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Rg Meets W/ League Officials To Discuss Ways Of Protecting Qb Running Read Option Offense


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"RG meets with League Officials to discuss ways of protecting QB running read option offense."


Saw the above scroll across bottom of NFL Network and nearly spewed...


Here's an idea... DON'T RUN THE READ OFFENSE.


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How long before he blows out his knee again? Hasn't it already happened 2 times? Once in college and then last year?


If he can't become a pocket passer he will last 5 years.

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You guys can carry on all you want, but now you have the league looking at it, so that should be proof the spread isn't going away.




It's like I said 5 years ago, spread Qbs are all that are heading out of the high school programs, and most of the college programs. It's here to stay.



You need to get with the program.

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You guys can carry on all you want, but now you have the league looking at it, so that should be proof the spread isn't going away.




It's like I said 5 years ago, spread Qbs are all that are heading out of the high school programs, and most of the college programs. It's here to stay.



You need to get with the program.

I agree it is here to stay... but teams should know what they are getting their QB's into when they run it. We shouldn't make rules to further protect QB's. Why should they get more protection from being him on a running play than a RB is on a running play.

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I agree it is here to stay... but teams should know what they are getting their QB's into when they run it. We shouldn't make rules to further protect QB's. Why should they get more protection from being him on a running play than a RB is on a running play.

I understand, but teams should have known what they were getting when they drafted a immobile, drop back QB. Much has changed for them over the last 20 years.


We'll have to wait and see what sort of rules change is proposed.....if any. I would think once the QB doesn't have the ball it would be a hands off policy.....like on a option pitch wide. There would have to be some judgement made by the ref as many times the pitch happens a split before contact. In other cases, as in college, the D is taught to pop the QB on evey one of those plays, ball in hand or not. I could see a flag if a defender has the opportunity to pull up and doesn't.

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It might be here for now, but IMO it won't last. Unless you have 2-3 QB's on your team that can run it. These spread QB's all get hurt way more then a drop back QB. Almost all the defenders are bigger then them. They are not big enough to take the hits for an entire season. And teams will not be willing to spend qb money on 2 guys on the bench in case someone gets hurt.


This spread will go away, just like the run-and-shoot did back in the 80's. How many coaches do you think want to have to prepare 2-3 qb's every week, knowing 1 or 2 might not finish the game?

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I understand, but teams should have known what they were getting when they drafted a immobile, drop back QB. Much has changed for them over the last 20 years.


We'll have to wait and see what sort of rules change is proposed.....if any. I would think once the QB doesn't have the ball it would be a hands off policy.....like on a option pitch wide. There would have to be some judgement made by the ref as many times the pitch happens a split before contact. In other cases, as in college, the D is taught to pop the QB on evey one of those plays, ball in hand or not. I could see a flag if a defender has the opportunity to pull up and doesn't.

You can't judge that though. Read option plays are designed so that it is hard to tell who has the ball. When the QB hands off the the RB, he still moves as if he kept it after the hand off. If your team wants to run the read option, then you need to understand your QB is going to get hit more often, even if he isn't carrying the ball, and the league shouldn't invent more QB protection rules just for read option QBs. Hell there are already too many QB protection rules as it is, like the stupid hand to the head rule.

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How long before he blows out his knee again? Hasn't it already happened 2 times? Once in college and then last year?


If he can't become a pocket passer he will last 5 years.


i'm saying 3 years and i have a bottle of 1980 chateau latour to lay on the line!


college football is college football. yeah you can put up huge #'s running an offensive system when the primary position players are playing against scrubs that won't even be drafted into the NFL ranks. the problem in the NFL is these guys come into it (same as the coaches) thinking they can get away with what they did there, only to realize that you are playing against top ranked drafted position players on defense who saw that crap for 4 years and know it, will run it down, and break your fucking neck when you come around the corner. imagine our 30 yr. old 'rookie' QB running that play. 2 hits and turner is wiping that play off his play chart.

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The only reason it is coming back is b/c of the 15-yard "you hit the guy too hard" penalties that are annoying as hell. Because defenses have to "back off" a little bit, it allows offenses to attack more, and play more aggressive... hence you get read option offenses in the NFL.


