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For anyone who cares, here's last night's streaker getting kicked in the nuts


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They used to do that shit all the time, why would it make him a sex offender? Indecent exposure, like taking piss outside, same thing.


After researching this further, it seems as though you can. Even for just urinating outside. PC world now. Be careful at the tailgates.

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They used to do that shit all the time, why would it make him a sex offender? Indecent exposure, like taking piss outside, same thing.


After researching this further, it seems as though you can. Even for just urinating outside. PC world now. Be careful at the tailgates.


Eh I disagree with at least this guy getting sex offender slapped on em. Streaking and crap like this are moronic and dangerous. You make this guy a sex offender and it makes the next idiot at least think twice about it.

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They used to do that shit all the time, why would it make him a sex offender? Indecent exposure, like taking piss outside, same thing.


After researching this further, it seems as though you can. Even for just urinating outside. PC world now. Be careful at the tailgates.

Well, it is like suspending a person's drivers license because he has been caught with a little weed.

Now, as a magistrate, I have to uphold this particular statute all the time.

But, in reality can anyone tell you just WTF one has to do with another?

No, it is just that there are so many with puckered sphincters out that that believe that "just punishment" isn't enough. They have to create new rules/laws that have nothing to do with the actual offense to prove themselves righteous.

Clearly this butthead was trying just to do something completely stupid. But trying to somehow impose him self sexually?

No. His display of his shortcomings should maybe get him put in a psyche ward....but not garner him a label as a sex offender.

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You make this guy a sex offender and it makes the next idiot at least think twice about it.


Except ... he's not a sex offender. There was nothing sexual about it.


Why don't don't we punish people for the crimes that actually did, instead of labelling them as something they are not in the name of prevention.


Make the trespassing rules tougher, pass laws specifically for streakers ... but don't make them sexual offenders ... that doesn't fit.



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Except ... he's not a sex offender. There was nothing sexual about it.


Why don't don't we punish people for the crimes that actually did, instead of labelling them as something they are not in the name of prevention.


Make the trespassing rules tougher, pass laws specifically for streakers ... but don't make them sexual offenders ... that doesn't fit.




There were probably thousands of women and children in the audience who saw the guy exposing himself. I do hear what you're saying but there is a little correlation there. I mean if someone in a trench coat flashed a child he should be a sex offender too. I just know I HATE these idiots who run/streak during games.

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There were probably thousands of women and children in the audience who saw the guy exposing himself. I do hear what you're saying but there is a little correlation there. I mean if someone in a trench coat flashed a child he should be a sex offender too. I just know I HATE these idiots who run/streak during games.


I know, but the guy in the trench coat is getting a creepy sexual thing out of exposing himself.


This guy is just being a public assclown.


Maybe we need stronger assclown laws.



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There were probably thousands of women and children in the audience who saw the guy exposing himself. I do hear what you're saying but there is a little correlation there. I mean if someone in a trench coat flashed a child he should be a sex offender too. I just know I HATE these idiots who run/streak during games.



That was my thought too. personally, I thought it was pretty funny- but like you said there were a bunch of kids in the stands. Sex offender is a little harsh IMHO. I vote for a week in jail and a $1,000 fine.

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The problem here is the conserative american mindset that still lives in the dark ages...I mean..Is being nude at a nude beach gonna brand people as sex offenders now? I mean it's up to parents first of all to teach theyre children what a penis and a vagina is in a responsible caring way. the problem is were still tethered to old religious crack pot morals that are simply unecesarry and outdated...Now Im not condoning streaking by any means. But c'mon..People in Europe laugh at us for stupid shit like this...The problem is in America, we have given the last 4-5 generations of people hang ups about nudity as where in other cultures it is open and accepted...This country really needs a psychological shake up...



EDIT: And we wonder why there are so many sexually degenerate people in society today, is because Our society has inadvertantly created them...End rant!

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Well, it is like suspending a person's drivers license because he has been caught with a little weed.

Now, as a magistrate, I have to uphold this particular statute all the time

So if I am walking down the street and get busted for smoking a fatty, I get my Driver's license suspended?

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Back in the 70's streaking was seen as a harmless rite of passage. It was hardly viewed as a criminal offense and there was no


stigma of 'budding sexual predator' attached to it. I think it has lost some of it's appeal over the years due to sports broadcasts refusing


to allow it's audience to view it as it occurs. FWIW, I would rather have my children view some bouncing cack and balls than having to witness


somebody being assaulted with a kick to the groin. I think Rambo over did it a bit there on the field. There were a half dozen security dicks converging


on the perp. I didn't see any reason to kick the dude in the balls. Witnessing violence leaves much more of a traumatic imprint on a young mind


than a mere drunk taking his clothes off.

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This is insane. Would be fun but not worth being banned for life! I've gotta be there when we get home field advantage in the Playoffs... So that's a deal breaker. :D

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Heaven forbid the women and children see the blur of a tiny penis from hundreds of feet away.

that's funny


i like how both staff guys used the element of surprise on him: the nut kicker acted like he wasn't interested until the very last second and the other guy is just casually walking around the end zone when all of a sudden they converge and WHAM!! dude lays him out w this phantom tackle out of nowhere! haha priceless!


i preferred seeing the shoulder blow much more than the bitch ass kick to the jewels...which like pepper spray is a misconception to most, as anyone with the will can sufficiently fight through both if the situation is big enough. much more of a "lackluster deterrent" than being comparable to "heart-attack style incapacitation" as many perceive.


dude was a typical streaker, not aggressive or dangerous, just...streaking...and Sideline Sam decides to play hero by crushing his baby-makers. epically wack imo.

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drove the French Riviera w my lady this summer...weirdly ended up at 2 nude beaches along the way (i kept it modest, my girl aired it all out if any care). not my thing personally but for real some of us are some serious fucking prudes. jeebus...like Nickers said, we need to get over it already. the higher we put it on the pedastool the more we empower this nonsense. news flash...the apple exaggerated...its just flesh.

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So if I am walking down the street and get busted for smoking a fatty, I get my Driver's license suspended?


maybe in ohio.


in NY the cops wouldn't give you a second look, unless of course you're sitting in front of them basically challenging them to do something.


i too was surprised way back when the first day in the city the scent of herbage came floating down the side walk and it was just some dude nonchalantly puffing a spliff walkin down the street.


no big deal. cops have better things to do, bigger crimes to deal with than to waste their time and the system's time with petty bullshit like that.


i thought they just gave you a ticket, depending on what you are caught with? i mean if you got 6 ozs all rolled up and ready to sell then they can get you for attempt to distribute......but for a doobie? GTFO.


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