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Pro Bowl Changes


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Just get rid of it already. No one want to watch it and no one wants to play in it




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This is stupid. It's not like they actually ran the kickoff full go at the pro bowl anyway, no they claim they are getting rid of it due to player safety. Just get rid of the damned pro bowl if your going to start taking away pro bowl spots for players. They literally just got rid of the Pro Bowl title for kick returners. Just honor the best players at each position each year instead of pulling the honor away from a position because it's "too dangerous". This is just the first step the NFL is taking in order to completely get rid of kickoffs in general.

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—A two-minute drill game was announced that will make the ball change hands at the end of the first and third quarter, allowing for more two-minute drill scenarios within a game.


wouldn't that encourage teams to punt on the last play of the quarter(or next to last play)... so they get the ball right back?

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Actually, the NHL just made visors mandatory this offseason. They're a few decades behind the NFL in terms of player safety. Who knows what they'll be changing 30 years from now.


not sure there will be a NFL in 30 years???

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