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Idiots and Asswipes


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I have read a lot of different analyses about this year's Browns. Some of the posts have been really detailed, too. However, EmperorGhoolie posted several times (voluminously?) that the Turner-Chud offense would look no different than Shurmurs offense.


The reasons he gave were


  1. Without skill players that can threaten, defenses would stay home, i.e close to the line of scrimmage, not bite on anything, and force the short dump offs.
  2. Weeden holds on to the ball, too long
  3. By keeping 8-9 men close to the LOS Richardson would be smothered, and injured quickly.
  4. No offensive line can block a swarm of defenders who know what's coming at them.

For all the analyses I have seen, this dude's is the only one that not only makes sense, but plays out. As I mentioned in another post, even Bernie Kosar's analysis of the game bears this out 100%. At the end of the game Bernie said the Colts just smothered the Browns O and because Gordon, Little and company can't get any seperation, Weeden is having the same options that he did last year............. short dink and dumps.


The poster also maintains that all NFL teams have pretty much the same playbooks, and this would indeed make sense. Maybe a trick play here or there, but a screen is a screen, a draw is a draw, and a post is a post. As I watched this game I saw too many Colts defenders just hanging around the center of the snap point. No matter where Gordon and Little were, 99% of the time they were easily blanketed.No amount of clevel play calling is going to change that.


Our WRs are among the absolute worst in the NFL, and Weeden is average, at best. I agree with the poster in question, "he takes too (expletive deleted) long to release the ball" and in my opinion he might as well be throwing to drunks off Superior avenue.


New coach, new OC, New OL, New D ? Yep........ same lousy QB, WR and TEs however is going to yield the same results. Insanity......... keep doing the same thing and expect different results.I give props to the analysis in question. More than anything else I have read about the Browns, this is seemingly very accurate.


This is going to be a long, painful year.






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The one time we are in line for a playoff berth type season we get negativity. Not much has changed

play off berth season. lol yeah if the broncos, pats, colts, steelers, ravens, texas teams all miraculously die in a tragic plane crash we MAY have a chance at a playoff berth. lets face it. we suck. lets welcome the Taj Boyd era to Cleveland.

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play off berth season. lol yeah if the broncos, pats, colts, steelers, ravens, texas teams all miraculously die in a tragic plane crash we MAY have a chance at a playoff berth. lets face it. we suck. lets welcome the Taj Boyd era to Cleveland.


well why don't you do us all a favor. while you are jumping onto the broncos, pats, colts, steelers, ravens or texans bandwagon jump short and get hit by the short bus you Retard.


colts are NOT that good. patriots will be mediocre. pttisburgh will be last in our division. ravens will be second to last. turmoil in denver (mannings can't handle turmoil) and the texans are on line to being this decades choke team.


where is your loyalty, you little queef?


go fuck yourself.

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well why don't you do us all a favor. while you are jumping onto the broncos, pats, colts, steelers, ravens or texans bandwagon jump short and get hit by the short bus you Retard.


colts are NOT that good. patriots will be mediocre. pttisburgh will be last in our division. ravens will be second to last. turmoil in denver (mannings can't handle turmoil) and the texans are on line to being this decades choke team.


where is your loyalty, you little queef?


go fuck yourself.

You are correct good sir. ALL the teams i lised are not that good as people think, however, we are still akers worse than those teams. I have been a browns fan my whole life and will continue to be. I however, unlike you, are not in denial and I also have the mental capacity, unlike you, to realize we just flat out aren't that good and wont be for some time. Also only complete and utter "Queefs" call people "Queefs" on a forum. You Queef.

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Thank you OP for coming onto this forum and pretending to be some type of expert, but honestly your analysis, just like your role model Ghoolie's, is a little thin... Makes me laugh that the Browns spend 2 2nd round picks on WRs and 2 1st round picks on QB and RB in the last 3 years and THAT is where you want to complain...


Your life must be miserable if you are able to take an aspect of life that is supposed to be fun (Sports) and surround it with so much pessimism before even watching one game? Sad, sad, sad... Is it pure pessimism with life in general? Or, is it a need to berrate others in order to boost your self-esteem? Or, Do you just HAVE to be right about everything, and are taking the safe bet by saying "the Browns are going to stink"? Whichever way... get help...