The reason the option offense never worked before in the NFL, is because coaches knew their QBs could literally be killed if they ran it. Now, the coaches either know what they can get away with, don't care about their QB, are hoping for one of those stupid 15-yard penalties, or they don't know what else to do with these guys coming out of college...


This is just a fad, that will go away. The best way to win games in football, at every level, is to pass the ball well. Not too many read option offenses are winning Super Bowls (none), or even National Championships (Auburn, maybe Florida). In college, you can get away with having extraordinary talent on offense beating Ds, but in the NFL there is extraordinary talent at every position. It is just not sophisticated enough to win at the championship level in the NFL. You have to pass the ball from the pocket, or you are not winning a title IMHO...

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The only reason it is coming back is b/c of the 15-yard "you hit the guy too hard" penalties that are annoying as hell. Because defenses have to "back off" a little bit, it allows offenses to attack more, and play more aggressive... hence you get read option offenses in the NFL.


The reason the option offense never worked before in the NFL, is because coaches knew their QBs could literally be killed if they ran it. Now, the coaches either know what they can get away with, don't care about their QB, are hoping for one of those stupid 15-yard penalties, or they don't know what else to do with these guys coming out of college...


This is just a fad, that will go away. The best way to win games in football, at every level, is to pass the ball well. Not too many read option offenses are winning Super Bowls (none), or even National Championships (Auburn, maybe Florida). In college, you can get away with having extraordinary talent on offense beating Ds, but in the NFL there is extraordinary talent at every position. It is just not sophisticated enough to win at the championship level in the NFL. You have to pass the ball from the pocket, or you are not winning a title IMHO...




the point you made about the coach not caring is what got RG3 into trouble last year. yeah you are a rookie and you want to be a hero BUT take yourself out of the game after your leg just got bent sideways like a rubber band.

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You guys can carry on all you want, but now you have the league looking at it, so that should be proof the spread isn't going away.


It's like I said 5 years ago, spread Qbs are all that are heading out of the high school programs, and most of the college programs. It's here to stay.


You need to get with the program.


Oh, I'm with the program- what I don't get is ESPN & the NFL sucking up to RGIII like he's the rolled up composite of Fran Tarkenton, Warren Moon and Joe Montana- after ONE injury shortened year.

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I agree with that. I guess he has what they want and can sell.

if you mean a well spoken black man that doesn't get into trouble....well he's the torch carrier there.


that doesn't mean your SEC read option saturday afternoons sippin on a mint julip is going to carry on into sunday...


there ain't no way. mangini amd ryan couldn't have sat down in 2 weeks and figured out how to scheme against this bullshit and cracked who (RG3....really? is this the only guy or team that plays this crap? must be cuz that's all i'm hearing, who else russell wilson) as soon as he rolled to one side of the field.


guarantee you, and read it here for the first time, one of these QBs or even RBs are gonna be stuck out on the sidelines by themselves on a miscommunication or bad play call and get eaten up by someone like mingo. and it's not gonna be a day by day, week by week decisio0n on whether he can play or not. the dude will be done.


it's hard to do anything when you are sitting on the bench and your head is in a pail of gatorade.

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A cogent point was made by whomever said that it is one thing to run this offense when you have Colin Kaepernick, RGIII, Russell Wilson, Mike Vick, Cam Newton running it.....but what happens when those starters DO get crushed and can't play?

But what happens to that scheme when the backups come in....and boys....check out this list of who the #2 QBs on these teams are:


RGIII's backup is Kirk Cousins. OK, he did good vs. Browns last year:


Mike Vick's backup is Nick Foles.


Cam Newton's backup is Derek Anderson....oops


Colin Kaepernick's backup is Colt McCoy...oops oops


Russell Wilson's backup is Brady Quinn...oops oops oops

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The results were that if he carries out the fake he can get hit. If he shows he doesn't have the ball (puts his hands up, doesn't carry the fake, etc), he's protected - just like any other QB after handing the ball off. QBs can't be hit after handing it off - think Favre in the "Bounty Bowl". Whether or not you agree with that, it's the rule.

