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Wishful Prediction

The Gipper

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and her is mine ... I had a hard time picking a tean in the AFCS I could stomach, don't like any of them

AFCE: Buffalo

AFCN: Cleveland

AFCS: Houston

AFCW: Oakland

WCs: Kansas City/San Diego

NFCE: Washington

NFCN: Detroit

NFCS: New Orleans

NFCW: San Francisco

WCs: Bears, Packers

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Here is the way I would like to see it as to who gets in the playoffs:


AFCE: Buffalo

AFCN: Cleveland

AFCS: Tennessee

AFCW: San Diego


WCs: Jets/Bengals


NFCE: Philly

NFCN: Detroit

NFCS: Atlanta

NFCW: Arizona


WCs: Vikings, Seahawks

Jets ???? they might win 2 games this year, and thats a big maybe

Buffalo- Has NO QB

Arizona- 7 win team

Lions- Could be good, but bad coaching

San Diego- Overrated


Just my 2 cents :)

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Here is the way I would like to see it as to who gets in the playoffs:


AFCN: Cleveland


WCs: Jets/Bengals


NFCE: Philly


You're seriously wishing for Philly? Really? Philadelphians are by far the most obnoxious Pennsylvanians...and I'd say the most obnoxious sports fan in the entire country. As much as you may hate Pittsburgher's and the Steelers, our obnoxiousness is like garbage bag compared to the landfill that Philadelphia is. And besides, their QB abuses Cleveland's mascot.


I would be absolutely shocked if Cincinnati doesn't win the ACFN Division crown this year. I'm not convinced another team from the North will make the play-offs. There's some pluses and negatives regarding the Ravens, Steelers and Browns. I just can't sort out what the order will be, and I don't see any of them with a record better than 10-6...which is worst I see the Bengals finishing.

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Jets ???? they might win 2 games this year, and thats a big maybe

Buffalo- Has NO QB

Arizona- 7 win team

Lions- Could be good, but bad coaching

San Diego- Overrated


Just my 2 cents :)

I didn't say this is who I thought would win, just who I wish would win

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You're seriously wishing for Philly? Really? Philadelphians are by far the most obnoxious Pennsylvanians...and I'd say the most obnoxious sports fan in the entire country. As much as you may hate Pittsburgher's and the Steelers, our obnoxiousness is like garbage bag compared to the landfill that Philadelphia is. And besides, their QB abuses Cleveland's mascot.


I would be absolutely shocked if Cincinnati doesn't win the ACFN Division crown this year. I'm not convinced another team from the North will make the play-offs. There's some pluses and negatives regarding the Ravens, Steelers and Browns. I just can't sort out what the order will be, and I don't see any of them with a record better than 10-6...which is worst I see the Bengals finishing.

Yes, I would rather have the Eagles win that division as opposed to the Giants, Redskins, and Cowboys. Again, this is wish list...not a "I predict" list. Plus I have a couple of former roomates from Philly....and my nephew's wife is from Philly. So, I got a few Philly ties. And it is overall stupidity and ignorance that I dislike about Peetown fans.not their obnoxiousness. (though, perhaps you are the rare exception that doesn't fit that boat)

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Here is the way I would like to see it as to who gets in the playoffs:


OK, my motivation for these choices:


AFCE: Buffalo no title since 1965

AFCN: Cleveland no title since 1964...aside from the fact it is "us".

AFCS: Tennessee no title since 1961 as Houston Oilers

AFCW: San Diego no title since 1963


WCs: Jets..no title since 1968/Bengals..no title since team inception in 1968


NFCE: Philly no title since 1960

NFCN: Detroit...no title since 1957

NFCS: Atlanta...no title since team inception in 1967

NFCW: Arizona...no title since 1947 as Chicago Cardinals


WCs: Vikings...no title since team inception in 1960, Seahawks...no title since team inception since 1976

And, OK, lets ask this question: Have any of you been born since 1968 (or Jan. 1969). If born after that date none of all these teams have won a title in your lifetimes. That is....anyone who is under 45 years old. Jets win in 1968 the last title for every one of these teams (including Seattle originated in 1976).

Consider: an entire NFL playoff field without a team who has won a title in 45 years.

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Here's how I arrived at my "wishful predictions"


1. Eliminate teams I hate




2. Eliminate front running gay teams




3 Eliminate cities that stole other franchises


Ravens, Colts, Titans, Rams, Cardinals


4 Eliminate expansion franchises whose existence caused a vacuum that caused other teams to move


Jacksonville, Carolina


4 Eliminate any other bastardized franchises that stole their concept form another team




5 Eliminate teams that caused great heatbreak to the Browns




6 Eliminate all teams from obnoxious New York and Boston


Giants, Jets, Patriots


7 Eliminate all teams from obnoxious Texas


(The Texans would have gotten eliminated here but the rest of their division was already gone)


That left in the AFC:










I then eliminated dolphins because their fans are pussies.


In the NFC we had:














So, I eliminated the Seahawks and Bucs because I have suffered longer than they have been around. And then I eliminated the Vikings because they had the least seniority of the NFC North teams.


Then I just picked New Orleans over Atlanta because I enjoyed partying in New Orleans.



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Well let me see if I can do a similar analysis from my own perspective:..


Seahawks...eliminate because of silly logo/colors and because that town likes soccer too much.


Raiders....keep in because they seem to be the Hell's Angels teams and because they come off as badasses


49ers...eliminate because they attract too many winesipping yuppie types.


Chargers....keep because San Diego has nice weather and I like their powder blues.


Arizona...eliminate...Cardinals had no business moving there from St. Louis


Broncos....eliminate for the same reason as you...horsehead team run by a horseface guy.


Cowboys/Texans...eliminate because, yea, you can't root for DumbAss Texans and the biggest FRAK team on the planet.


Saints..., keep because they have cool unis...and because they are in NO...and who don't like Bourbon St.


Chiefs...keep because they have great fans....similar to Browns


Rams...eliminate....should never left LA.


Vikings....keep...because my son lives there now and so do cousins.


Packers....keep...because they are the only community owned team, and my wife is from Wisc.


Bears....keep...because who don't like Chicago


Colts...eliminate. Should never have left Baltimore


Detroit...keep....that city needs something...and who don't like a color called "Honolulu Blue".




Cincinnati... eliminate. Those stripes are getting tacky looking...and yes, they are but a bastard stepchild of a team.


Tennessee...Shoulda never left Houston..eliminate


Atlanta...kinda neutral....they have been a nothingburger since creation. Atlanta a little to yuppified for me. If forced...eliminate


Tampa Bay...eliminate...fans too fickle and transient


Miami...eliminate. They got LeBron, let them suck on his nuts.


Jacksonville....keep. I don't have the same bias against new teams as Z. Name goes good with the town. Plus, they seem harmless.


Carolina. Ordinarily I would elimate, because I don't care for teams that can't figure out where they are...Pick a state...a town, whatever. Yea. Eliminate


Washington. Keep, I guess. Though I agree they name is racist.


Baltimore...eliminate. A team born of a cum shot.


Pittsburgh..eliminate. Dumbest fans on the planet


Philadelphia...keep. Having obnoxious fans is no detraction for me. Friends and family in the area.


Buffalo...keep. Cleveland's kid brother.


NY Giants/NY Jets/NE Patriots. ESPN suckles the east coast teat enough. I don't need to.

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