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I have read a lot of different analyses about this year's Browns. Some of the posts have been really detailed, too. However, EmperorGhoolie posted several times (voluminously?) that the Turner-Chud offense would look no different than Shurmurs offense.


The reasons he gave were


  1. Without skill players that can threaten, defenses would stay home, i.e close to the line of scrimmage, not bite on anything, and force the short dump offs.
  2. Weeden holds on to the ball, too long
  3. By keeping 8-9 men close to the LOS Richardson would be smothered, and injured quickly.
  4. No offensive line can block a swarm of defenders who know what's coming at them.

For all the analyses I have seen, this dude's is the only one that not only makes sense, but plays out. As I mentioned in another post, even Bernie Kosar's analysis of the game bears this out 100%. At the end of the game Bernie said the Colts just smothered the Browns O and because Gordon, Little and company can't get any seperation, Weeden is having the same options that he did last year............. short dink and dumps.


The poster also maintains that all NFL teams have pretty much the same playbooks, and this would indeed make sense. Maybe a trick play here or there, but a screen is a screen, a draw is a draw, and a post is a post. As I watched this game I saw too many Colts defenders just hanging around the center of the snap point. No matter where Gordon and Little were, 99% of the time they were easily blanketed.No amount of clevel play calling is going to change that.


Our WRs are among the absolute worst in the NFL, and Weeden is average, at best. I agree with the poster in question, "he takes too (expletive deleted) long to release the ball" and in my opinion he might as well be throwing to drunks off Superior avenue.


New coach, new OC, New OL, New D ? Yep........ same lousy QB, WR and TEs however is going to yield the same results. Insanity......... keep doing the same thing and expect different results.I give props to the analysis in question. More than anything else I have read about the Browns, this is seemingly very accurate.


This is going to be a long, painful year.


And yet, if you had given a report from the first two games things would have been the exact opposite:

A. WRs WERE getting open and separation and plays were being made down field.

B.Weeden WAS striking quickly and accurately

C. Holes for the running game were being opened

D. The Oline was doing a great job of protection.


So...the whole thing changes from game to game.






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110% agree dude. we have no good skill players. We never should of cut massaquoi he was the best deep threat this teams had in decades. This team is heading for another high draft pick. hopefully the new regime next year wont squander it.


Really? The why did Jacksonville....a team in far more desperate need for a WR cut his sorry ass?

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play off berth season. lol yeah if the broncos, pats, colts, steelers, ravens, texas teams all miraculously die in a tragic plane crash we MAY have a chance at a playoff berth. lets face it. we suck. lets welcome the Taj Boyd era to Cleveland.

The Steelers have died in that plane crash. Sorry you missed it.

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If the Browns have no skill players, then why were they able to embarrass Detroit,


before Detroit embarrassed the ratbirds?


What a dumb freakin thread.....


It's preseason already.

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I have read a lot of different analyses about this year's Browns. Some of the posts have been really detailed, too. However, EmperorGhoolie posted several times (voluminously?) that the Turner-Chud offense would look no different than Shurmurs offense.


The reasons he gave were


  1. Without skill players that can threaten, defenses would stay home, i.e close to the line of scrimmage, not bite on anything, and force the short dump offs.
  2. Weeden holds on to the ball, too long
  3. By keeping 8-9 men close to the LOS Richardson would be smothered, and injured quickly.
  4. No offensive line can block a swarm of defenders who know what's coming at them.

For all the analyses I have seen, this dude's is the only one that not only makes sense, but plays out. As I mentioned in another post, even Bernie Kosar's analysis of the game bears this out 100%. At the end of the game Bernie said the Colts just smothered the Browns O and because Gordon, Little and company can't get any seperation, Weeden is having the same options that he did last year............. short dink and dumps.


The poster also maintains that all NFL teams have pretty much the same playbooks, and this would indeed make sense. Maybe a trick play here or there, but a screen is a screen, a draw is a draw, and a post is a post. As I watched this game I saw too many Colts defenders just hanging around the center of the snap point. No matter where Gordon and Little were, 99% of the time they were easily blanketed.No amount of clevel play calling is going to change that.