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I'd bet the sentiment would be alot different on this board if the Brown's QB was RG3, Kepernick, Wilson, Newton or Vick. Most of you were screaming for James Harrison to be taken back out to the woodshed and executed after he knocked ole' Colt McCoy out of the game with a concussion. Whether or not, the read option is a fad, Goodell will continue to water down the game of football with idiotic rules on how to properly hit someone in a given situation. I'm surprised Yoga is a training camp requirement. The league is scared of the concussion lawsuit and they are fixated on legislating thier liability by rule changes until the NFL approximates flag football. Hell, I'd bet before Goodell is done, they'll have enough rules in place that women will be playing In NFL. The Brown's probably won't trailblaze the NFL with female participation but I suspect Dan Rooney to be all over that, to add to his legacy.

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I'd bet the sentiment would be alot different on this board if the Brown's QB was RG3, Kepernick, Wilson, Newton or Vick. Most of you were screaming for James Harrison to be taken back out to the woodshed and executed after he knocked ole' Colt McCoy out of the game with a concussion. Whether or not, the read option is a fad, Goodell will continue to water down the game of football with idiotic rules on how to properly hit someone in a given situation. I'm surprised Yoga is a training camp requirement. The league is scared of the concussion lawsuit and they are fixated on legislating thier liability by rule changes until the NFL approximates flag football. Hell, I'd bet before Goodell is done, they'll have enough rules in place that women will be playing In NFL. The Brown's probably won't trailblaze the NFL with female participation but I suspect Dan Rooney to be all over that, to add to his legacy.

Well, as I sort of hinted at above, it is my belief that if you are going to run a certain type of offense in this league, you had better have your backup, and perhaps even your #3 QB be a person capable of running that primary offense.

John Unitas had a similar type backup QB in Earl Morral. Joe Montana had Steve Young for a while until to run backup in the WCO, until he took over, then Young had Jeff Garcia.


If the Seahawks want to run the read option...WTF are they doing with Brady Quinn at backup....or the Panthers with DA there?

Colt McCoy might run you the WCO....but I am not so sure about the read option.

Last year the Steelers at least had the Charlie Batch's and Byron Leftwich to be BR's backup. Somewhat similar guys.

No, if these guys want to run this read option, then it was the Panthers, not the Pats, who should have picked up Tebow, who can run that. Or someone should get Brad Smith. And Vince Young should have been kept by the Eagles.


If Geno Smith and EJ Manuel get NFL starting jobs....and their teams utilize their strengths by going to the read option, they you sure don't want Mark Sanchez and Ryan Fitzpatrick being the backups on those teams.

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I'd bet the sentiment would be alot different on this board if the Brown's QB was RG3, Kepernick, Wilson, Newton or Vick. Most of you were screaming for James Harrison to be taken back out to the woodshed and executed after he knocked ole' Colt McCoy out of the game with a concussion. Whether or not, the read option is a fad, Goodell will continue to water down the game of football with idiotic rules on how to properly hit someone in a given situation. I'm surprised Yoga is a training camp requirement. The league is scared of the concussion lawsuit and they are fixated on legislating thier liability by rule changes until the NFL approximates flag football. Hell, I'd bet before Goodell is done, they'll have enough rules in place that women will be playing In NFL. The Brown's probably won't trailblaze the NFL with female participation but I suspect Dan Rooney to be all over that, to add to his legacy.


"If you mean a well spoken black man that doesn't get into trouble....well he's the torch carrier there."


That's not my point Mik- my .02 was RGIII is getting far more press than he deserves at this point in his career. If you want to attribute that to being black and well spoken- so what? It isn't deserved. Plenty of other guys in the NFL with better resumes that could equally well fill that bill.


And to Endy- There's a difference in the injury to Colt, RGIII- or Tom Brady's for that matter. Harrison is a not too bright head-hunting thug. In case you think I'm being a homer- TJ Ward got fined for a royal hit he put on a defenseless player in the end zone- and learned from it. Harrison had to get suspended a bunch of times before he got the message (maybe).


I agree with you about Goodell. You can't hit a qb high anymore, or dive for his knees- so what's next? Put a flag in their pocket and say they're down?

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Just take off the pads and play touch pussy, lol.


Don't take off the pads, just change them to the way they were in the 20's and 30's, leather helmet and all. I played rugby in college

a few decades ago, and believe me, you change the way you tackle. You don't have a choice.

