway.


But why question the wisdom of spending billions on "overkill" border security?


You might want to pay attention before you talk out of your ass.

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it's kind of tough bud, your guyscommit the vast majority of crimes. On the other hand seems like one of you guys brings up that abortion clinic bomber or the white supremacist in Denmark or wherever it was or Timothy McVeigh on a fairly regular basis. Sorry there are many criminals on that side. Maybe somebody should institute affirmative action. So besides that fact what's your point?


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