Our WRs are among the absolute worst in the NFL, and Weeden is average, at best. I agree with the poster in question, "he takes too (expletive deleted) long to release the ball" and in my opinion he might as well be throwing to drunks off Superior avenue.


New coach, new OC, New OL, New D ? Yep........ same lousy QB, WR and TEs however is going to yield the same results. Insanity......... keep doing the same thing and expect different results.I give props to the analysis in question. More than anything else I have read about the Browns, this is seemingly very accurate.


This is going to be a long, painful year.






I do not hate the fact that this is what you think. This board does not like people that think different. They Hate Goolie and hate me as well. I have been e-mail and threaten to be not on a t-shirt because I have my own thoughts in regards to CLeveland Sports. So if this is what you think, so be it!!! Fight for your thoughts. Now I do disagree with some of your thoughts, but who gives a shit. In My opinion The Browns are set for a 7-9, 8-8 season. I do like Weeden and Trich, I love Cameran ( So much I drafted him LAST YR IN FANTASY AND KEPT HIM ON MY BENCH THE WHOLE YR) . The NFL is all about 4 things FO,GM,HC,QB if you have 4 great ones in each spot you can win the Super Bowl. What do the Browns Have??


1. Front Office- ???? Dont really know yet

2. GM- ???? Dont really know yet

3. HC- ???? Dont really know yet

4. QB-???? Dont really know yet


You cant judge Weeden on last yr as we all know Shurmer has bad, but if Weeden sucks this yr then he is done as there is a shit load of QBs coming next yer. Everybody loves Chud, I could care less as long as we get a coach who knows how to win. I dont care if its the biggest Pittsburgh fan on earth coaching the Browns as long as we win. SO we can really see what happens this yr. You might be right, but if your wrong make sure you man up and eat crow

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Massoquoi? Who's that? He was a big-time deep threat receiver? For whom? Better than Gordon was last year? I must've blinked or something.


Next we're gonna hear how well Robiskie took the top off a defense (!).


This thread is kind of a low point, which is good. We can only go up from here!!

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110% agree dude. we have no good skill players. We never should of cut massaquoi he was the best deep threat this teams had in decades. This team is heading for another high draft pick. hopefully the new regime next year wont squander it.

You sound as fk up as that little betch "SkyCums first". You two have to be little trolls with zero knowledge for football. I say the best way to use your talents is for picking up litter. Scurry along now back under your rock...

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I do not hate the fact that this is what you think. This board does not like people that think different. They Hate Goolie and hate me as well. I have been e-mail and threaten to be not on a t-shirt because I have my own thoughts in regards to CLeveland Sports. So if this is what you think, so be it!!! Fight for your thoughts. Now I do disagree with some of your thoughts, but who gives a shit. In My opinion The Browns are set for a 7-9, 8-8 season. I do like Weeden and Trich, I love Cameran ( So much I drafted him LAST YR IN FANTASY AND KEPT HIM ON MY BENCH THE WHOLE YR) . The NFL is all about 4 things FO,GM,HC,QB if you have 4 great ones in each spot you can win the Super Bowl. What do the Browns Have??


1. Front Office- ???? Dont really know yet

2. GM- ???? Dont really know yet

3. HC- ???? Dont really know yet

4. QB-???? Dont really know yet


You cant judge Weeden on last yr as we all know Shurmer has bad, but if Weeden sucks this yr then he is done as there is a shit load of QBs coming next yer. Everybody loves Chud, I could care less as long as we get a coach who knows how to win. I dont care if its the biggest Pittsburgh fan on earth coaching the Browns as long as we win. SO we can really see what happens this yr. You might be right, but if your wrong make sure you man up and eat crow



It's not that we dislike people that think different. And BTW, I don't hate you- or even Ghoolie for that matter. But we do try to keep things somewhat in order on this board. This is a Big Boy forum, if you post something that goes against popular opinion, be prepared to defend it. BTW, it wouldn't be surprised if one (or both) of our Noobs are actually Ghoolie in disguise posting about how wonderful he is is- I've seen him pull that stunt before- a couple of times. :)


Regarding some of your uniform thoughts, sure, you can make money changing your look every year, hoping the (20% or so fashion fags) will rush right out and buy the newest and coolest gear. Saw plenty of people at the Lions game with Cribbs jerseys- even saw someone wearing a Couch one. Not everyone has the $$$ to buy a $80 replica or a $250+ gameday on a whim.