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"If you mean a well spoken black man that doesn't get into trouble....well he's the torch carrier there."



sorry post wasn't aimed at you.


with all the racial tension in the air now with what happened with cooper in philly i was trying to throw up an opposite example.


still think the read option is shit and will get figured out faster than a woman who 'dances' for a living.


rg3=will probably remember his kids names. cromartie=what was the question?

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I'd bet the sentiment would be alot different on this board if the Brown's QB was RG3, Kepernick, Wilson, Newton or Vick. Most of you were screaming for James Harrison to be taken back out to the woodshed and executed after he knocked ole' Colt McCoy out of the game with a concussion. Whether or not, the read option is a fad, Goodell will continue to water down the game of football with idiotic rules on how to properly hit someone in a given situation. I'm surprised Yoga is a training camp requirement. The league is scared of the concussion lawsuit and they are fixated on legislating thier liability by rule changes until the NFL approximates flag football. Hell, I'd bet before Goodell is done, they'll have enough rules in place that women will be playing In NFL. The Brown's probably won't trailblaze the NFL with female participation but I suspect Dan Rooney to be all over that, to add to his legacy.


what a douchebag fan. of any sport. you just must love trolling on your rivals' forums (no matter what they be........cosmetology etc.).


get a life.


of course it would be different dickhead, BUT IT AIN"T!!

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How long before he blows out his knee again? Hasn't it already happened 2 times? Once in college and then last year?


If he can't become a pocket passer he will last 5 years.

did you watch the RG I did last year? I would have to say he did just fine in the pocket, very accurate and hardly ever threw an Int. He will do fine if and when he learns to stay in the pocket and quit taking ridiculous hits
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I'm not saying you all are saying this, but he didn't get hurt running the read option. He got hurt (all three times) scrambling on passing plays. He does need to take better care of himself though (sliding, getting out of bounds, throwing the ball away, etc), but the read option wasn't what hurt him.

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People have to be realistic about this.


If you or I had RG3's injuries, we would heal just fine. Certainly this kind of would not stop TimCouchPullsOut from having the flexibility he needs on his job bending and saying "AHHHH" at the local glory holes. However for a pro athlete?


Look, the NFL brings in the biggest, fastest, hardest hitting, most physical athletes in the world. Worse? They don't need steroids any more. Anyone can go to the "shot-nurse" and get 100% testosterone shots, of which there is no regulation and there can be no regulation against T blood levels. The days of testing for unfair T boosts form residual steroid by-products in the liver are gone. The flood gates are open kiddies, the new NFL player is a short lived, over muscled, violent mutha fukka who is going to decimate anything he hits, and in short time, himself as well.


RG3 is a run-first QB. Unlike a RB, he isn't build thick, and he doesn't run in a compact manner through a hole. He runs out in the open where guys can build up big speed and whack him good.


Again, the speed he has lost would be meaningless to us, but to RG3? WIth the monsters he has coming at him? It could litrally, without joke, find him crippled, brain dead, or surely with legs hat will ache him all the days of his post 30 year old life.


And now that he has lost a step? His fate is even worse. HIs ass clown of an organization is going to try to make him a pocket passer and he will fail because he just isn't wired that way. As he fails, he will feel the need to make up for it and be the hero.

Running when he shouldn't, tackling guys that pick him off and getting collapsed?


It isn't just the re-injure of his knee that makes him a risk. He is the quintessential bleeding tuna in a shark school. If you think guys are not gunning extra hard to be the one who sends him home a cripple, if you think they are not salivating to be the guy who fucks him up for good, then you have a simpleton's view of te NFL.


This kid is going to have an early, painful and pathetic exit from the NFL.


Ballpeen says the spread is here to stay? Yep, with loser coaches and dickhead organizations.


A QB is the job of a general surgeon. He has to have a great brain to lead 22 men, and he has to have a surgical instrument to carve up his victims. RG3 has neither. Favre, Elway, Brady, Marino, Kelly, Kosar, Bradshaw, and others all had that, And none of them ever had injuries that they couldn't recover from. Over 8, 9 years? Sure, but as slow as Bernie was....... he got rid of the fucking ball, I don't ever remember him running like an asshole to be the hero. He ran with guts, and te smarts to get what he could and get the hell out of the way.


Great QBs live to play another game.


RG3 is a disaster that has already been written down into history. He is the Nascar crash that you know you will see this year.