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what people need to realize is..Ghoolie is an instigator. Anybody that has known Ghoolie long enough knows he wants what we all want, and that is a Browns team we can all stand up and cheer about. When I first came to this board. Ghoolie and I lambasted each other pretty good. While I dont agree on everything with him. I understand where he's coming from. He stokes the ire of many on purpose and the joke is basically on you, pretty much. When I see a post I can pretty much tell it's him...I'll joust back just because it's fun. All in all...no harm,no foul....

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Oh, please. Everybody loves tranny dancers. And Miley totally stole that "masturbating with foam finger" bit from me. It was totally my signature. I have the abrasion scars to prove it. Not a great idea, in retrospect.

From Disney teen idol to sluttly little twat in just a few short years.

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Any thread that rhapsodizes over MoMass... that's some obvious instigating right there. Trying to get a reaction. It's insisting that the sky is down for the sake of it. Like Rolling Stone admiring Miley's mental breakdown as "getting it."


Although they may be right. She has an album coming out called "Bangerz" and teens love to love whomever all the grownups are upset with. I'm ongoing interested because I was getting hired to write a movie she was attached to star in... before it all fell apart.


Her version of the Dylan song (I think it's "Lonesome When You Go") shows exactly what she SHOULD be doing. It's pretty fantastic. And "The Climb" is a great, great pop song. Both country-ish.

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It's not that we dislike people that think different. And BTW, I don't hate you- or even Ghoolie for that matter. But we do try to keep things somewhat in order on this board. This is a Big Boy forum, if you post something that goes against popular opinion, be prepared to defend it. BTW, it wouldn't be surprised if one (or both) of our Noobs are actually Ghoolie in disguise posting about how wonderful he is is- I've seen him pull that stunt before- a couple of times. :)


Regarding some of your uniform thoughts, sure, you can make money changing your look every year, hoping the (20% or so fashion fags) will rush right out and buy the newest and coolest gear. Saw plenty of people at the Lions game with Cribbs jerseys- even saw someone wearing a Couch one. Not everyone has the $$$ to buy a $80 replica or a $250+ gameday on a whim.

It is a Big boy forum you say? So being "big boys" you react to something you don't agree with, by posting vulgarity and changing the name of the thread? You see, I read your Terms Of Service, and this contradicts the behavior that you are claiming is acceptable here. Your TOS specifically prohibit personal attacks. As far as I can see, my only sin was to support EmporerGhoolie, and cite Bernie Kosar's comments that Little and Gordon can't get separation. I mean, I thought you guys said Kosar was knowledgeable? So which one is it?


To the poster who suggested I grow some hair on my "expletive deleted", I can't. I am a woman. I am wondering, is it a TOS violation to agree with EmporerGhoolie? Is it a violation to know him and occassionally work on musical projects with him? For the record, he suggested this board to me. How wonderful it was for me to tell my parents, friends and caregiver (all of whom are Browns fans) about this board, just to open up the board and see my thread and me labeled Idiots and Asswipes. Indeed Mr. Hoorta, you are a big boy and should be proud of your behavior. By all means, insult me and degrade me, I assure you, I am in no position, physically or otherwise to compete with you "Big Boys".


You people are so obsessed with EmporerGhoolie that you believe everyone who doesn't agree with you is either him, or a Troll? You are that shallow in character that you have to mock and ridicule any thought that doesn't express roses and butterflies for the team and players that you fantasize about? You should be ashamed of yourself. I will leave you, and this disgusting collection of inconsiderate scum-imitations of human beings. For all your football "knowledge" none of the new wonderment that your great analyses call out are coming to fruition. Your buddy, and I believe Master, EmperorGhoolie predicted that the 2013 offense would be absolutely the same as the 2012 version. So far, it looks like he is more accurate than any of you. I think THAT is the source of your tantrums and childish behavior. Finally, as I look at this board, and behavior of adolescents such as yourself, I understand why this board only has homers, you "big boys" aren't big boy enough to play fairly. It's your ball, and you are going to determine the rules, as the game progresses.


How sad Browns fans have become. Don't bother responding to me, I won't again open this deposit of dried feces.

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