Coaches need to stop teaching kids like RG3 to be quarterbacks. RG3 isn't pro quarterback material, and never was. Is he athletic? Yep. Can he pull of some amazing things at QB? Yep. Can he lad a team to multiple playoff years. No, his career is closer to the grave than it is the cradle.

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did you watch the RG I did last year? I would have to say he did just fine in the pocket, very accurate and hardly ever threw an Int. He will do fine if and when he learns to stay in the pocket and quit taking ridiculous hits

If he is to do all that, then it means the read option should not be an offense they are running. Shanahan would have to run the same offense he ran in Denver with Elway.

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If the Seahawks want to run the read option...WTF are they doing with Brady Quinn at backup....or the Panthers with DA there?

Colt McCoy might run you the WCO....but I am not so sure about the read option.

Last year the Steelers at least had the Charlie Batch's and Byron Leftwich to be BR's backup. Somewhat similar guys.

No, if these guys want to run this read option, then it was the Panthers, not the Pats, who should have picked up Tebow, who can run that. Or someone should get Brad Smith. And Vince Young should have been kept by the Eagles.


It's all salary cap and pedigree. How many of these QBs you mentioned should be out of the league by now? They were all number #1 draft choices and they are all on the cheap. Everything is based around the franchise QB, he consumes around 10-12% of cap space. Teams don't want to invest more in a QB. Coaches in general prefer a known quantity to developing an eventual successor. Teams would have to invest some money in logical successor, especially since there are so few "surgeon" QBs out there. Matt Kassel looked to be molded in the vien of Tom Brady, yet after his big season the Chiefs offered him a ridiculous salary that the Patriots would never pay for a back-up guy. All that investment in a successor was pretty much for naught.


In addition, there's a false sense of security that comes with having a former first round QB on your depth chart, even if he's flunking out of the league. Most of these guys are going to stick around if they can fill a roll on a team, because they're less likely to be offered a big contract due to past failures. The guy who looks like he's Tom Brady Part 2, without the major failure has more promise and will command more money than the rehashed first rounders.


Then there's the chaos factor. If...no, when your franchise guy goes down, you hope it's only for 1-2 weeks. Then you cross your fingers and hope your opponents are more confused about what you're doing than you are. The goal is to sneak in a few victories in before the opponents figure out that smoke screen and crush you.

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Harrison is a not too bright head-hunting thug. In case you think I'm being a homer- TJ Ward got fined for a royal hit he put on a defenseless player in the end zone- and learned from it. Harrison had to get suspended a bunch of times before he got the message (maybe).


I never said Harrison was too bright. The play against Colt by Harrison warranted nothing more than a 15 yard penalty. In all reality, TJ Ward will probably cream some other defenseless player in the future, should he be suspended then? The Harrison play comes to mind because I'm familiar with it being a Steelers. However, those types of plays happen many times with different teams all through-out the season. (I not an encylopedia of the every player in the NFL) Should these types of hits be suspendable? I don't think so. How do you change courses in a fraction of a second playing at full throttle? Why didn't they suspend that Patriot who deliberately launched his helment upwards into a defenseless reciever coming down with the ball? (I believe that play happened the same weekend as the Harrison hit).


There's no doubt Harrison was made an example out of. I don't understand why so many football players open their mouths to the media. Did Harrison really think Goodell would rule favorably in his situation after the types of comments he made about the commish? Unfortunately, when Goodell makes an example out of Harrision and justifies it with player safety, it compels him to maintain that legislated safety displine with other players. I'd have preferred if Goodell had suspended Harrison for being a general butt-head, than in the name of player safety. Seriously, after the Harrison Sports Illustrated article, surely Goodell could've suspended him for conduct unbecoming of a league player. He did that to Ben Roethlisberger after all.

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I'd bet the sentiment would be alot different on this board if the Brown's QB was RG3...


If Harrison wore Orange and Brown and laid out Big Ben like he did Colt, you guys would have sent your ugly wifes to suck him off in honor of the hit.


Save me the hypocrisy.


Wrong and very wrong...


This forum has a long history of critisizing the sissification of the NFL. But we also know a cheap shot when we see one... and Harrison's on Colt was textbook. To argue anything else is ludicrous.

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